;;; -*-lisp-*- ;;; ;;; $Id$ ;;; ;;; Safely modify collections of files ;;; ;;; (c) 2005 Straylight/Edgeware ;;; ;;;----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ;;; Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. (defpackage #:safely (:use #:common-lisp #:mdw.base) (:export #:safely #:safely-close #:safely-delete-file #:safely-open-output-stream #:safely-bail #:safely-commit #:safely-writing)) (in-package #:safely) #+(or cmu sbcl) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (import #+cmu '(ext:unix-namestring unix:unix-link) #+sbcl '(sb-int:unix-namestring))) (defstruct (safely (:predicate safelyp)) "Stores information about how to commit or undo safe writes." (streams nil) (trail nil)) (defun safely-close (safe stream) "Make sure that STREAM is closed when SAFE is finished." (push stream (safely-streams safe))) (defun safely-delete-file (safe file) "Delete FILE when SAFE is committed." (push `(:delete ,file) (safely-trail safe))) (defun generate-fresh-file-name (base tag &optional func) "Return a fresh file name constructed from BASE (a filespec) and TAG (some short descriptive string). The generated name has the same directory and type as the BASE name, but a different name. If FUNC is non-nil, then it is a function to call on the generated file name: generate-fresh-file-name runs in a loop, calling FUNC with generated file names until FUNC returns non-nil, at which point generate-fresh- file-name returns two values: the generated name, and the result of FUNC. generate-fresh-file-name catches errors of type file-error from FUNC, and just tries again with a new name. If FUNC is nil, it's treated the same as a function which always returns t. This is inspired by a similar facility in scsh." (let ((base (pathname base))) (dotimes (i 256 (error "Gave up trying to find a temporary ~A file for ~S." tag base)) (let* ((new (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name (format nil "~A-~A-~X" (pathname-name base) tag (random most-positive-fixnum))) base)) (ret (and (not (probe-file new)) (if func (handler-case (funcall func new) (file-error (cond) (unless (pathname-match-p (file-error-pathname cond) new) (error cond)) nil)) t)))) (when ret (return (values new ret))))))) (defun safely-open-output-stream (safe file &rest open-args) "Create an output stream which will be named FILE when SAFE is committed. Other OPEN-ARGS are passed to open." (multiple-value-bind (name stream) (generate-fresh-file-name file "new" (lambda (name) (apply #'open name :direction :output :if-exists nil open-args))) (safely-close safe stream) (push `(:shunt ,name ,file) (safely-trail safe)) stream)) (declaim (inline rename)) (defun rename (old new) #-clisp (rename-file old new) #+clisp (posix:copy-file old new :method :rename)) (defun delete-file-without-moaning (file) "Delete the FILE, ignoring errors." (handler-case (delete-file file) (file-error () nil))) (defun rename-file-without-moaning (old new) "Rename OLD to NEW, ignoring errors, and without doing any stupid name mangling." (handler-case (rename old new) (file-error () nil))) (defun safely-unwind (trail) "Roll back the TRAIL of operations." (dolist (job trail) (ecase (car job) (:shunt (destructuring-bind (new file) (cdr job) (declare (ignore file)) (delete-file-without-moaning new))) (:delete) (:rmtmp (destructuring-bind (file) (cdr job) (delete-file-without-moaning file))) (:revert (destructuring-bind (old new) (cdr job) (rename-file-without-moaning old new)))))) (defun safely-reset (safe) "Reset SAFE to its initial state." (setf (safely-streams safe) nil) (setf (safely-trail safe) nil)) (defun safely-bail (safe) "Abort the operations in SAFE, unwinding all the things that have been done. Streams are closed, new files are removed." (dolist (stream (safely-streams safe)) (close stream :abort t)) (safely-unwind (safely-trail safe)) (safely-reset safe)) #+sbcl (defun unix-link (from to) (sb-unix::int-syscall ("link" sb-alien:c-string sb-alien:c-string) from to)) (defun safe-copy (file tag) "Make a copy of the FILE. Return the new name." #+(or cmu sbcl) ;; Use link(2) where available. (generate-fresh-file-name file tag (lambda (name) (let ((from (unix-namestring file t)) (to (unix-namestring name nil))) (and from to (unix-link from to))))) #+clisp (generate-fresh-file-name file tag (lambda (name) (posix:copy-file (namestring file) (namestring name) :method :hardlink :if-exists nil))) #-(or cmu sbcl) ;; Otherwise just copy the file contents and hope for the best. (with-open-file (input file :element-type :default) (multiple-value-bind (copy output) (generate-fresh-file-name file tag (lambda (name) (open name :direction :output :if-exists nil :element-type :default))) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((buffer (make-array 8192 :element-type (stream-element-type input)))) (loop (let ((read (read-sequence buffer input))) (when (plusp read) (write-sequence buffer output :end read)) (when (< read (length buffer)) (return copy)))))) (close output))))) (defun safely-commit (safe) "Commit SAFE. The files deleted by safely-delete-file are deleted; the files created by safely-open-output-stream are renamed over the old versions, if any. If a problem occurs during this stage, everything is rewound and no changes are made." (let ((trail (safely-trail safe)) (revert nil) (cleanup nil)) (unwind-protect (progn (dolist (stream (safely-streams safe)) (close stream)) (loop (unless trail (return)) (let ((job (pop trail))) (ecase (car job) (:shunt (destructuring-bind (tag new file) job (declare (ignore tag)) (push `(:rmtmp ,new) revert) (if (probe-file file) (let ((old (safe-copy file "old"))) (push `(:rmtmp ,old) cleanup) (push `(:revert ,old ,file) revert)) (push `(:rmtmp ,file) revert)) (rename new file))) (:delete (destructuring-bind (tag file) job (declare (ignore tag)) (let ((old (safe-copy file "delete"))) (push `(:revert ,old ,file) revert) (push `(:rmtmp ,old) cleanup) (delete-file file))))))) (setf revert nil)) (safely-unwind trail) (safely-unwind revert) (safely-unwind cleanup) (safely-reset safe)))) (defmacro safely ((safe &key) &body body) "Do stuff within the BODY safely. If BODY completes without errors, the SAFE is committed; otherwise it's bailed." `(let ((,safe (make-safely))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body (safely-commit ,safe) (setf ,safe nil)) (when ,safe (safely-bail ,safe))))) (defmacro safely-writing ((stream file &rest open-args) &body body) "Simple macro for writing a single file safely. STREAM is opened onto a temporary file, and if BODY completes, it is renamed to FILE." (with-gensyms safe `(safely (,safe) (let ((,stream (safely-open-output-stream ,safe ,file ,@open-args))) ,@body)))) ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------