#! /usr/local/bin/runlisp (cl:defpackage #:optparse-test (:use #:common-lisp)) (cl:in-package #:optparse-test) (let ((*compile-verbose* nil) (*load-verbose* nil)) (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op "mdw" :verbose nil)) (handler-case (use-package '#:optparse) (error (c) (invoke-debugger c))) (defvar opt-bool nil) (defvar opt-int nil) (defvar opt-list nil) (defvar opt-int-list nil) (defvar opt-string nil) (defvar opt-keyword nil) (defvar opt-enum nil) (defvar opt-counter 2) (defvar opt-object nil) (define-program :help "This program exists to test the Lisp options parser." :usage "ARGUMENTS..." :version "1.0.0" :options (options (help-options :short-version nil) "Test options" (#\b "boolean" (set opt-bool) (clear opt-bool) ("Set (or clear, if negated) the boolean flag.")) (#\i "integer" (:arg "INT") (int opt-int :min -10 :max 10) ("Set an integer between -10 and +10.")) (#\l "list" (:arg "STRING") (list opt-list) ("Stash an item in the string list.")) (#\I "int-list" (:arg "INT") (list opt-int-list 'int :min -10 :max (+ 5 5)) ("Stash an integer between -10 and +10 in the int list.")) (#\s "string" (:arg "STRING") (string opt-string) ("Set a string.")) (#\q "quiet" (dec opt-counter 0) ("Be more quiet.")) (#\v "verbose" (inc opt-counter 5) ("Be more verbose.")) (#\Q "very-quiet" (dec opt-counter 0 3) ("Be much more quiet.")) (#\V "very-verbose" (inc opt-counter 5 3) ("Be much more verbose.")) ((:short-name #\o) (:long-name "object") (:arg "OBJECT") (read opt-object) (:doc (concatenate 'string "Read object (time = " (princ-to-string (get-universal-time)) ")"))) (#\k "keyword" (:arg "KEYWORD") (keyword opt-keyword) ("Set an arbitrary keyword.")) (#\e "enumeration" (:arg "ENUM") (keyword opt-enum (list :apple :apple-pie :abacus :banana)) ("Set a keyword from a fixed set.")) (#\x "xray" (:arg "WAVELENGTH") "Report an option immediately.") (#\y "yankee" :yankee :no-yankee "Report an option immediately.") (#\z "zulu" (:opt-arg "TRIBE") (lambda (arg) (when (and (plusp (length arg)) (char-equal (char arg 0) #\z)) (option-parse-return :zzulu arg)) (format t "Ignoring insufficiently zeddy Zulu ~A~%" arg)) "Report an option immediately."))) (defun test (args) (unless (option-parse-try (do-options (:parser (make-option-parser :args args)) (:xray (arg) (format t "Emitting X-ray of wavelength ~A nm~%" arg)) (t (opt arg) (format t "Option ~S: `~A'~%" opt arg)) (nil (rest) (format t "Non-option arguments: ~S~%" rest)))) (die-usage)) (format t "boolean: ~S~%" opt-bool) (format t "integer: ~S~%" opt-int) (format t "list: ~S~%" opt-list) (format t "int-list: ~S~%" opt-int-list) (format t "string : ~S~%" opt-string) (format t "counter: ~S~%" opt-counter) (format t "keyword: ~S~%" opt-keyword) (format t "enum: ~S~%" opt-enum) (format t "object: ~S~%" opt-object)) (test (cdr *command-line-strings*))