;; Common Lisp bindings for GTK+ v2.0 ;; Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Espen S. Johnsen ;; ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ;; $Id: gtktree.lisp,v 1.1 2004/11/07 17:22:06 espen Exp $ (in-package "GTK") ;;;; Cell Layout (defbinding cell-layout-pack-start () nil (cell-layout cell-layout) (cell cell-renderer) (expand boolean)) (defbinding cell-layout-pack-end () nil (cell-layout cell-layout) (cell cell-renderer) (expand boolean)) (defun cell-layout-pack (layout cell &key end expand) (if end (cell-layout-pack-end layout cell expand) (cell-layout-pack-start layout cell expand))) (defbinding cell-layout-reorder () nil (cell-layout cell-layout) (cell cell-renderer) (position int)) (defbinding cell-layout-clear () nil (cell-layout cell-layout)) (defbinding cell-layout-add-attribute (cell-layout cell attribute column) nil (cell-layout cell-layout) (cell cell-renderer) ((string-downcase attribute) string) (column int)) (def-callback-marshal %cell-layout-data-func (nil cell-layout cell-renderer tree-model tree-iter)) (defbinding cell-layout-set-cell-data-func (cell-layout cell function) nil (cell-layout cell-layout) (cell cell-renderer) ((callback %cell-layout-data-func) pointer) ((register-callback-function function) unsigned-int) ((callback %destroy-user-data) pointer)) (defbinding cell-layout-clear-attributes () nil (cell-layout cell-layout) (cell cell-renderer)) ;;;; List Store (defmethod initialize-instance ((list-store list-store) &key columns) (call-next-method) (%list-store-set-column-types list-store (length columns) (map 'vector #'find-type-number columns))) (defbinding %list-store-set-column-types () nil (list-store list-store) (n-columns unsigned-int) (columns (vector type-number))) (defbinding %list-store-set-value () nil (list-store list-store) (tree-iter tree-iter) (column int) (value gvalue)) (defun list-store-set-value (list-store tree-iter column type value) (let ((gvalue (gvalue-new type value))) (unwind-protect (%list-store-set-value list-store tree-iter column gvalue) (gvalue-free gvalue)))) (defbinding list-store-remove () boolean (list-store list-store) (tree-iter tree-iter)) (defbinding list-store-insert () nil (list-store list-store) ((make-instance 'tree-iter) tree-iter :in-out) (position int)) (defbinding list-store-insert-before (list-store &optional sibling) nil (list-store list-store) ((make-instance 'tree-iter) tree-iter :in-out) (sibling (or null tree-iter))) (defbinding list-store-insert-after (list-store &optional sibling) nil (list-store list-store) ((make-instance 'tree-iter) tree-iter :in-out) (sibling (or null tree-iter))) (defbinding list-store-prepend () nil (list-store list-store) ((make-instance 'tree-iter) tree-iter :in-out)) (defbinding list-store-append () nil (list-store list-store) ((make-instance 'tree-iter) tree-iter :in-out)) (defbinding list-store-clear () nil (list-store list-store)) (defbinding list-store-reorder () nil (list-store list-store) (new-order (vector int))) (defbinding list-store-swap () nil (list-store list-store) (a tree-iter) (b tree-iter)) (defbinding list-store-move-before () nil (list-store list-store) (iter tree-iter) (psoition (or null tree-iter))) (defbinding list-store-move-after () nil (list-store list-store) (iter tree-iter) (psoition tree-iter)) ;;; Tree Model ;;; Tree Store (defbinding %tree-store-set-column-types () nil (tree-store tree-store) (n-columns unsigned-int) (columns (vector type-number))) (defmethod initialize-instance ((tree-store tree-store) &key columns) (call-next-method) (%tree-store-set-column-types tree-store (length columns) (map 'vector #'find-type-number columns))) (defbinding %tree-store-set-value () nil (tree-store tree-store) (tree-iter tree-iter) (column int) (value gvalue)) (defbinding tree-store-remove () boolean (tree-store tree-store) (tree-iter tree-iter)) (defbinding tree-store-insert (tree-store position &optional parent) nil (tree-store tree-store) ((make-instance 'tree-iter) tree-iter :in-out) (parent (or null tree-iter)) (position int)) (defbinding tree-store-insert-before (tree-store &optional parent sibling) nil (tree-store tree-store) ((make-instance 'tree-iter) tree-iter :in-out) (parent (or null tree-iter)) (sibling (or null tree-iter))) (defbinding tree-store-insert-after (tree-store &optional parent sibling) nil (tree-store tree-store) ((make-instance 'tree-iter) tree-iter :in-out) (parent (or null tree-iter)) (sibling (or null tree-iter))) (defbinding tree-store-prepend (tree-store &optional parent) nil (tree-store tree-store) ((make-instance 'tree-iter) tree-iter :in-out) (parent (or null tree-iter))) (defbinding tree-store-append (tree-store &optional parent) nil (tree-store tree-store) ((make-instance 'tree-iter) tree-iter :in-out) (parent (or null tree-iter))) (defbinding (tree-store-is-ancestor-p "gtk_tree_store_is_ancestor") () boolean (tree-store tree-store) (tree-iter tree-iter) (descendant tree-iter)) (defbinding tree-store-iter-depth () int (tree-store tree-store) (tree-iter tree-iter)) (defbinding tree-store-clear () nil (tree-store tree-store)) (defbinding tree-store-reorder () nil (tree-store tree-store) (parent tree-iter) (new-order (vector int))) (defbinding tree-store-swap () nil (tree-store tree-store) (a tree-iter) (b tree-iter)) (defbinding tree-store-move-before () nil (tree-store tree-store) (iter tree-iter) (psoition (or null tree-iter))) (defbinding tree-store-move-after () nil (tree-store tree-store) (iter tree-iter) (psoition tree-iter)) ;;; Tree View (defbinding tree-view-get-selection () tree-selection (tree-view tree-view)) (defbinding tree-view-columns-autosize () nil (tree-view tree-view)) (defbinding tree-view-append-column () int (tree-view tree-view) (tree-view-column tree-view-column)) (defbinding tree-view-remove-column () int (tree-view tree-view) (tree-view-column tree-view-column)) (defbinding tree-view-insert-column (view columnd position) int (view tree-view) (column tree-view-column) ((if (eq position :end) -1 position) int)) (defbinding tree-view-get-column () tree-view-column (tree-view tree-view) (position int)) (defbinding tree-view-move-column-after () nil (tree-view tree-view) (column tree-view-column) (base-column (or null tree-view-column))) ;;(defbinding tree-view-set-column drag-function ...) (defbinding tree-view-scroll-to-point () nil (tree-view tree-view) (tree-x int) (tree-y int)) (defbinding tree-view-scroll-to-cell () nil (tree-view tree-view) (path (or null tree-path)) (column (or null tree-view-column)) (use-align boolean) (row-align single-float) (col-align single-float)) (defbinding tree-view-set-cursor () nil (tree-view tree-view) (path tree-path) (focus-column tree-view-column) (start-editing boolean)) (defbinding tree-view-set-cursor-on-cell () nil (tree-view tree-view) (path tree-path) (focus-column (or null tree-view-column)) (focus-cell (or null cell-renderer)) (start-editing boolean)) (defbinding tree-view-get-cursor () nil (tree-view tree-view) (path tree-path :out ) (focus-column tree-view-column :out)) (defbinding tree-view-row-activated () nil (tree-view tree-view) (path tree-path ) (column tree-view-column)) (defbinding tree-view-expand-all () nil (tree-view tree-view)) (defbinding tree-view-collapse-all () nil (tree-view tree-view)) (defbinding tree-view-expand-to-path () nil (tree-view tree-view) (path tree-path)) (defbinding tree-view-expand-row () nil (tree-view tree-view) (path tree-path) (open-all boolean)) (defbinding tree-view-collapse-row () nil (tree-view tree-view) (path tree-path)) (def-callback-marshal %tree-view-mapping-func (nil tree-view tree-path)) (defbinding %tree-view-map-expanded-rows () nil (tree-view tree-view) ((callback %tree-view-mapping-func) pointer) (callback-id unsigned-int)) (defun map-expanded-rows (function tree-view) (with-callback-function (id function) (%tree-view-map-expanded-rows tree-view id))) (defbinding (tree-view-row-expanded-p "gtk_tree_view_row_expanded") () boolean (tree-view tree-view) (path tree-path)) (defbinding tree-view-get-path-at-pos (tree-view x y &optional (cell-x 0) (cell-y 0)) boolean (tree-view tree-view) (x int) (y int) (path tree-path :out) (column tree-view-column :out) (cell-x int) (cell-y int)) (defbinding tree-view-get-cell-area () nil (tree-view tree-view) (path (or null tree-path)) (column (or null tree-view-column)) ((make-instance 'gdk:rectangle) gdk:rectangle :in-out)) (defbinding tree-view-get-background-area () nil (tree-view tree-view) (path (or null tree-path)) (column (or null tree-view-column)) ((make-instance 'gdk:rectangle) gdk:rectangle :in-out)) (defbinding tree-view-get-visible-rect () nil (tree-view tree-view) ((make-instance 'gdk:rectangle) gdk:rectangle :in-out)) ;; and many more functions which we'll add later