;; Common Lisp bindings for GTK+ v2.0 ;; Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Espen S. Johnsen ;; ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ;; $Id: genums.lisp,v 1.4 2004/11/06 21:39:58 espen Exp $ (in-package "GLIB") (defun %map-enum (args op) (let ((current-value 0)) (mapcar #'(lambda (mapping) (destructuring-bind (symbol &optional (value current-value)) (mklist mapping) (setf current-value (1+ value)) (case op (:enum-int (list symbol value)) (:flags-int (list symbol value)) (:int-enum (list value symbol)) (:int-flags (list value symbol)) (:symbols symbol)))) args))) (defun %query-enum-or-flags-values (query-function class type) (multiple-value-bind (sap length) (funcall query-function (type-class-ref type)) (let ((values nil) (size (proxy-instance-size (find-class class))) (proxy (make-instance class :location sap))) (dotimes (i length) (with-slots (location nickname value) proxy (setf location sap) (setq sap (sap+ sap size)) (push (list (intern (substitute #\- #\_ (string-upcase nickname)) "KEYWORD") value) values))) values))) ;;;; Generic enum type (deftype enum (&rest args) `(member ,@(%map-enum args :symbols))) (defmethod alien-type ((type (eql 'enum)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) (alien-type 'signed)) (defmethod size-of ((type (eql 'enum)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) (size-of 'signed)) (defmethod to-alien-form (form (type (eql 'enum)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type)) `(ecase ,form ,@(%map-enum args :enum-int))) (defmethod from-alien-form (form (type (eql 'enum)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type)) `(ecase ,form ,@(%map-enum args :int-enum))) (defmethod to-alien-function ((type (eql 'enum)) &rest args) (let ((mappings (%map-enum args :enum-int))) #'(lambda (enum) (or (second (assoc enum mappings)) (error "~S is not of type ~S" enum (cons type args)))))) (defmethod from-alien-function ((type (eql 'enum)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((mappings (%map-enum args :int-enum))) #'(lambda (int) (second (assoc int mappings))))) (defmethod writer-function ((type (eql 'enum)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((writer (writer-function 'signed)) (function (apply #'to-alien-function 'enum args))) #'(lambda (enum location &optional (offset 0)) (funcall writer (funcall function enum) location offset)))) (defmethod reader-function ((type (eql 'enum)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((reader (reader-function 'signed)) (function (apply #'from-alien-function 'enum args))) #'(lambda (location &optional (offset 0)) (funcall function (funcall reader location offset))))) (defclass %enum-value (struct) ((value :allocation :alien :type int) (name :allocation :alien :type string) (nickname :allocation :alien :type string)) (:metaclass static-struct-class)) (defbinding %enum-class-values () pointer (class pointer) (n-values unsigned-int :out)) (defun query-enum-values (type) (%query-enum-or-flags-values #'%enum-class-values '%enum-value type)) ;;;; Generic flags type (deftype flags (&rest args) `(or null (cons (member ,@(%map-enum args :symbols)) list))) (defmethod alien-type ((type (eql 'flags)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) (alien-type 'unsigned)) (defmethod size-of ((type (eql 'flags)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) (size-of 'unsigned)) (defmethod to-alien-form (flags (type (eql 'flags)) &rest args) `(loop with value = 0 with flags = ,flags for flag in (mklist flags) do (let ((flagval (or (second (assoc flag ',(%map-enum args :flags-int))) (error "~S is not of type ~S" flags '(,type ,@args))))) (setq value (logior value flagval))) finally (return value))) (defmethod from-alien-form (int (type (eql 'flags)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type)) `(loop for mapping in ',(%map-enum args :int-flags) unless (zerop (logand int (first mapping))) collect (second mapping))) (defmethod to-alien-function ((type (eql 'flags)) &rest args) (let ((mappings (%map-enum args :flags-int))) #'(lambda (flags) (loop with value = 0 for flag in (mklist flags) do (let ((flagval (or (second (assoc flag mappings)) (error "~S is not of type ~S" flags (cons type args))))) (setq value (logior value flagval))) finally (return value))))) (defmethod from-alien-function ((type (eql 'flags)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((mappings (%map-enum args :int-flags))) #'(lambda (int) (loop for mapping in mappings unless (zerop (logand int (first mapping))) collect (second mapping))))) (defmethod writer-function ((type (eql 'flags)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((writer (writer-function 'unsigned)) (function (apply #'to-alien-function 'flags args))) #'(lambda (flags location &optional (offset 0)) (funcall writer (funcall function flags) location offset)))) (defmethod reader-function ((type (eql 'flags)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((reader (reader-function 'unsigned)) (function (apply #'from-alien-function 'flags args))) #'(lambda (location &optional (offset 0)) (funcall function (funcall reader location offset))))) (defclass %flags-value (struct) ((value :allocation :alien :type unsigned-int) (name :allocation :alien :type string) (nickname :allocation :alien :type string)) (:metaclass static-struct-class)) (defbinding %flags-class-values () pointer (class pointer) (n-values unsigned-int :out)) (defun query-flags-values (type) (%query-enum-or-flags-values #'%flags-class-values '%flags-value type)) ;;;; (defun expand-enum-type (type-number &optional options) (let* ((super (supertype type-number)) (type (type-from-number type-number)) (mappings (getf options :mappings)) (expanded-mappings (append (delete-if #'(lambda (mapping) (or (assoc (first mapping) mappings) (rassoc (cdr mapping) mappings :test #'equal))) (if (eq super 'enum) (query-enum-values type-number) (query-flags-values type-number))) (remove-if #'(lambda (mapping) (eq (second mapping) nil)) mappings)))) `(progn (register-type ',type ,(find-type-name type-number)) (deftype ,type () '(,super ,@expanded-mappings))))) (register-derivable-type 'enum "GEnum" 'expand-enum-type) (register-derivable-type 'flags "GFlags" 'expand-enum-type)