PRELOAD-HACKS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is it? The preload-hacks distribution contains a couple of LD_PRELOAD- able libraries which I find very useful. Well, one useful one, and one which is really handy in theory. uopen Traps when a process is trying to open(2) a Unix-domain socket, and does the appropriate socket(2)/connect(2) dance instead. I've no idea why it doesn't work like this in the first place. noip Traps when a process is trying to make an Internet socket, and makes a Unix-domain socket instead. The first one is the one which is useful in theory but I've not really made much use of in practice. uopen The main use-case is variable signatures. Many mail and news clients nowadays have built-in sigmonsters, which choose a .signature at random from a collection. Some don't, of course, which is a shame. It would be nice if the sigmonster was detachable, so you could just write a sigmonster and attach it to your favourite newsreader. It would extra nice if newsreaders (and mail clients) don't have to use some kind of weirdo sigmonster interface just to do this stupid thing with .signatures. All mail and news clients know how to read a .signature file. It's why it's got that name. So the right answer seems to be to make this file magically have different contents each time it's read. Noticing when someone tries to read a regular file is just awful so let's not think about that idea any more. We could make .signature be a named pipe; but named pipe servers are very difficult to get right when there are multiple simultaneous clients. Sockets are, of course, the right answer when client/server architectures come up. And we've got a convenient way of stashing sockets in the filesystem: PF_UNIX sockets. So, we write our sigmonster: $ fwd -d from unix:$HOME/.signature to exec.fortune And now we check to see whether it works. $ cat ~/.signature cat: /home/mdw/.signature: No such device or address Hmm. That blows. Surely it's obvious how to read from a socket. But, no, the kernel won't do the socket/connect thing for us. Enter uopen. $ uopen cat ~/.signature Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she laid an asteroid. -- Mark Twain Joy! This isn't perfect. The file is weird and not a proper file. Emacs will refuse to visit it as a result. But it /will/ happily insert the contents of the file into existing buffers. Hopefully other editors are similar. `less' wants the -f option before it will bother. But actually it works pretty well. The right place for the functionality of uopen is in the kernel. It shouldn't be difficult. I even submitted a patch to the Linux kernel list to do precisely that, once, back in the days of 2.0.x. It was ignored, and I gave up; the patch bitrotted hopelessly. My LD_PRELOAD hack still works. There's no configuration. It just works. My .signature has been `-- [mdw]' for years now, and that's unlikely to change. So I don't actually use uopen very much. But it's cool to know that it exists. noip The basic idea This I use every day. All the time. Here's the use case. We'll see some more examples later. Some random program has a client/server split between the main guts of the thing and its user interface, and the two communicate over TCP sockets. There are lots of examples: SLIME (the Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs) runs a Common Lisp system as a separate process. The SAGE notebook runs a web server and you're meant to use a Javascript-supporting web browser to drive it. All sorts of stuff. Usually the programmer knew just enough to remember to bind the server's listening socket to, to stop everyone on the Internet from connecting, but often the security consciousness stops there. If you're very lucky, there's some sort of password mechanism. The problem, of course, occurs on a multi-user system. Binding to localhost doesn't stop any other user of the same machine from connecting. In the cases of SLIME and SAGE, this is a big problem: both provide a full programming environment (respectively Common Lisp and Python) which would let an attacker do anything he likes in your name. Passwords are wretched as a security mechanism. Besides, I shouldn't need a damned password to talk to one of my own processes from another one of my own processes! The operating system should be able to ensure that processes owned by the same user can communicate securely. There's a whole filesystem with access control and everything. The right answer is to use Unix-domain sockets, which live in the filesystem and have proper access control applied to them. But programmers are lazy, and Unix-domain sockets don't exist on Windows (well, unless you install Cygwin, but I can see why that's an unpopular idea). The noip LD_PRELOAD hack intercepts the socket(2) system call. If the process is asking for a PF_INET socket, then it hands out a PF_UNIX socket instead. If the process tries to bind(2) its socket to, say, then noip binds it to /tmp/noip-USER/ instead (having previously created the directory /tmp/noip-USER and made sure that nobody else can get to it). If the process tries to connect(2) somewhere, noip fixes up the address. The noip hack intercepts 14 different system calls in order to prevent its systematic dishonesty from being discovered. Configuration Running a program under noip effectively only allows it to talk to other programs running under noip. This is sort of the idea, but it's rather restrictive in practice. I can happily run $ noip emacs and start up SLIME, and Emacs and SLIME will communicate securely over a Unix-domain socket without either of them noticing. But now Emacs can't talk to anything other than SLIME, which makes w3m-el less useful than it used to be, and, worse, my Common Lisp programs can't talk to anything external either, which may make writing network-aware Lisp programs annoying. It gets worse with SAGE. I can run $ noip sage -notebook and in another window $ noip iceweasel http://localhost:8000/ (or Firefox, on Ubuntu), and the two will communicate happily. But now my Iceweasel is crippled and can't actually talk to the rest of the Internet. The point of the exercise was to make my SAGE process secure, not to make me run two copies of Iceweasel and have to cope with the inevitable profile fork. So noip can be configured. It still defaults to safety: whenever the process asks for a new Internet socket, noip hands it a fake plastic Unix-domain socket instead. But when the process tries to bind or connect its socket, noip will look the address up in a list decide what to do. If the result comes back `allow', then noip will do a three-card Monte, rustling up a real PF_INET socket and replacing the plastic imitation; if the result comes back `deny' then noip will continue with its elaborate deception. The configuration file lives in $HOME/.noip. Mine says something like this. ## standard configuration ## debug realconnect + realconnect + realconnect + realconnect + realconnect + realconnect - realconnect -local ( is the IP address of the machine I took this from.) What this says is as follows. * Don't produce debugging output, but let me turn it on easily if I feel the urge. * Allow direct connection to my SMTP server, on port 25. (The `+' means `allow'.) * Allow conversations with my local DNS server. (The noip hack is not particularly discriminating. It replaces UDP sockets with Unix-domain datagram sockets, just as it replaces TCP sockets with Unix-domain stream sockets.) * Allow conversations with my local web server. * Allow conversations with my local squid proxy. * Allow conversations with SSH-forwarded X displays. * Don't allow any other communication with anything else on the loopback network (I've still no idea why each machine needs 16 million IP addresses for talking to itself. The `-' means `deny'.) * Don't allow any other communication with any of my other local IP addresses. (noip will work out which IP addresses are local from your network interface configuration.) * And finally, implicitly, allow anything else. The rules follow the squid convention: the default is to do whatever the last rule didn't do, so if the last rule says `deny' then the default is `allow', and vice versa. Armed with this configuration, I now routinely run both Emacs and Iceweasel exclusively under the control of noip. And I've done this for several years. SSH tricks SSH is made of win. Its X forwarding is lovely. Its port forwarding divine. Almost. Here's a common scenario. I'm running on a multi-user server, shared with several other people whom I don't necessarily trust. I want to check some files out from my office's version-control system. Traditional answer: $ ssh -L Now I can run $ vcs -d localhost:12345 checkout ... and all works well. Of course, anyone else on the server can do the same thing, so I've just leaked my company's secret sauce. (I don't believe in secret sauce, but I ought to show willing.) How do I fix this? Easy! $ noip ssh -L $ noip vcs -d localhost:12345 checkout ... And it all works. In this case, in particular, it's essential that the /same/ SSH process binds a safe, plastic local end to its forwarded VCS port, and is able to make a real, potentially dangerous Internet connection to Of course, since I run Emacs under noip anyway, all the version control stuff that Emacs does magically find the SSH tunnel and work without me having to care. Local variables: mode: text fill-column: 72 End: