#! /usr/bin/cl-launch -X -- ;;; -*-lisp-*- (cl:defpackage #:ansible-inventory (:use #:common-lisp) (:import-from #:cl-launch #:*arguments*)) (in-package #:ansible-inventory) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; General utilities. (defun compose (&rest funcs) (reduce (lambda (f g) (lambda (&rest args) (multiple-value-call g (apply f args)))) funcs :initial-value #'values)) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; JSON machinery. (defvar *print-json-comma*) (defun print-json-itemstart () (cond (*print-json-comma* (princ ", ") (pprint-newline :linear)) (t (setf *print-json-comma* t)))) (defun print-json-map* (thunk) (print-json-itemstart) (princ "{ ") (pprint-indent :block 2) (pprint-newline :linear) (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil) (let ((*print-json-comma* nil)) (funcall thunk))) (princ " ") (pprint-indent :block 0) (pprint-newline :linear) (princ "}")) (defmacro print-json-map (&body body) `(print-json-map* (lambda () ,@body))) (defun print-json-list* (thunk) (print-json-itemstart) (princ "[") (pprint-indent :block 2) (pprint-newline :linear) (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil) (let ((*print-json-comma* nil)) (funcall thunk))) (pprint-indent :block 0) (pprint-newline :linear) (princ "]")) (defmacro print-json-list (&body body) `(print-json-list* (lambda () ,@body))) (defun print-json-mapping* (label thunk) (print-json-itemstart) (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil) (let ((*print-json-comma* nil)) (print-json-simple label)) (princ ": ") (pprint-newline :miser) (let ((*print-json-comma* nil)) (funcall thunk)))) (defmacro print-json-mapping (label &body body) `(print-json-mapping* ,label (lambda () ,@body))) (defun print-json-simple (value) (typecase value (list (print-json-list (dolist (i value) (print-json-simple i)))) (hash-table (print-json-map (maphash (lambda (k v) (print-json-mapping k (print-json-simple v))) value))) (t (print-json-itemstart) (etypecase value (integer (format t "~A" value)) (float (format t "~G" value)) (rational (format t "~G" (float value 0.0d0))) (string (format t "~S" value)) ((eql t) (princ "true")) ((eql nil) (princ "false")) ((eql :undefined) (princ "undefined")) (symbol (format t "~S" (string-downcase value))))))) (defun print-json* (thunk) (let ((*print-json-comma* nil)) (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil) (funcall thunk)) (terpri))) (defmacro print-json (&body body) `(print-json* (lambda () ,@body))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Host definitions. (defvar *hosts* (make-hash-table)) (export 'add-host) (defun addhost (name alist) (setf (gethash name *hosts*) alist)) (export 'defhost) (defmacro defhost (name &body alist) `(progn (addhost ',name ',alist) ',name)) (export 'host-plist) (defun host-plist (name) (multiple-value-bind (plist foundp) (gethash name *hosts*) (unless foundp (error "Host ~S not found" name)) plist)) (export 'hostprop) (defun hostprop (name prop &optional default) (multiple-value-bind (found-name value tail) (get-properties (host-plist name) (list prop)) (declare (ignore found-name)) (if tail (values value t) (values default nil)))) (defun (setf hostprop) (value name prop &optional default) (declare (ignore default)) (let ((plist (host-plist name))) (multiple-value-bind (found-name found-value tail) (get-properties plist (list prop)) (declare (ignore found-name found-value)) (if tail (setf (cadr tail) value) (setf (gethash name *hosts*) (cons prop (cons value plist)))) value))) (export 'hostprop-default) (defun hostprop-default (host prop value) (multiple-value-bind (found-value foundp) (hostprop host prop) (declare (ignore found-value)) (unless foundp (setf (hostprop host prop) value)))) (export 'hostpropp) (defun hostpropp (host prop) (multiple-value-bind (value foundp) (hostprop host prop) (declare (ignore value)) foundp)) (export 'maphosts) (defun maphosts (func) (maphash (lambda (name plist) (declare (ignore plist)) (funcall func name)) *hosts*)) (export 'dohosts) (defmacro dohosts ((hostvar &optional valueform) &body body) `(block nil (maphosts (lambda (,hostvar) ,@body)) ,valueform)) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Group definitions. (defvar *groups* nil) (export 'add-group) (defun add-group (name type func) (let* ((found (assoc name *groups*)) (list (ecase type (:predicate (let ((list nil)) (dohosts (host list) (when (funcall func host) (push host list))))) (:list (funcall func))))) (if found (setf (cdr found) list) (push (cons name list) *groups*)))) (export 'defgroup) (defmacro defgroup (name type args &body body) `(progn (add-group ',name ,type ,(ecase type (:predicate (destructuring-bind (hostvar) args `(lambda (,hostvar) ,@body))) (:list (destructuring-bind () args `(lambda () ,@body))))) ',name)) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Post-processing hooks. (defstruct hook-entry prio func) (export '(prio-props prio-groups)) (defconstant prio-props 10) (defconstant prio-groups 20) (defvar *hostproc-hooks* nil) (export 'addhook) (defun addhook (prio func) (push (make-hook-entry :prio prio :func func) *hostproc-hooks*)) (export 'defhook) (defmacro defhook ((prio) &body body) `(addhook ,prio (lambda () ,@body))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Read the input file and hook definitions. (defvar *progname* #.(or *compile-file-pathname* *load-pathname*)) (let ((pkg (make-package "ANSIBLE-INVENTORY-USER" :use '("CL" "ANSIBLE-INVENTORY"))) (args *arguments*)) (loop (let* ((arg (pop args)) (len (length arg))) (cond ((string= arg "--") (return)) ((string= arg "-") (push arg args) (return)) ((and (plusp (length arg)) (char= (char arg 0) #\-)) (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((>= i len)) (flet ((getarg () (cond ((< (1+ i) len) (prog1 (subseq arg (1+ i)) (setf i len))) (args (pop args)) (t (error "missing argument")))))) (case (char arg i) (#\h (format t "usage: ~A FILE ...~%" (pathname-name *progname*))) (t (error "unknown option `-~A'" (char arg i)))))) (t (push arg args) (return))))) (format t ";; remaining args = ~S~%" args) (dolist (arg args) (let ((*package* pkg)) (load arg :verbose nil)))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Run the hooks. (setf *hostproc-hooks* (sort *hostproc-hooks* #'< :key #'hook-entry-prio)) (mapc (compose #'hook-entry-func #'funcall) *hostproc-hooks*) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Output the definitions. (setf *print-right-margin* 77) (print-json (print-json-map (print-json-mapping "all" (print-json-list (maphosts #'print-json-simple))) (dolist (assoc *groups*) (print-json-mapping (car assoc) (print-json-list (mapc #'print-json-simple (cdr assoc))))) (print-json-mapping "_meta" (print-json-map (print-json-mapping "hostvars" (print-json-map (maphash (lambda (host plist) (print-json-mapping host (print-json-map (do ((plist plist (cddr plist))) ((endp plist)) (print-json-mapping (car plist) (print-json-simple (cadr plist))))))) *hosts*))))))) ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------