#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Hippotat - Asinine IP Over HTTP program # ./hippotatd - server main program # # Copyright 2017 Ian Jackson # # AGPLv3+ + CAFv2+ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, # with the "CAF Login Exception" as published by Ian Jackson # (version 2, or at your option any later version) as an Additional # Permission. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public # License and the CAF Login Exception along with this program, in # the file AGPLv3+CAFv2. If not, email Ian Jackson # . #@ import sys; sys.path.append('@PYBUILD_INSTALL_DIR@') from hippotatlib import * import os import tempfile import atexit import shutil import subprocess import twisted.internet from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET import twisted.web.static import hippotatlib.ownsource from hippotatlib.ownsource import SourceShipmentPreparer #import twisted.web.server import Site #from twisted.web.resource import Resource import syslog cleanups = [ ] clients = { } #---------- "router" ---------- def route(packet, iface, saddr, daddr): def lt(dest): log_debug(DBG.ROUTE, 'route: %s -> %s: %s' % (saddr,daddr,dest), d=packet) try: dclient = clients[daddr] except KeyError: dclient = None if dclient is not None: lt('client') dclient.queue_outbound(packet) elif daddr == c.vaddr or daddr not in c.vnetwork: lt('inbound') queue_inbound(ipif, packet) elif daddr == c.vrelay: lt('discard relay') log_discard(packet, iface, saddr, daddr, 'relay') else: lt('discard no-client') log_discard(packet, iface, saddr, daddr, 'no-client') #---------- client ---------- class Client(): def __init__(self, ip, cc): # instance data members self._ip = ip self.cc = cc self._rq = collections.deque() # requests self._pq = PacketQueue(str(ip), self.cc.max_queue_time) if ip not in c.vnetwork: raise ValueError('client %s not in vnetwork' % ip) if ip in clients: raise ValueError('multiple client cfg sections for %s' % ip) clients[ip] = self self._log(DBG.INIT, 'new') def _log(self, dflag, msg, **kwargs): log_debug(dflag, ('client %s: ' % self._ip)+msg, **kwargs) def process_arriving_data(self, d): self._log(DBG.FLOW, "req data (enc'd)", d=d) if not len(d): return for packet in slip.decode(d): (saddr, daddr) = packet_addrs(packet) if saddr != self._ip: raise ValueError('wrong source address %s' % saddr) route(packet, self._ip, saddr, daddr) def _req_cancel(self, request): self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'cancel', idof=request) try: request.finish() except Exception: pass def _req_error(self, err, request): self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'error %s' % err, idof=request) self._req_cancel(request) def queue_outbound(self, packet): self._pq.append(packet) self._check_outbound() def _req_fin(self, dummy, request, cl): self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, '_req_fin ' + repr(dummy), idof=request) try: cl.cancel() except twisted.internet.error.AlreadyCalled: pass def new_request(self, request): request.setHeader('Content-Type','application/octet-stream') cl = reactor.callLater(self.cc.http_timeout, self._req_cancel, request) nf = request.notifyFinish() nf.addErrback(self._req_error, request) nf.addCallback(self._req_fin, request, cl) self._rq.append((request,nf)) self._check_outbound() def _req_write(self, req, d): self._log(DBG.HTTP, 'req_write ', idof=req, d=d) req.write(d) def _check_outbound(self): log_debug(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'CHKO') while True: try: (request,nf) = self._rq[0] except IndexError: request = None if request and nf.called: self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'CHKO req finished, discard', idof=request) self._rq.popleft() continue if not self._pq.nonempty(): # no packets, oh well self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'CHKO no packets, OUT-DONE', idof=request) break if request is None: # no request self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'CHKO no request, OUT-DONE', idof=request) break self._log(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, 'CHKO processing', idof=request) # request, and also some non-expired packets self._pq.process((lambda: request.sentLength), (lambda d: self._req_write(request, d)), self.cc.max_batch_down) assert(request.sentLength) self._rq.popleft() request.finish() self._log(DBG.HTTP, 'complete', idof=request) # round again, looking for more to do while len(self._rq) > self.cc.target_requests_outstanding: (request, nf) = self._rq.popleft() self._log(DBG.HTTP, 'CHKO above target, returning empty', idof=request) request.finish() def process_request(request, desca): # find client, update config, etc. metadata = request.args[b'm'][0] metadata = metadata.split(b'\r\n') (ci_s, pw, tro, cto) = metadata[0:4] desca['m[0,2:3]'] = [ci_s, tro, cto] ci_s = ci_s.decode('utf-8') tro = int(tro); desca['tro']= tro cto = int(cto); desca['cto']= cto ci = ipaddr(ci_s) desca['ci'] = ci cl = clients[ci] if pw != cl.cc.password: raise ValueError('bad password') desca['pwok']=True if tro != cl.cc.target_requests_outstanding: raise ValueError('tro must be %d' % cl.cc.target_requests_outstanding) if cto < cl.cc.http_timeout: raise ValueError('cto must be >= %d' % cl.cc.http_timeout) try: d = request.args[b'd'][0] desca['d'] = d desca['dlen'] = len(d) except KeyError: d = b'' desca['dlen'] = None log_http(desca, 'processing', idof=id(request), d=d) d = mime_translate(d) cl.process_arriving_data(d) cl.new_request(request) def log_http(desca, msg, **kwargs): try: kwargs['d'] = desca['d'] del desca['d'] except KeyError: pass log_debug(DBG.HTTP, msg + repr(desca), **kwargs) class NotStupidResource(twisted.web.resource.Resource): # why this is not the default is a mystery! def getChild(self, name, request): if name == b'': return self else: return twisted.web.resource.Resource.getChild(self, name, request) class IphttpResource(NotStupidResource): def render_POST(self, request): log_debug(DBG.HTTP_FULL, 'req recv: ' + repr(request) + ' ' + repr(request.args), idof=id(request)) desca = {'d': None} try: process_request(request, desca) except Exception as e: emsg = traceback.format_exc() log_http(desca, 'RETURNING EXCEPTION ' + emsg) request.setHeader('Content-Type','text/plain; charset="utf-8"') request.setResponseCode(400) return (emsg + ' # ' + repr(desca) + '\r\n').encode('utf-8') log_debug(DBG.HTTP_CTRL, '...', idof=id(request)) return NOT_DONE_YET # instantiator should set # self.hippotat_sources = (source_names[0], source_names[1]) def __init__(self): self.hippotat_sources = [None, None] super().__init__() def render_GET(self, request): log_debug(DBG.HTTP, 'GET request') s = 'hippotat\n' (s0,s1) = self.hippotat_sources if s0: s += '

source\n' % s0 if self.hippotat_sources[1]: s += ('(and that of dependency packages)\n' % s1) s += 'available' else: s += 'TESTING' s += '' return s.encode('utf-8') def start_http(): resource = IphttpResource() site = twisted.web.server.Site(resource) for sa in c.saddrs: ep = sa.make_endpoint() crash_on_defer(ep.listen(site)) log_debug(DBG.INIT, 'listening on %s' % sa) td = tempfile.mkdtemp() def cleanup(): try: shutil.rmtree(td) except FileNotFoundError: pass cleanups.append(cleanup) ssp = SourceShipmentPreparer(td) ssp.logger = partial(log_debug, DBG.OWNSOURCE) if DBG.OWNSOURCE in debug_set: ssp.stream_debug = sys.stdout ssp.download_packages = opts.ownsource >= 2 if opts.ownsource >= 1: ssp.generate() for ix in (0,1): bn = ssp.output_names[ix] op = ssp.output_paths[ix] if op is None: continue resource.hippotat_sources[ix] = bn subresource =twisted.web.static.File(op) resource.putChild(bn.encode('utf-8'), subresource) reactor.callLater(0.1, (lambda: log.info('hippotatd started', dflag=False))) #---------- config and setup ---------- def process_cfg(_opts, putative_servers, putative_clients): global opts opts = _opts global c c = ConfigResults() try: c.server = cfg1get('SERVER','server') except NoOptionError: c.server = 'SERVER' cfg_process_general(c, c.server) cfg_process_saddrs(c, c.server) cfg_process_vnetwork(c, c.server) cfg_process_vaddr(c, c.server) for (ci,cs) in putative_clients.items(): cc = ConfigResults() sections = cfg_process_client_common(cc,c.server,cs,ci) if not sections: continue cfg_process_client_limited(cc,c.server,sections, 'max_batch_down') cfg_process_client_limited(cc,c.server,sections, 'max_queue_time') Client(ci, cc) try: c.vrelay = cfg1get(c.server, 'vrelay') except NoOptionError: for search in c.vnetwork.hosts(): if search == c.vaddr: continue c.vrelay = search break try: c.ifname = cfg1get(c.server, 'ifname_server', raw=True) except NoOptionError: pass cfg_process_ipif(c, [c.server, 'COMMON'], (('local','vaddr'), ('peer', 'vrelay'), ('rnets','vnetwork'))) if opts.printconfig is not None: try: val = cfg1get(c.server, opts.printconfig) except NoOptionError: pass else: print(val) sys.exit(0) def catch_termination(): def run_cleanups(): for cleanup in cleanups: cleanup() atexit.register(run_cleanups) def signal_handler(name, sig, *args): signal.signal(sig, signal.SIG_DFL) print('exiting due to %s' % name, file=sys.stderr) run_cleanups() os.kill(os.getpid(), sig) raise RuntimeError('did not die due to signal %s !' % name) for sig in (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM): try: signame = sig.name except AttributeError: signame = "signal %d" % sig signal.signal(sig, partial(signal_handler, signame)) def daemonise(): global syslogfacility if opts.daemon and opts.syslogfacility is None: opts.syslogfacility = 'daemon' if opts.syslogfacility is not None: facilnum = syslog.__dict__['LOG_' + opts.syslogfacility.upper()] syslog.openlog('hippotatd', facility=facilnum, logoption=syslog.LOG_PID) def emit(event): if logevent_is_boringtwisted(event): return m = twisted.logger.formatEvent(event) #print(repr(event), m, file=org_stderr) level = event.get('log_level') if event.get('dflag',None) is not None: sl = syslog.LOG_DEBUG elif level == LogLevel.critical : sl = syslog.LOG_CRIT elif level == LogLevel.error : sl = syslog.LOG_ERR elif level == LogLevel.warn : sl = syslog.LOG_WARNING else : sl = syslog.LOG_INFO syslog.syslog(sl,m) failure = event.get('log_failure') if failure is not None: for l in failure.getTraceback().split('\n'): syslog.syslog(sl,l) glp = twisted.logger.globalLogPublisher glp.addObserver(emit) log_debug(DBG.INIT, 'starting to log to syslog') #log.crit('daemonic hippotatd crashed', dflag=False) if opts.daemon: daemonic_reactor = (twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorDaemonize .providedBy(reactor)) if daemonic_reactor: reactor.beforeDaemonize() if opts.pidfile is not None: pidfile_h = open(opts.pidfile, 'w') rfd, wfd = os.pipe() childpid = os.fork() if childpid: # we are the parent os.close(wfd) st = os.read(rfd, 1) try: st = st[0] except IndexError: st = 127 log.critical('daemonic hippotatd crashed', dflag=False) os._exit(st) os.close(rfd) os.setsid() grandchildpid = os.fork() if grandchildpid: # we are the intermediate child if opts.pidfile is not None: print(grandchildpid, file=pidfile_h) pidfile_h.close() os._exit(0) if opts.pidfile is not None: pidfile_h.close() logger = subprocess.Popen(['logger','-d', '-t','hippotat[%d](stderr)' % os.getpid(), '-p',opts.syslogfacility + '.err'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, restore_signals=True) nullfd = os.open('/dev/null', os.O_RDWR) os.dup2(nullfd, 0) os.dup2(nullfd, 1) os.dup2(logger.stdin.fileno(), 2) os.close(nullfd) if daemonic_reactor: reactor.afterDaemonize() log_debug(DBG.INIT, 'daemonised') os.write(wfd, b'\0') os.close(wfd) if opts.syslogfacility is not None: glp.removeObserver(hippotatlib.file_log_observer) optparser.add_option('--ownsource', default=2, action='store_const', dest='ownsource', const=2, help='source download fully enabled (default)') optparser.add_option('--ownsource-local', action='store_const', dest='ownsource', const=1, help='source download is local source code only') optparser.add_option('--no-ownsource', action='store_const', dest='ownsource', const=0, help='source download disabled (for testing only)') optparser.add_option('--daemon', action='store_true', dest='daemon', default=False, help='daemonize (and log to syslog)') optparser.add_option('--pidfile', nargs=1, type='string', action='store', dest='pidfile', default=None, help='write pid to this file') optparser.add_option('--syslog-facility', nargs=1, type='string',action='store', metavar='FACILITY', dest='syslogfacility', default=None, help='log to syslog, with specified facility') optparser.add_option('--print-config', nargs=1, type='string',action='store', metavar='OPTION', dest='printconfig', default=None, help='print one config option value and exit') common_startup(process_cfg) catch_termination() start_http() daemonise() ipif = start_ipif(c.ipif_command, (lambda p,s,d: route(p,"[ipif]",s,d))) common_run()