.\" -*-nroff-*- .TH conn 3 "23 May 1999" "Straylight/Edgeware" "mLib utilities library" .\" @conn_fd .\" @conn_init .\" @conn_kill .SH NAME conn \- selector for nonblocking connections .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B "#include " .B "typedef struct { ...\& } conn;" .ds mT \fBint conn_fd( .BI "\*(mTconn *" c ", sel_state *" s ", int " fd , .BI "\h'\w'\*(mT'u'void (*" func ")(int " fd ", void *" p ), .BI "\h'\w'\*(mT'u'void *" p ); .ds mT \fBint conn_init( .BI "\*(mTconn *" c ", sel_state *" s ", int " fd , .BI "\h'\w'\*(mT'u'struct sockaddr *" dst ", int " dsz , .BI "\h'\w'\*(mT'u'void (*" func ")(int " fd ", void *" p ), .BI "\h'\w'\*(mT'u'void *" p ); .BI "void conn_kill(conn *" c ); .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The .B conn selector manages a nonblocking connection to a remote socket. The selector's state is maintained in an object of type .BR conn . .PP Before use, a .B conn selector must be initialized. This requires a call to .B conn_init with a fairly large number of arguments: .TP .BI "conn *" c Pointer to .B conn object which needs to be initialized. .TP .BI "sel_state *" s Pointer to a multiplexor object (type .BR sel_state ) to which this selector should be attached. See .BR sel (3) for more details about multiplexors, and how this whole system works. .TP .BI "int " fd File descriptor for the socket you want to connect. This becomes the `property' of the .B conn selector until the connection attempt finishes. For example, if there's an error, the descriptor will be closed. .TP .BI "struct sockaddr *" dst Pointer to destination socket address for the connection. Make sure that the address has the right family. .TP .BI "int " dsz Size of the destination socket address. .TP .BI "void (*" func ")(int " fd ", void *" p ) A function to call when the connection is complete. It is passed the file descriptor of the connected socket, and the pointer passed to .B conn_init as the .I p argument. .TP .BI "void *" p An arbitrary pointer whose value is passed to the handler function when the connection finishes. .PP A few words are in order about .BR conn_init 's detailed behaviour and return value. If it returns \-1, the connection attempt has failed immediately, an error code is stored in the global variable .BR errno , the file descriptor has been .IR closed , and the connection function will .I not be called. If it returns zero, then there has been no immediate failure; the connection function .I might have been called, if the connection succeeded immediately, but it will certainly be called some time, unless the connector is killed (see .B conn_kill below). When the connection function is called, it will either be passed the file descriptor of the new-connected socket (to indicate success) or the value \-1 for failure; in the latter case, an appropriate error code is stored in .BR errno . .PP Alternatively, if you have a socket with a pending connection (i.e., a call to .BR connect returned \-1 and set .B errno to .BR EINPROGRESS ), you can call .BR conn_fd. Its arguments are the same as for .BR conn_init , except that since the socket knows its a peer address the .I dst and .I dsz arguments are not given, and it can't fail. .PP If you want to cancel the connection attempt before it finishes, call .B conn_kill with the address of the selector. The file descriptor is closed, and the selector becomes safe to be discarded. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR connect (2), .BR sel (3), .BR mLib (3). .SH AUTHOR Mark Wooding,