[mup] / mup / docs / uguide / crossst.html
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3 Cross-staff stems
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12 <H3>
13 Cross-staff stems
14 </H3>
15 <P>
16 Sometimes, on music for instruments that use more than one staff,
17 you may want some of the notes of a chord to be printed on
18 the staff above or below, rather than using a lot of leger lines.
19 You can specify this by putting the word &quot;with&quot; before the notes that
20 are to go on the other staff, and following those notes with &quot;above&quot; or &quot;below&quot;
21 to specify which is the other staff.
22 For example:
23 <BR><PRE>
24 score
25 staffs=2
26 staff 2
27 clef=bass
28 music
30 1: 1e+g+c++;
31 2: cc+; ee+; g with g+ above; with c+c++ above;
32 bar
34 1: cc+; g with g- below; e with e- below; with cc- below;
35 2: 1c-e-g-;
36 bar
37 </PRE><BR>
38 <IMG SRC="mugex21.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
39 </P>
40 <P>
41 The notes for the other staff have to follow the notes on the normal staff in
42 the input. As is shown in the example,
43 it is possible to have <I>all</I> the notes on the &quot;other&quot; staff, if you wish.
44 The octave is specified as if the note were on the normal staff;
45 Mup will automatically adjust appropriately for the other staff's clef.
46 Once in a while, Mup may not be able to figure out how to completely
47 avoid colliding with other notes; in that case you can use the
48 <A HREF="chrdattr.html#hoffset">horizontal offset</A>
49 that was described earlier.
50 </P>
51 <P>
52 For
53 <A HREF="midi.html">MIDI</A>
54 purposes, only the normal staff's key signature and accidentals are
55 considered, so if the other staff has a different
56 <A HREF="param.html#key">key signature</A>
57 or accidentals that should really apply to these notes, you will have
58 to supply accidentals explicitly.
59 </P>
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