#! @PERL@ ### -*-perl-*- ### ### Synchronize snapshot with remotely mounted filesystem ### ### (c) 2011 Mark Wooding ### ###----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------- ### ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ### Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. use Socket; ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Utilities. (our $QUIS = $0) =~ s:^.*/::; sub whine ($) { my ($msg) = @_; print STDERR "$QUIS: $msg\n"; } sub fail ($) { my ($msg) = @_; whine $msg; exit $! || ($? >> 8) || 255; } our @CLEANUP = (); sub cleanup (&) { my ($func) = @_; unshift @CLEAUP, $func; } END { local $?; for my $func (@CLEANUP) { &$func } } sub gripelist ($@) { my ($gripe, @things) = @_; fail "$gripe: " . join(", ", @things) if @things; } ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Parse command line. our $USAGE = "usage: $QUIS DEVICE [KEY=VALUE ...]"; sub version { print "$QUIS, version 1.0.0\n"; } sub help { print <= 1 or do { print STDERR $USAGE, "\n"; exit 1; }; $ARGV[0] eq "-v" || $ARGV[0] eq "--version" and do { version; exit; }; $ARGV[0] eq "-h" || $ARGV[0] eq "--help" and do { version; help; exit; }; our $DEV = shift; our %OPT = ( dir => undef, host => undef, op => "snap", rfreezefs => "rfreezefs", ssh => "ssh", subtype => undef ); our @PASS = (); for my $i (@ARGV) { $i =~ /^([^\s=]+)=(.*)$/ or fail "malformed option `$i'"; my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2); if ($k =~ /^([^.]+)\.(.+)$/) { if ($2 eq "rfreezefs") { $k = $1; } } if (exists $OPT{$k}) { $OPT{$k} = $v; } else { push @PASS, $i; } } gripelist "missing arguments", grep { !defined $OPT{$_} } keys %OPT; (my $host = $OPT{host}) =~ s/^.*@//; my $addr = inet_aton $host or fail "failed to resolve `$OPT{host}'"; ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Remove a snapshot if requested. if ($OPT{op} eq "unsnap") { ## This doesn't require negotiation with the remote end. if ($OPT{unsnap}) { exec "snap.$OPT{subtype}", $DEV, "op=unsnap", @PASS; fail "exec snap.$OPT{subtype}: $!"; } } elsif ($OPT{op} ne "snap") { fail "unknown operation `$OPT{op}'"; } ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Run `rfreezefs' on the remote host and collect information. (my $dir = $OPT{dir}) =~ s/\'/'\\''/g; open SSH, "-|", $OPT{ssh}, $OPT{host}, "$OPT{rfreezefs} -n '$dir'" or fail "open(ssh): $!"; cleanup { close SSH }; our %INF = ( PORT => undef ); our %TOK = (); our %RTOK = (); our $PORT = undef; while () { my @f = split; if ($f[0] eq "PORT") { $INF{$f[0]} = $f[1]; } elsif ($f[1] eq "TOKEN") { $TOK{$f[1]} = $f[2]; $RTOK{$f[2]} = $f[1]; } elsif ($f[0] eq "READY") { last; } } gripelist "missing information", grep { !defined $INF{$_} } keys %INF; gripelist "missing tokens", grep { !exists $TOK{$_} } "FREEZE", "FROZEN", "THAW", "THAWED"; ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Create the snapshot. ## Connect to the socket. socket SK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 or fail "socket: $!"; cleanup { close SK }; select SK; $| = 1; connect SK, sockaddr_in($INF{PORT}, $addr) or fail "connect: $!"; ## Communication with the server. sub rffscmd ($;$) { my ($cmd, $rpl) = @_; print SK $TOK{$cmd}, "\n" or fail "write <$cmd>: $!"; if ($rpl) { chomp (my $line = ); if ($line ne $TOK{$rpl}) { my $what = exists $RTOK{$line} ? "<$RTOK{$line}>" : "`$line'"; fail "unexpected response $what to <$cmd>"; } } } ## Freeze the remote filesystem. rffscmd(FREEZE, FROZEN); ## Create the snapshot locally using the appropriate mechanism. This will ## print the snapshot device name. my $rc = system "snap.$OPT{subtype}", $DEV, @PASS; $rc and fail "snap.$OPT{subtype} failed (rc = $rc)"; ## Discard the snapshot again if anything goes wrong. cleanup { if ($?) { my $rc = system "snap.$OPT{subtype}", $DEV, "unsnap", @PASS; $rc and whine "snap.$OPT{subtype} failed to unsnap (rc = $rc) " . "while recovering"; } }; ## Thaw the remote filesystem. rffscmd(THAW, THAWED); ###----- That's all, folks -------------------------------------------------- exit 0;