.\" -*-nroff-*- .TH lock 3mLib "23 May 1999" mLib .SH NAME lock \- oversimplified file locking interface .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B "#include .BI "int lock_file(int " fd ", unsigned " how ); .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The .B lock_file function provides an extremely simplistic interface to POSIX .BR fcntl (2) locking. It locks only entire files, not sections of files. It doesn't have a nonblocking `is this file locked?' function. .PP On entry, .I fd should be a file descriptor on an open file, and .I how is a constant which describes how the file is to be locked. The possible values of .I how are: .TP .B LOCK_EXCL Lock the file exclusively. Attempts to lock the file exclusively or nonexclusively will fail until the file is unlocked. .TP .B LOCK_NONEXCL Lock the file nonexclusively. Until the file is unlocked, attempts to lock it exclusively will fail, but other nonexclusive locks will succeed. .TP .B LOCK_UNLOCK Unlocks a locked file. Any locks afterwards can succeed. .PP The .B lock_file function will block if it can't obtain a lock immediately. It will time itself out after a short while (10 seconds in the current implementation) if the lock doesn't become available. .PP If the call succeeds, .B lock_file returns zero. On failure, \-1 is returned, and .B errno is set to an appropriate value. Most of the error returns are from .BR fcntl (2) (q.v.). If the lock operation times out, .B errno is set to .BR EINTR . .SH AUTHOR Mark Wooding,