Like any other piece of software (and information generally), ezmlm comes with NO WARRANTY. Things you have to decide before starting: * Where programs will be installed, normally /usr/local/bin/ezmlm. To change this directory, edit conf-bin now. * Where man pages will be installed, normally /usr/local/man. To change this directory, edit conf-man now. * Where the qmail home directory is, normally /var/qmail. To change this directory, edit conf-qmail now. How to install: 1. Compile the programs: % make 2. Format the man pages: % make man 3. Install the programs and man pages: # make setup How to test: 4. Make sure ezmlm-make is in your path. Create a mailing list: % ezmlm-make ~/testlist ~/.qmail-testlist me-testlist host Replace ``me'' and ``host'' with your e-mail address. 5. Subscribe yourself to the list manually: % ezmlm-sub ~/testlist me@host 6. Send a message to the list: % echo subject:testing | qmail-inject me-testlist@host You should receive a copy of the message at me@host. 7. View the list membership: % ezmlm-list ~/testlist You should see just one line, containing your address. 8. Unsubscribe yourself through e-mail: % qmail-inject me-testlist-unsubscribe@host < /dev/null When you receive the confirmation number, reply to complete your unsubscription. Use ezmlm-list to check that the list is empty. 9. Retrieve the first message from the archive: % qmail-inject me-testlist-get.1@host < /dev/null You should receive a copy of your subject:testing message. That's it! To report success: % ( echo 'First M. Last'; cat `cat SYSDEPS` ) \ | mail Replace First M. Last with your name.