#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Hippotat - Asinine IP Over HTTP program # ./hippotat - client main program # # Copyright 2017 Ian Jackson # # GPLv3+ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program, in the file GPLv3. If not, # see . #@ import sys; sys.path.append('@PYBUILD_INSTALL_DIR@') from hippotatlib import * import twisted.web import twisted.web.client import io class GeneralResponseConsumer(twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol): def __init__(self, cl, req, resp, desc): self._cl = cl self._req = req self._resp = resp self._desc = desc def _log(self, dflag, msg, **kwargs): self._cl.log(dflag, '%s: %s' % (self._desc, msg), idof=self._req, **kwargs) def connectionMade(self): self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'connectionMade') class ResponseConsumer(GeneralResponseConsumer): def __init__(self, cl, req, resp): super().__init__(cl, req, resp, 'RC') ssddesc = '[%s] %s' % (id(req), self._desc) self._ssd = SlipStreamDecoder(ssddesc, partial(queue_inbound, cl.ipif)) self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, '__init__') def dataReceived(self, data): self._log(DBG.HTTP, 'dataReceived', d=data) try: self._ssd.inputdata(data) except Exception as e: self._handleexception() def connectionLost(self, reason): reason_msg = 'connectionLost ' + str(reason) self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, reason_msg) if not reason.check(twisted.web.client.ResponseDone): self._latefailure(reason_msg) return try: self._log(DBG.HTTP, 'ResponseDone') self._ssd.flush() self._cl.req_fin(self._req) except Exception as e: self._handleexception() self._cl.report_running() def _handleexception(self): self._latefailure(traceback.format_exc()) def _latefailure(self, reason): self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, '_latefailure ' + str(reason)) self._cl.req_err(self._req, reason) class ErrorResponseConsumer(GeneralResponseConsumer): def __init__(self, cl, req, resp): super().__init__(cl, req, resp, 'ERROR-RC') self._m = b'' try: self._phrase = resp.phrase.decode('utf-8') except Exception: self._phrase = repr(resp.phrase) self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, '__init__ %d %s' % (resp.code, self._phrase)) def dataReceived(self, data): self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'dataReceived ' + repr(data)) self._m += data def connectionLost(self, reason): try: mbody = self._m.decode('utf-8') except Exception: mbody = repr(self._m) if not reason.check(twisted.web.client.ResponseDone): mbody += ' || ' + str(reason) self._cl.req_err(self._req, "FAILED %d %s | %s" % (self._resp.code, self._phrase, mbody)) class Client(): def __init__(cl, c,ss,cs): cl.c = c cl.outstanding = { } cl.desc = '[%s %s] ' % (ss,cs) cl.running_reported = False cl.log_info('setting up') def log_info(cl, msg): log.info(cl.desc + msg, dflag=False) def report_running(cl): if not cl.running_reported: cl.log_info('running OK') cl.running_reported = True def log(cl, dflag, msg, **kwargs): log_debug(dflag, cl.desc + msg, **kwargs) def log_outstanding(cl): cl.log(DBG.CTRL_DUMP, 'OS %s' % cl.outstanding) def start(cl): cl.queue = PacketQueue('up', cl.c.max_queue_time) cl.agent = twisted.web.client.Agent( reactor, connectTimeout = cl.c.http_timeout) def outbound(cl, packet, saddr, daddr): #print('OUT ', saddr, daddr, repr(packet)) cl.queue.append(packet) cl.check_outbound() def req_ok(cl, req, resp): cl.log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'req_ok %d %s %s' % (resp.code, repr(resp.phrase), str(resp)), idof=req) if resp.code == 200: rc = ResponseConsumer(cl, req, resp) else: rc = ErrorResponseConsumer(cl, req, resp) resp.deliverBody(rc) # now rc is responsible for calling req_fin def req_err(cl, req, err): # called when the Deferred fails, or (if it completes), # later, by ResponsConsumer or ErrorResponsConsumer try: cl.log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'req_err ' + str(err), idof=req) cl.running_reported = False if isinstance(err, twisted.python.failure.Failure): err = err.getTraceback() print('%s[%#x] %s' % (cl.desc, id(req), err.strip('\n').replace('\n',' / ')), file=sys.stderr) if not isinstance(cl.outstanding[req], int): raise RuntimeError('[%#x] previously %s' % (id(req), cl.outstanding[req])) cl.outstanding[req] = err cl.log_outstanding() reactor.callLater(cl.c.http_retry, partial(cl.req_fin, req)) except Exception as e: crash(traceback.format_exc() + '\n----- handling -----\n' + err) def req_fin(cl, req): del cl.outstanding[req] cl.log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'req_fin OS=%d' % len(cl.outstanding), idof=req) cl.check_outbound() def check_outbound(cl): while True: if len(cl.outstanding) >= cl.c.max_outstanding: break if (not cl.queue.nonempty() and len(cl.outstanding) >= cl.c.target_requests_outstanding): break d = b'' def moredata(s): nonlocal d; d += s cl.queue.process((lambda: len(d)), moredata, cl.c.max_batch_up) d = mime_translate(d) token = authtoken_make(cl.c.secret) crlf = b'\r\n' lf = b'\n' mime = (b'--b' + crlf + b'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"' + crlf + b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="m"' + crlf + crlf + str(cl.c.client) .encode('ascii') + crlf + token + crlf + str(cl.c.target_requests_outstanding) .encode('ascii') + crlf + str(cl.c.http_timeout) .encode('ascii') + crlf + (( b'--b' + crlf + b'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' + crlf + b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="d"' + crlf + crlf + d + crlf ) if len(d) else b'') + b'--b--' + crlf) #df = open('data.dump.dbg', mode='wb') #df.write(mime) #df.close() # POST -use -c 'multipart/form-data; boundary="b"' http://localhost:8099/