;; Common Lisp bindings for GTK+ 2.x ;; Copyright 2005 Espen S. Johnsen ;; ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining ;; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ;; "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including ;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ;; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to ;; the following conditions: ;; ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ;; MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ;; IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;; CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, ;; TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ;; SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;; $Id: ginspect.lisp,v 1.11 2006/09/05 13:12:50 espen Exp $ #+sbcl(require :gtk) #+cmu(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :gtk) (defpackage "GINSPECT" (:use "COMMON-LISP" "GFFI" "GLIB" "GTK" #+cmu"PCL" #+sbcl"SB-PCL") (:export "GINSPECT" "GINSPECT-TOPLEVELS")) (in-package "GINSPECT") (defvar *ginspect-unbound-object-marker* #+cmu (gensym "UNBOUND-OBJECT-") #+sbcl sb-impl::*inspect-unbound-object-marker*) (defgeneric insert-object (object store parent &optional prefix)) (defgeneric insert-parts (object store parent)) (defgeneric object-has-parts-p (object)) (defgeneric decompose-describe-object (object)) ;; A container to hold lisp objects "inside" the tree store (defclass object-container (gobject) ((object :initarg :object)) (:metaclass gobject-class)) (defun ginspect (object) (let* ((store (make-instance 'tree-store :column-types '(string string gobject boolean) :column-names '(name pprinted object expanded))) (view (make-instance 'tree-view :model store :headers-visible nil))) (let ((column (make-instance 'tree-view-column)) (name (make-instance 'cell-renderer-text)) (object (make-instance 'cell-renderer-text))) (tree-view-append-column view column) (cell-layout-pack column name :expand nil) (cell-layout-add-attribute column name 'text (column-index store 'name)) (cell-layout-pack column object :expand t) (cell-layout-add-attribute column object 'text (column-index store 'pprinted))) (insert-object object store nil) (signal-connect view 'row-expanded #'(lambda (iter path) (when (setf (tree-model-value store iter 'expanded) (not (tree-model-value store iter 'expanded))) (multiple-value-bind (valid child-iter) (tree-model-iter-children store iter) ;; Remove old children (when valid (loop while (tree-store-remove store child-iter)))) (let ((container (tree-model-value store iter 'object))) (insert-parts (slot-value container 'object) store iter)) (tree-view-expand-row view path nil)))) (make-instance 'dialog :title "Object Inspector" :show-children t :visible t :default-width 600 :default-height 600 :button (list "gtk-close" #'widget-destroy :object t) :child (make-instance 'scrolled-window :hscrollbar-policy :automatic :child view)))) (defmethod decompose-describe-object ((object t)) #+cmu (destructuring-bind (description named-p &rest parts) (inspect::describe-parts object) (if (equal parts (list object)) (values description nil nil) (values description named-p parts))) #+sbcl(sb-impl::inspected-parts object)) (defmethod decompose-describe-object ((object (eql t))) (values (call-next-method) nil nil)) (defmethod decompose-describe-object ((object (eql nil))) (values (call-next-method) nil nil)) (defun propper-list-p (object) (and (listp object) (null (cdr (last object))))) (defmethod decompose-describe-object ((object cons)) (if (propper-list-p object) (values (call-next-method) nil object) (values "The object is a CONS." nil (list (car object) (cdr object))))) (defmethod decompose-describe-object ((object #+cmu alien:system-area-pointer #+sbcl sb-alien:system-area-pointer)) (values "The object is a SYSTEM-AREA-POINTER" nil nil)) (defmethod decompose-describe-object ((object (eql *ginspect-unbound-object-marker*))) (values "The slot is unbound" nil nil)) #+cmu (defmethod decompose-describe-object ((object symbol)) (values (call-next-method) t (list (cons "Name" (symbol-name object)) (cons "Package" (symbol-package object)) (cons "Value" (if (boundp object) (symbol-value object) *ginspect-unbound-object-marker*)) (cons "Function" (if (fboundp object) (symbol-function object) *ginspect-unbound-object-marker*)) (cons "Plist" (symbol-plist object))))) (defmethod decompose-describe-object ((object standard-object)) (values (format nil "The instance is an object of type ~A." (class-name (class-of object))) t (loop for slotd in (class-slots (class-of object)) when (slot-readable-p slotd) collect (let* ((slot-name (slot-definition-name slotd)) (slot-value (if (slot-boundp object slot-name) (slot-value object slot-name) *ginspect-unbound-object-marker*))) (cons (string slot-name) slot-value))))) (defmethod object-has-parts-p ((object t)) (nth-value 2 (decompose-describe-object object))) (defmethod object-has-parts-p ((object cons)) t) (defmethod object-has-parts-p ((object standard-object)) (class-slots (class-of object))) (defmethod object-has-parts-p ((object vector)) (not (zerop (length object)))) (defmethod object-to-string ((object t)) (with-output-to-string (stream) (write object :stream stream :lines 1 :right-margin 80))) (defmethod object-to-string ((object (eql *ginspect-unbound-object-marker*))) "") (defmethod insert-object ((object t) store parent &optional (name "")) (let ((container (make-instance 'object-container :object object)) (has-parts (object-has-parts-p object))) (let ((iter (tree-store-append store parent (vector name (object-to-string object) container (not has-parts))))) (when has-parts ;; Insert dummy child (tree-store-append store iter (vector "" "" container t)))))) (defmethod insert-parts :around ((object t) store parent) (when (object-has-parts-p object) (call-next-method))) (defmethod insert-parts ((object t) store parent) (multiple-value-bind (description named-p parts) (decompose-describe-object object) (declare (ignore description)) (loop for part in parts do (if named-p (insert-object (cdr part) store parent (string (car part))) (insert-object part store parent))))) (defun ginspect-toplevels () (ginspect (window-list-toplevels)))