The `mdwtools' collection Licence The `mdwtools' collection copyright (c) 2003 Mark Wooding. It is free software. You are allowed (and encouraged) to share it with your friends, or sell it to people. You may modify and redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. See the file `COPYING' for details. There's a pretty formatted version in `gpl.tex'. Clarification: I do /not/ consider that a document which uses `mdwtools' is a `derived work'. Hence, authors need not provide source to their documents just because they use `mdwtools'. However, I encourage authors to share their LaTeX sources, even if they're as grim as mine. Overview For details about what the packages do, please read the individual documentation. This is just a quick overview. at.sty Define @-commands, just like you currently can with \-commands. The advantage is that nobody's already taken all the short names. centre.sty Commands like \centre, for those of us who write English. cmtt.sty Typeset stuff in a typewriter face and use all the fancy characters, without messing with `verbatim' stuff. colour.sty Like `color.sty', only with English spellings. crypto.sty A grab-bag of stuff for writing crypto papers. There's some simple algorithm typesetting and some macros for typesetting some standard notations. doafter.sty A TeXnician's tool. \doafter{...} expands after the {...} group is done, including any \aftergroup tokens attached to it. This is largely useful to deal with colour hacking. exercise.sty Typeset exercises, and keep the answers to the end. Handles numbering the answers properly, and inserting section titles in the answers section. footnote.sty A `footnote' environment for complex or long footnotes; saving footnotes in tables and parboxes. Sadly incompatible with Robin Fairbairns's `footmisc'. mathenv.sty Some mathematical alignment environments. Replaces `eqnarray' with a good version; does very good matrix typesetting. Documented in `mdwtab.dtx'. mdwkey.sty A TeXnician's tool. Like `keyval.sty', but better -- more features, more correct behaviour with braces. mdwlist.sty Some simple list hacking. A versatile `description' list; suspend and resume enumerations; compactify lists by removing vertical spacing between items. mdwmath.sty A grab-bag of mathematical things. Square roots without the overlines; fix spacing for \pmod in running text; neato new generalized-fraction thing; fix \bigg... to adjust with text size; a bad \qed implementation. (Also contains an earlier replacement for `eqnarray'.) mdwtab.sty The flagship: a replacement for LaTeX's `tabular' and `array' environments. Too many improvements to list here. Highlights: correct handling of lists in p{...} columns; good vertical spacing around rules; correct vertical alignment of ruled tables. Now supports coloured tables (in `mtcolour.sty'). mdwthm.sty Theorem typesetting. Nothing earthshattering; I just use it in my documents. Comes with a theorem style to hang the numbers in the margins. mtcolor.sty Like `mtcolour.sty' (below) for Americans. mtcolour.sty The colour support module for `mdwtab.sty'. Documented in `mdwtab.dtx'. poetry.sty Relatively straightforward typesetting for poems, centred in the page. More a pile of infrastructure than something immediately usable. slowbox.sty Skipping over boxes which are slow to draw. svcolor.sty Like `svcolour.sty' (below) for Americans. svcolour.sty The colour support module for `sverb.sty'. Documented in `sverb.dtx'. sverb.sty Verbatim-like commands and environments. Supports `tab' characters; reads stuff from files; writes stuff to files. Neato `demo' environment for showing off LaTeX packages. Now has colour support. svsplit.sty Word-wrapping verbatim environment. Documented in `sverb.dtx'. syntax.sty Former flagship. Typesets grammars and syntax diagrams. Local variables: mode: text End: