(in-package :asdf) (export '*dso-extension*) (defparameter *dso-extension* #-(and darwin win32)"so" #+darwin"dylib" #+win32"dll") ;;; The following code is more or less copied frm sb-bsd-sockets.asd, ;;; but extended to allow flags to be set in a general way (defclass unix-dso (module) ((ldflags :initform nil :initarg :ldflags))) (defun unix-name (pathname) (namestring (typecase pathname (logical-pathname (translate-logical-pathname pathname)) (t pathname)))) (defmethod input-files ((operation compile-op) (dso unix-dso)) (mapcar #'component-pathname (module-components dso))) (defmethod output-files ((operation compile-op) (dso unix-dso)) (let ((dir (component-pathname dso))) (list (make-pathname :type *dso-extension* :name (car (last (pathname-directory dir))) :directory (butlast (pathname-directory dir)) :defaults dir)))) (defmethod perform :after ((operation compile-op) (dso unix-dso)) (let ((output (first (output-files operation dso))) (inputs (mapcar #'unix-name (mapcan #'(lambda (c) (output-files operation c)) (module-components dso))))) (unless (zerop (run-shell-command "gcc ~A~{ ~A~} -o ~S~{ ~S~}" #-(and darwin win32)"-shared" #+darwin "-bundle" #+win32 (format nil "-shared -Wl,--out-implib,~S" (unix-name (make-pathname :type "a" :name (format nil "lib~Adll" (pathname-name output)) :defaults output))) (slot-value dso 'ldflags) (unix-name output) inputs)) (error 'operation-error :operation operation :component dso)))) #+clisp (defvar *loaded-libraries* ()) (defun load-dso (filename) #+sbcl(sb-alien:load-shared-object filename) #+cmu(ext:load-foreign filename) #+clisp (unless (find filename *loaded-libraries* :test #'equal) (ffi::foreign-library (namestring filename)) (push filename *loaded-libraries*))) (defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c unix-dso)) (let ((co (make-instance 'compile-op))) (let ((filename (car (output-files co c)))) (load-dso filename)))) (defclass c-source-file (source-file) ((cflags :initform nil :initarg :cflags) (optimization :initform 2 :initarg :optimization) (definitions :initform nil :initarg :definitions) (include-paths :initform nil :initarg :include-paths))) (defmethod output-files ((op compile-op) (c c-source-file)) (list (make-pathname :type "o" :defaults (component-pathname c)))) (defmethod perform ((op compile-op) (c c-source-file)) (unless (= 0 (run-shell-command "gcc ~A~{ ~A~} -o ~S -c ~S" #-win32 "-fPIC" #+win32 "-DBUILD_DLL" (nconc (when (slot-value c 'optimization) (list (format nil "-O~A" (slot-value c 'optimization)))) (loop for symbol in (slot-value c 'definitions) collect (format nil "-D~A" symbol)) (loop for path in (slot-value c 'include-paths) collect (format nil "-I~A" path)) (slot-value c 'cflags)) (unix-name (first (output-files op c))) (unix-name (component-pathname c)))) (error 'operation-error :operation op :component c))) (defmethod perform ((operation load-op) (c c-source-file)) t) ;;; Shared libraries (defclass library (component) ((libdir :initarg :libdir) (libname :initarg :libname :initform nil))) (defun split-path (path) (labels ((split (path) (unless (zerop (length path)) (let ((slash (position #\/ path))) (if slash (cons (subseq path 0 slash) (split (subseq path (1+ slash)))) (list path)))))) (if (and (not (zerop (length path))) (char= (char path 0) #\/)) (cons :absolute (split (subseq path 1))) (cons :relative (split path))))) (defmethod component-pathname ((lib library)) (make-pathname :type *dso-extension* :name (or (slot-value lib 'libname) (component-name lib)) :directory (split-path (slot-value lib 'libdir)))) ;; --fix: is UNIX-NAME really necessary for win32? i know it will bomb ;; without using it while doing (ASDF:OOS 'ASDF:LOAD-OP :GLIB) but ;; loading the complete pathname for libglib-2.0-0.dll with ;; SB-ALIEN:LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT by hand won't explode. weird. ;; - cph 18-May-2007 (defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c library)) (load-dso #-win32 (component-pathname c) #+win32 (unix-name (component-pathname c)))) (defmethod perform ((operation operation) (c library)) nil) (defmethod operation-done-p ((o load-op) (c library)) #+sbcl(find (sb-ext::unix-namestring (component-pathname c)) sb-alien::*shared-objects* :key #'sb-alien::shared-object-file :test #'equal) #+cmu(rassoc (unix::unix-namestring (component-pathname c)) system::*global-table* :key #'(lambda (pathname) (when pathname (unix::unix-namestring pathname))) :test #'equal) #+clisp(find (component-pathname c) *loaded-libraries* :test #'equal)) (defmethod operation-done-p ((o operation) (c library)) t)