#! /usr/bin/python ### -*-python-*- ### ### Encrypted email address handling ### ### (c) 2006 Mark Wooding ### ###----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------- ### ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ### Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ###----- External dependencies ---------------------------------------------- import catacomb as C import mLib as M from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite from UserDict import DictMixin from getopt import getopt, GetoptError from getdate import getdate from sys import stdin, stdout, stderr, exit, argv, exc_info from email import Parser as EP import os as OS import time as T import sre as RX import traceback as TB ###----- Database messing --------------------------------------------------- class AttrDB (object): def __init__(me, dbfile): me.db = sqlite.connect(dbfile) def setup(me): cur = me.db.cursor() cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE attr (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, value VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL)''') cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE attrset (id INTEGER NOT NULL, attr INTEGER NOT NULL)''') cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE uniq (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, dummy INTEGER NOT NULL)''') cur.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX attr_bykv ON attr (key, value)') cur.execute('CREATE INDEX attrset_byid ON attrset (id)') cur.execute('CREATE INDEX attrset_byattr ON attrset (attr)') cur.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX attrset_all ON attrset (id, attr)') def uniqueid(me): cur = me.db.cursor() cur.execute('INSERT INTO uniq (dummy) VALUES (0)') cur.execute('SELECT MAX(id) FROM uniq') id = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute('DELETE FROM uniq') me.commit() return id def select(me, expr, args = [], cur = None): if cur is None: cur = me.db.cursor() cur.execute(expr, args) while True: r = cur.fetchone() if r is None: break yield r def cleanup(me): cur = me.db.cursor() cur.execute('''DELETE FROM attr WHERE id IN (SELECT attr.id FROM attr LEFT JOIN attrset ON attr.id = attrset.attr WHERE attrset.id ISNULL)''') def check(me, cleanp = False): toclean = {} cur = me.db.cursor() for set, attr in me.select('''SELECT attrset.id, attrset.attr FROM attrset LEFT JOIN attr ON attrset.attr = attr.id WHERE attr.id ISNULL''', [], cur): print "attrset %d missing attr %d" % (set, attr) toclean[set] = True if cleanp: for set in toclean: cur.execute('DELETE FROM attrset WHERE id = ?', [set]) me.cleanup() def commit(me): me.db.commit() class AttrSet (object): def __init__(me, db, id = None): if id is None: id = db.uniqueid() me.id = id me.db = db def insert(me, key, value): cur = me.db.db.cursor() try: cur.execute('INSERT INTO attr (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)', [key, value]) except sqlite.OperationalError: pass cur.execute('SELECT id FROM attr WHERE key = ? AND value = ?', [key, value]) r = cur.fetchone() attr = r[0] try: cur.execute('INSERT INTO attrset VALUES (?, ?)', [me.id, attr]) except sqlite.OperationalError: pass def fetch(me): for r in me.db.select('''SELECT attr.key, attr.value FROM attr, attrset ON attr.id = attrset.attr WHERE attrset.id = ?''', [me.id]): yield r def delete(me): cur = me.db.db.cursor() cur.execute('DELETE FROM attrset WHERE id = ?', [me.id]) me.db.cleanup() class AttrMap (AttrSet, DictMixin): def __getitem__(me, key): it = None for v, in me.db.select('''SELECT attr.value FROM attr, attrset ON attr.id = attrset.attr WHERE attrset.id = ? AND attr.key = ?''', [me.id, key]): if it is None: it = v else: raise ValueError, 'multiple values for key %s' % key if it is None: raise KeyError, key return it def __delitem__(me, key): cur = me.db.db.cursor() cur.execute('''DELETE FROM attrset WHERE id = ? AND attr in (SELECT id FROM attr WHERE key = ?)''', [me.id, key]) me.db.cleanup() def __setitem__(me, key, value): me.__delitem__(key) me.insert(key, value) def __iter__(me): set = {} for k, v in me.fetch(): if k in set: continue set[k] = True yield k def keys(me): return [k for k in me] class AttrMultiMap (AttrMap): def __getitem__(me, key): them = [] for v, in me.db.select('''SELECT attr.value FROM attr, attrset ON attr.id = attrset.attr WHERE attrset.id = ? AND attr.key = ?''', [me.id, key]): them.append(v) if not them: raise KeyError, key return them def __setitem__(me, key, values): me.__delitem__(key) for it in values: me.insert(key, it) ###----- Miscellaneous utilities -------------------------------------------- def time_format(t = None): if t is None: t = T.time() tm = T.gmtime(t) return T.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tm) def any(pred, list): for i in list: if pred(i): return True return False def every(pred, list): for i in list: if not pred(i): return False return True prog = RX.sub(r'^.*[/\\]', '', argv[0]) def moan(msg): print >>stderr, '%s: %s' % (prog, msg) def die(msg): moan(msg) exit(111) ###----- My actual database ------------------------------------------------- class CMDB (AttrDB): def setup(me): AttrDB.setup(me) cur = me.db.cursor() cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE expiry (attrset INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, time CHAR(20) NOT NULL)''') cur.execute('CREATE INDEX expiry_bytime ON expiry (time)') def cleanup(me): cur = me.db.cursor() now = time_format() cur.execute('''DELETE FROM attrset WHERE id IN (SELECT attrset FROM expiry WHERE time < ?)''', [now]) cur.execute('DELETE FROM expiry WHERE time < ?', [now]) cur.execute('''DELETE FROM expiry WHERE attrset IN (SELECT attrset FROM expiry LEFT JOIN attrset ON expiry.attrset = attrset.id WHERE attrset.id ISNULL)''') AttrDB.cleanup(me) def expiry(me, id): for t, in me.select('SELECT time FROM expiry WHERE attrset = ?', [id]): return t return None def expiredp(me, id): t = me.expiry(id) if t is not None and t < time_format(): return True else: return False def setexpire(me, id, when): if when != C.KEXP_FOREVER: cur = me.db.cursor() cur.execute('INSERT INTO expiry VALUES (?, ?)', [id, time_format(when)]) ###----- Crypto messing about ----------------------------------------------- ## Very vague security arguments... ## ## If the block size n of the PRP is large enough (128 bits) then we encrypt ## id || 0^{n - 64}. Decryption checks we have the right thing. The ## security proofs for secrecy and integrity are trivial. ## ## If the block size is small, then we encrypt two blocks: ## C_0 = E_K(0^{n - 64} || id) ## C_1 = E_K(C_0) ## The proofs are a little more complicated, but essentially work like this. ## If no 0^{n - 64} || id is ever seen as a C_0 then an adversary can't tell ## the difference between this and a similar construction using independent ## keys. This other construction must provide secrecy (pushing a ## nonrepeating thing through a PRF) and integrity (PRF on noncolliding ## inputs). So we win, give or take a birthday term. class Crypto (object): def __init__(me, key): me.prp = C.gcprps[key.attr.get('prp', 'blowfish')](key.data.bin) def encrypt(me, id): blksz = type(me.prp).blksz p = C.MP(id).storeb(blksz) c = me.prp.encrypt(p) if blksz < 16: c += me.prp.encrypt(c) return c def decrypt(me, c): bad = False blksz = type(me.prp).blksz if blksz < 16: if len(c) != blksz * 2: return None c, c1 = c[:blksz], c[blksz:] if c1 != me.prp.encrypt(c): bad = True else: if len(c) != blksz: return None p = me.prp.decrypt(c) id = C.MP.loadb(p) if id >> 64: bad = True if bad: return None return long(id) ###----- Canonification ----------------------------------------------------- rx_prefix = RX.compile(r'''(?x) ^ ( \[ \S+ \] \s* | \S{,4} : \s* | \s+ ) ''') rx_suffix = RX.compile(r'''(?ix) ( \( \s* was \s* : .* \) \s* | \s+ ) $''') rx_punct = RX.compile(r'(?x) [^\w]+ ') def canon_sender(addr): return addr.lower() def canon_subject(subject): subject = subject.lower() while True: m = rx_prefix.match(subject) if not m: break subject = subject[m.end():] while True: m = rx_suffix.search(subject) if not m: break subject = subject[:m.start()] subject = rx_punct.sub('', subject) return subject ###----- Checking a message for validity ------------------------------------ class Reject (Exception): pass class MessageInfo (object): __slots__ = ''' sender msg '''.split() constraints = {} def check_sender(mi, vv): if mi.sender is None: raise Reject, 'no sender' sender = canon_sender(mi.sender) if not any(lambda pat: M.match(pat.lower(), sender), vv): raise Reject, 'unmatched sender' constraints['sender'] = check_sender def check_subject(mi, vv): if mi.msg is None: return subj = mi.msg['subject'] if subj is None: raise Reject, 'no subject' subj = canon_subject(subj) if not any(lambda pat: M.match(pat.lower(), subj), vv): raise Reject, 'unmatched subject' constraints['subject'] = check_subject def check_nothing(me, vv): pass def check(db, id, sender = None, msgfile = None): mi = MessageInfo() a = AttrMultiMap(db, id) try: addr = a['addr'][0] except KeyError: raise Reject, 'unknown id' if db.expiredp(id): raise Reject, 'expired' if msgfile is None: mi.msg = None else: try: mi.msg = EP.HeaderParser().parse(msgfile) except EP.Errors.HeaderParseError: raise Reject, 'unparseable header' mi.sender = sender for k, vv in a.iteritems(): constraints.get(k, check_nothing)(mi, vv) return a['addr'][0] ###----- Commands ----------------------------------------------------------- keyfile = 'db/keyring' tag = 'cryptomail' dbfile = 'db/cryptomail.db' user = None commands = {} def timecmp(x, y): if x == y: return 0 elif x == C.KEXP_FOREVER or y == C.KEXP_EXPIRE: return +1 elif y == C.KEXP_FOREVER or x == C.KEXP_EXPIRE: return +1 else: return cmp(x, y) def cmd_generate(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt(argv, 't:c:f:i:', ['expire=', 'timeout=', 'constraint=', 'info=', 'format=']) except GetoptError: return 1 kr = C.KeyFile(keyfile, C.KOPEN_WRITE) k = kr[tag] db = CMDB(dbfile) map = {} expwhen = C.KEXP_FOREVER format = '%' for o, a in opts: if o in ('-t', '--expire', '--timeout'): if a == 'forever': expwhen = C.KEXP_FOREVER else: expwhen = getdate(a) elif o in ('-c', '--constraint'): c, v = a.split('=', 1) if c not in constraints: die("unknown constraint `%s'", c) map.setdefault(c, []).append(v) elif o in ('-f', '--format'): format = a elif o in ('-i', '--info'): map['info'] = [a] else: raise 'Barf!' if timecmp(expwhen, k.deltime) > 0: k.deltime = expwhen if len(argv) != 1: return 1 addr = argv[0] a = AttrMultiMap(db) a.update(map) a['addr'] = [addr] if user is not None: a['user'] = [user] c = Crypto(k).encrypt(a.id) db.setexpire(a.id, expwhen) print format.replace('%', M.base32_encode(Crypto(k).encrypt(a.id)). strip('=').lower()) db.commit() kr.save() commands['generate'] = \ (cmd_generate, '[-t TIME] [-c TYPE=VALUE] ADDR', """ Generate a new encrypted email address token forwarding to ADDR. Subcommand options: -t, --timeout=TIME Address should expire at TIME. -c, --constraint=TYPE=VALUE Apply constraint on the use of the address. -f, --format=STRING Substitute token for `%' in STRING. Constraint types: sender Envelope sender must match glob pattern. subject Message subject must match glob pattern.""") def cmd_initdb(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt(argv, '', []) except GetoptError: return 1 try: OS.unlink(dbfile) except OSError: pass CMDB(dbfile).setup() commands['initdb'] = \ (cmd_initdb, '', """ Initialize an attribute database.""") def getid(local): k = C.KeyFile(keyfile, C.KOPEN_READ)[tag] id = Crypto(k).decrypt(M.base32_decode(local)) if id is None: raise Reject, 'decrypt failed' return id def cmd_addrcheck(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt(argv, '', []) except GetoptError: return 1 local, sender = (lambda addr, sender = None, *hunoz: (addr, sender))(*argv) db = CMDB(dbfile) try: id = getid(local) addr = check(db, id, sender) except Reject, msg: print '-%s' % msg return print '+%s' % addr commands['addrcheck'] = \ (cmd_addrcheck, 'LOCAL [SENDER [IGNORED ...]]', """ Check address token LOCAL, and report `-REASON' for failure or `+ADDR' for success.""") def cmd_fwaddr(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt(argv, '', []) except GetoptError: return 1 if len(argv) not in (1, 2): return 1 local, sender = (lambda addr, sender = None: (addr, sender))(*argv) db = CMDB(dbfile) try: id = getid(local) if id is None: raise Reject, 'decrypt failed' addr = check(db, id, sender, stdin) except Reject, msg: print >>stderr, '%s rejected message: %s' % (prog, msg) exit(100) stdin.seek(0) print addr commands['fwaddr'] = \ (cmd_fwaddr, 'LOCAL [SENDER]', """ Check address token LOCAL. On failure, report reason to stderr and exit 111. On success, write forwarding address to stdout and exit 0. Expects the message on standard input, as a seekable file.""") def cmd_info(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt(argv, '', []) except GetoptError: return 1 if len(argv) != 1: return 1 local = argv[0] db = CMDB(dbfile) try: id = getid(local) a = AttrMultiMap(db, id) if user is not None and user != a.get('user', [None])[0]: raise Reject, 'not your token' if 'addr' not in a: die('unknown token (expired?)') keys = a.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: for v in a[k]: print '%s: %s' % (k, v) expwhen = db.expiry(id) if expwhen: print 'expires: %s' else: print 'no-expiry' except Reject, msg: die('invalid token') commands['info'] = \ (cmd_info, 'LOCAL', """ Exaimne the address token LOCAL, and print information about it to standard output.""") def cmd_revoke(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt(argv, '', []) except GetoptError: return 1 if len(argv) != 1: return 1 local = argv[0] db = CMDB(dbfile) try: id = getid(local) a = AttrMultiMap(db, id) if user is not None and user != a.get('user', [None])[0]: raise Reject, 'not your token' if 'addr' not in a: die('unknown token (expired?)') a.clear() db.cleanup() db.commit() except Reject, msg: die('invalid token') commands['revoke'] = \ (cmd_revoke, 'LOCAL', """ Revoke the token LOCAL.""") def cmd_cleanup(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt(argv, '', []) except GetoptError: return 1 db = CMDB(dbfile) db.cleanup() cur = db.db.cursor() cur.execute('VACUUM') db.commit() commands['cleanup'] = \ (cmd_cleanup, '', """ Cleans up the attribute database, disposing of old records and compatifying the file.""") def cmd_help(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt(argv, '', []) except GetoptError: return 1 if len(argv) == 0: cmd = None elif len(argv) == 1: try: cmd = argv[0] ci = commands[cmd] except KeyError: die("unknown command `%s'" % cmd) else: return 1 version() print if cmd: print 'Usage: %s [-OPTIONS] %s %s' % (prog, cmd, ci[1]) print ci[2] else: usage(stdout) print """ Handle encrypted email addresses. Help options: -h, --help Show this help text. -v, --version Show version number. -u, --usage Show a usage message. Global options: -d, --database=FILE Use FILE as the attribute database. -k, --keyring=KEYRING Use KEYRING as the keyring. -t, --tag=TAG Use TAG as the key tag. -U, --user=USER Claim to be USER. """ cmds = commands.keys() cmds.sort() print 'Subcommands:' for c in cmds: print ' %s %s' % (c, commands[c][1]) commands['help'] = \ (cmd_help, '[COMMAND]', """ Show help for subcommand COMMAND. """) ###----- Main program ------------------------------------------------------- def usage(file): print >>file, \ 'Usage: %s [-d FILE] [-k KEYRING] [-t TAG] COMMAND [ARGS...]' % prog def version(): print '%s version 1.0.0' % prog def help(): cmd_help() def main(): global argv, user, keyfile, dbfile, tag try: opts, argv = getopt(argv[1:], 'hvud:k:t:U:', ['help', 'version', 'usage', 'database=', 'keyring=', 'tag=', 'user=']) except GetoptError: usage(stderr) exit(111) for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): help() exit(0) elif o in ('-v', '--version'): version() exit(0) elif o in ('-u', '--usage'): usage(stdout) exit(0) elif o in ('-d', '--database'): dbfile = a elif o in ('-k', '--keyring'): keyfile = a elif o in ('-t', '--tag'): tag = a elif o in ('-U', '--user'): user = a else: raise 'Barf!' if len(argv) < 1: usage(stderr) exit(111) if argv[0] in commands: c = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] else: usage(stderr) exit(111) cmd = commands[c] if cmd[0](argv): print >>stderr, 'Usage: %s %s %s' % (prog, c, cmd[1]) exit(111) try: main() except SystemExit: raise except: ty, exc, tb = exc_info() moan('unhandled %s exception' % ty.__name__) for file, line, func, text in TB.extract_tb(tb): print >>stderr, \ ' %-35s -- %.38s' % ('%s:%d (%s)' % (file, line, func), text) die('%s: %s' % (ty.__name__, exc[0]))