;;; -*-scheme-*- ;;; ;;; Scheme implementation of a `same-fringe' solver. Assumes Chicken, but ;;; should port easily. (use syntax-case) ; Chicken-specfic ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Utilities. (define-syntax with-values ;; Bind the values returned by FORM to the VARS and evaluate BODY. (syntax-rules () ((with-values vars form . body) (call-with-values (lambda () form) (lambda stuff (apply (lambda vars . body) stuff)))))) (define-syntax when ;; If CONDITION is not #f then evaluate BODY. (syntax-rules () ((when condition . body) (if condition (begin . body))))) (define-syntax unless ;; If CONDITION is #f then evaluate BODY. (syntax-rules () ((unless condition . body) (if (not condition) (begin . body))))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Coroutines. (define-record-type coroutine ;; A coroutine simply remembers the continuaton which was suspended when it ;; last invoked a different coroutine. (make-coroutine continuation) coroutine? (continuation %coroutine-continuation %set-coroutine-continuation!)) (define %current-coroutine (make-coroutine #f)) (define (current-coroutine) ;; Return the current coroutine. %current-coroutine) (define %calling-coroutine #f) (define (calling-coroutine) ;; Return the coroutine that invoked the current one. Before any switch, ;; this is #f. %calling-coroutine) (define (switch-cr coroutine . args) ;; Switch to COROUTINE, passing it ARGS. When this coroutine is resumed ;; (by calling `switch', naturally) it will return the values passed as ;; arguments. A new coroutine (made by `make-coroutine') receives these ;; values as its arguments. (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (k) (%set-coroutine-continuation! %current-coroutine k) (set! %calling-coroutine %current-coroutine) (set! %current-coroutine coroutine) (apply (%coroutine-continuation coroutine) args)))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Generators. (define-syntax define-generator ;; Define a function returning a generator. The generator yields whatever ;; the function body does. (syntax-rules () ((define-generator (name . args) . body) (define (name . args) (make-coroutine (lambda () (begin . body) (switch-cr (calling-coroutine) #f #f))))))) (define (yield object) ;; Yield OBJECT from a generator. The generator protocol returns two ;; values each time: either an object and #t, or #f twice to mark the end ;; of the sequence. (with-values () (switch-cr (calling-coroutine) object #t) #f)) (define (list-generator gen) ;; Collect the elements generated by GEN into a list and return it. (let loop ((l '())) (with-values (it any?) (switch-cr gen) (if any? (loop (cons it l)) (reverse l))))) (define (same-generators? gen-a gen-b) ;; Return whether GEN-A and GEN-B generate the same elements in the same ;; order. (let loop () (with-values (a any-a?) (switch-cr gen-a) (with-values (b any-b?) (switch-cr gen-b) (cond ((not any-a?) (not any-b?)) ((not any-b?) #f) ((eqv? a b) (loop)) (else #f)))))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Nodes and trees. ;; Assumes SRFI-9; widely available. (define-record-type node ;; A node in a simple binary tree. Empty subtrees are denoted by (). (make-node left data right) node? (left node-left) (data node-data) (right node-right)) (define-generator (fringe node) ;; Generate the elements of the tree headed by NODE inorder. (let recur ((node node)) (unless (null? node) (recur (node-left node)) (yield (node-data node)) (recur (node-right node))))) (define (parse-tree string) ;; Return a tree constructed according to STRING. ;; ;; Syntax is: ;; ;; tree ::= empty | `(' tree char tree `)' ;; ;; disambiguated by treating `(' as starting a tree wherever a tree is ;; expected. (let ((len (string-length string))) (define (parse i) (cond ((>= i len) (values '() i)) ((char=? (string-ref string i) #\() (with-values (left i) (parse (+ 1 i)) (unless (< i len) (error "no data")) (let ((data (string-ref string i))) (with-values (right i) (parse (+ 1 i)) (unless (and (< i len) (char=? (string-ref string i) #\))) (error "missing )")) (values (make-node left data right) (+ 1 i)))))) (else (values '() i)))) (with-values (tree i) (parse 0) (unless (= i len) (error "trailing junk")) tree))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Main program. (define (main args) (cond ((null? args) (error "bad args")) ((null? (cdr args)) (do ((l (list-generator (fringe (parse-tree (car args)))) (cdr l))) ((null? l)) (write-char (car l))) (newline)) ((null? (cddr args)) (display (if (same-generators? (fringe (parse-tree (car args))) (fringe (parse-tree (cadr args)))) "match" "no match")) (newline)) (else (error "bad args")))) ;; Chicken-specific (works in interpreter and standalone compiled code). (let ((program (car (argv)))) (condition-case (begin (main (command-line-arguments)) (exit)) (err (exn) (print-error-message err (current-error-port) program) (exit 1)))) ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------