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1OCB3 test vectors for larger block sizes
4This distribution contains (what I intend to be) a reference
5implementation for OCB3 with unusual block sizes (i.e., not 128 bits).
8Extending OCB3
10Unfortunately, defining OCB3 for a new block size is not trivial. Here
11are the details which need to be addressed for a new block size w.
13 * OCB3 does arithmetic in the finite field GF(2^w). It consistently
14 uses a polynomial basis representation, so GF(2^w) =~
15 GF(2)[x]/(p(x)) for an irreducible polynomial p. Choose p to be the
16 lexicographically earliest of those irreducible polynomials with
17 smallest degree.
19 * OCB3 uses a strongly XOR-universal hash to amortize the overhead of
20 encrypting nonces over several messages. This hash stretches a
21 w-bit string x into a 2 w bit string x || (x XOR x << c), and then
22 picks out i overlapping w-bit windows starting at position i, for 0
23 <= i < D for a limit D. For w = 128, D = 64 and c = 8. In the
24 general case, D is the largest power of two such that c exists, and
25 c is the largest possible value out of those for which c mod 8 is
26 minimal -- i.e., we prefer shifts which are byte-aligned over ones
27 which aren't, and subjet to that we prefer larger shifts to smaller
28 ones.
30 * OCB3 encodes the intended tag length t into the leftmost bits of the
31 nonce. The number of bits available for encoding the tag size is
32 ceil(log_2(w)): if w is a power of two, then t = w won't fit, and is
33 encoded as zero.
36Example block ciphers
38Not everyone necessarily has Rijndael-256 knocking about, so here's a
39simple block cipher for testing. It's four-round Luby--Rackoff with AES
40as the round function, but with all of the details specified. Four
41rounds is enough for strong-PRP security, but don't use this to extend
42block size in real life because you lose when there are internal
43collisions in the Luby--Rackoff construction, and that happens much
44earlier than you'd hope for a blockcipher of this width. Also, it's
47As usual, let || denote concatenation of bitstrings. For an integer a
48in {0, 1, ..., 2^w - 1}, let [a]_w be w-bit big-endian encoding of a,
49i..e, the unique bitstring a_{w-1} || ... || a_1 || a_0 such that a =
50SUM_{0<=i<w} a_i 2^i and each a_i in {0, 1} is a bit. For a bitstring
51x, let l(x) be the length of x; if 0 <= i <= j <= l(x), then x[i..j] is
52the (j - i)-bit substring of x, starting from position i, where the
53leftmost bit is at position 0; hence, x = x[0..i] || x[i..j] ||
56Let w be the width of the blockcipher E that you already have, in bits.
57Let w' <= 2 w be the width you wanted; I'm going to assume that w' is
58even. Let K be a key suitable for E, and let k = l(K) be the length of
59K in bits. Set n = ceil(k/w) and define K_i = (E(K; [n i]_w) ||
60E(K; [n i + 1]_w) || ... || E(K; [n i + n - 1]_w))[0..k] for
610 <= i < 4.
63Given a w'-bit block x, set L_0 = x[0..w'/2], R_0 = x[w'/2..w'], and
66 L_{i+1} = R_i XOR E(K_i; L_i || 0^{w-w'/2})[0..w'/2]
67 R_{i+1} = L_i
69Then E'(K, x) = R_4 || L_4. (As usual, there's no final swap in this
70Feistel network.)
72Define LRAESw' to be E', with the given w' and E = AES (so w = 128).
73Examples with intermediate results are included in the tarball, as
74`lraesW.verbose'. Furthermore, to obtain a 512-bit block cipher, define
75DLRAESw'' to be E'', with the given w'', w' = 256, and E = AES (so w =
79Test vector files
81I used the following blockciphers:
83 * 64-bit: 3DES and LRAES64;
84 * 96-bit: LRAES96;
85 * 128-bit: AES, Kalyna-128, and LRAES128;
86 * 192-bit: Rijndael-192 and LRAES192; and
87 * 256-bit: Rijndael-256, Kalyna-256, and LRAES256.
88 * 512-bit: Kalyna-512, and DLRAES512.
90For each blockcipher B, I made the following files:
92 * ocb3-B-tT-nN.kat: A list of simple known-answer tests, using similar
93 input patterns to RFC7539, using blockcipher B with T-bit tag and
94 N-bit nonce. In particular, ocb3-aes-t128-n96.kat matches RFC7539.
95 It was just as easy for me to make a complete collection for the
96 alternative tag size, so ocb3-aes-t96-n96.kat has a complete
97 collection including the example from RFC7539, rather than just the
98 one selection.
100 * ocb3-B-tT-nN.verbose: a worked example of one of the known-answer
101 tests, showing intermediate results. This differs in a few respects
102 from RFC7539: I picked a different example so as to demonstrate the
103 action of the `Auth' function (essentially PMAC3, I think); it
104 includes the augmented nonce with padding and the tag-length
105 indicator; and the order of the outputs is changed.
107 * ocb3-B-nN.mct: the Monte--Carlo test, using blockcipher B with N-bit
108 nonce. The algorithm is as for RFC7539 (and, in particular,
109 ocb3-aes-n96.mct contains the same values as RFC7539), with the
110 following generalizations: the nonce is now variable-size, because a
111 96-bit nonce is impossible for a 64-bit blockcipher; the initial
112 K-bit key is simply the K-bit big-endian encoding of the chosen tag
113 length T (which is equivalent to the RFC7539 algorithm when T <
114 256), adjusted for odd parity for DES3 (thereby introducing some
115 ambiguity, which I have ignored).
117I made some arbitrary decisions about the various lengths to test. It's
118quite possible that I failed to understand something important.
120 * For a W-bit blockcipher, I picked W and 3/4 W bits as the tag
121 lengths to test.
123 * For a W-bit blockcipher, I picked 3/4 W bits as the nonce length.
124 96 bits is (presumably because of GCM) the IETF's official
125 nonce-length selection, but it certainly won't work with 64- or
126 96-bit blockciphers (with OCB3), and seems immensely wasteful at
127 larger block sizes. Of the decisions I took, this seems like the
128 one I'm most likely to have to change. That's fine.
130 * For a W-bit blockcipher, I picked i/2 W (for 0 < i < 6) as the
131 message and header lengths to test, so as to test a decent mix of
132 block-aligned and non-block-aligned input lengths.