;; Common Lisp bindings for GTK+ v2.x ;; Copyright 2000-2005 Espen S. Johnsen ;; ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining ;; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ;; "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including ;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ;; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to ;; the following conditions: ;; ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ;; MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ;; IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;; CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, ;; TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ;; SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;; $Id: gtype.lisp,v 1.44 2006/02/19 19:23:23 espen Exp $ (in-package "GLIB") (use-prefix "g") ;; Initialize the glib type system (defbinding type-init () nil) (type-init) (deftype type-number () '(unsigned 32)) (deftype gtype () 'symbol) (defmethod alien-type ((type (eql 'gtype)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) (alien-type 'type-number)) (defmethod size-of ((type (eql 'gtype)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) (size-of 'type-number)) (defmethod to-alien-form (gtype (type (eql 'gtype)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) `(find-type-number ,gtype t)) (defmethod to-alien-function ((type (eql 'gtype)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) #'(lambda (gtype) (find-type-number gtype t))) (defmethod from-alien-form (type-number (type (eql 'gtype)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) `(type-from-number ,type-number)) (defmethod from-alien-function ((type (eql 'gtype)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) #'(lambda (type-number) (type-from-number type-number))) (defmethod writer-function ((type (eql 'gtype)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) (let ((writer (writer-function 'type-number))) #'(lambda (gtype location &optional (offset 0)) (funcall writer (find-type-number gtype t) location offset)))) (defmethod reader-function ((type (eql 'gtype)) &rest args) (declare (ignore type args)) (let ((reader (reader-function 'type-number))) #'(lambda (location &optional (offset 0) weak-p) (declare (ignore weak-p)) (type-from-number (funcall reader location offset))))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defclass type-query (struct) ((type-number :allocation :alien :type type-number) (name :allocation :alien :type string) (class-size :allocation :alien :type unsigned-int) (instance-size :allocation :alien :type unsigned-int)) (:metaclass struct-class))) (defbinding type-query (type) nil ((find-type-number type t) type-number) ((make-instance 'type-query) type-query :return)) (defun type-instance-size (type) (slot-value (type-query type) 'instance-size)) (defun type-class-size (type) (slot-value (type-query type) 'class-size)) (defbinding type-class-ref (type) pointer ((find-type-number type t) type-number)) (defbinding type-class-unref (type) nil ((find-type-number type t) type-number)) (defbinding type-class-peek (type) pointer ((find-type-number type t) type-number)) ;;;; Mapping between lisp types and glib types (defvar *registered-types* ()) (defvar *registered-type-aliases* ()) (defvar *lisp-type-to-type-number* (make-hash-table)) (defvar *type-number-to-lisp-type* (make-hash-table)) (defbinding %type-from-name () type-number (name string)) (defun type-number-from-glib-name (name &optional (error-p t)) (let ((type-number (%type-from-name name))) (cond ((not (zerop type-number)) type-number) (error-p (error "Invalid gtype name: ~A" name))))) (defun register-type (type id) (pushnew (cons type id) *registered-types* :key #'car) (let ((type-number (typecase id (string (type-number-from-glib-name id)) (symbol (funcall id))))) (setf (gethash type *lisp-type-to-type-number*) type-number) (setf (gethash type-number *type-number-to-lisp-type*) type) type-number)) (defun register-type-alias (type alias) (pushnew (cons type alias) *registered-type-aliases* :key #'car) (setf (gethash type *lisp-type-to-type-number*) (find-type-number alias t))) (defun reinitialize-all-types () (clrhash *lisp-type-to-type-number*) (clrhash *type-number-to-lisp-type*) (type-init) ; initialize the glib type system (mapc #'(lambda (type) (register-type (car type) (cdr type))) *registered-types*) (mapc #'(lambda (type) (register-type-alias (car type) (cdr type))) *registered-type-aliases*)) (pushnew 'reinitialize-all-types #+cmu *after-save-initializations* #+sbcl *init-hooks*) #+cmu (pushnew 'system::reinitialize-global-table ; we shouldn't have to do this? *after-save-initializations*) (defun find-type-number (type &optional error-p) (etypecase type (integer type) (string (type-number-from-glib-name type error-p)) (symbol (or (gethash type *lisp-type-to-type-number*) (and error-p (error "Type not registered: ~A" type)))) (class (find-type-number (class-name type) error-p)))) (defun type-from-number (type-number &optional error) (multiple-value-bind (type found) (gethash type-number *type-number-to-lisp-type*) (if found type (let ((name (find-foreign-type-name type-number))) (cond ((and name (not (= (type-number-from-glib-name name nil) type-number))) ;; This is a hack because GdkEvent seems to be registered ;; multiple times (type-from-number (type-number-from-glib-name name))) ((and error name) (error "Type number not registered: ~A (~A)" type-number name)) ((and error) (error "Invalid type number: ~A" type-number))))))) (defbinding (find-foreign-type-name "g_type_name") (type) (copy-of string) ((find-type-number type t) type-number)) (defun type-number-of (object) (find-type-number (type-of object) t)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defvar *type-initializers* ()) (defun %find-types-in-library (pathname prefixes ignore) (let ((process (run-program "/usr/bin/nm" (list "--defined-only" "-D" (namestring (truename pathname))) :output :stream :wait nil))) (unwind-protect (loop as symbol = (let ((line (read-line (process-output process) nil))) (when line (subseq line 11))) while symbol when (and (> (length symbol) 9) (or (not prefixes) (some #'(lambda (prefix) (and (> (length symbol) (length prefix)) (string= prefix symbol :end2 (length prefix)))) (mklist prefixes))) (string= "_get_type" symbol :start2 (- (length symbol) 9)) (not (member symbol ignore :test #'string=))) collect symbol) (process-close process))))) (defmacro init-types-in-library (filename &key prefix ignore) (let ((names (%find-types-in-library filename prefix ignore))) `(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name) `(progn (defbinding (,(intern name) ,name) () type-number) (,(intern name)) (pushnew ',(intern name) *type-initializers*))) names)))) (defun find-type-init-function (type-number) (loop for type-init in *type-initializers* when (= type-number (funcall type-init)) do (return type-init))) (defun register-type-as (type-number) (or (find-type-init-function type-number) (find-foreign-type-name type-number) (error "Unknown type-number: ~A" type-number))) (defun default-type-init-name (type) (find-symbol (format nil "~A_~A_get_type" (package-prefix *package*) (substitute #\_ #\- (string-downcase type))))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defclass type-info (struct) ((class-size :allocation :alien :type (unsigned 16) :initarg :class-size) (base-init :allocation :alien :type pointer) (base-finalize :allocation :alien :type pointer) (class-init :allocation :alien :type pointer) (class-finalize :allocation :alien :type pointer) (class-data :allocation :alien :type pointer) (instance-size :allocation :alien :type (unsigned 16) :initarg :instance-size) (n-preallocs :allocation :alien :type (unsigned 16)) (instance-init :allocation :alien :type pointer) (value-table :allocation :alien :type pointer)) (:metaclass struct-class))) (defbinding %type-register-static () type-number (parent-type type-number) (name string) (info type-info) (0 unsigned-int)) (defun register-new-type (type parent &optional foreign-name) (let ((parent-info (type-query parent))) (with-slots ((parent-number type-number) class-size instance-size) parent-info (let ((type-number (%type-register-static parent-number (or foreign-name (default-alien-type-name type)) (make-instance 'type-info :class-size class-size :instance-size instance-size)))) (setf (gethash type *lisp-type-to-type-number*) type-number) (setf (gethash type-number *type-number-to-lisp-type*) type) type-number)))) ;;;; Metaclass for subclasses of ginstance (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defclass ginstance-class (proxy-class) ((gtype :initarg :gtype :initform nil :reader ginstance-class-gtype)))) (defun update-size (class) (let ((type-number (find-type-number class))) (cond ((not (slot-boundp class 'size)) (setf (slot-value class 'size) (type-instance-size type-number))) ((and (slot-boundp class 'size) (not (= (type-instance-size type-number) (slot-value class 'size)))) (warn "Size mismatch for class ~A" class))))) (defmethod finalize-inheritance ((class ginstance-class)) (call-next-method) (let* ((class-name (class-name class)) (super (most-specific-proxy-superclass class)) (gtype (or (first (ginstance-class-gtype class)) (default-alien-type-name class-name))) (type-number (or (find-type-number class-name) (let ((type-number (if (or (symbolp gtype) (type-number-from-glib-name gtype nil)) (register-type class-name gtype) (register-new-type class-name (class-name super) gtype)))) (type-class-ref type-number) type-number)))) (when (and (supertype type-number) (not (eq (class-name super) (supertype type-number)))) (warn "~A is the super type for ~A in the gobject type system." (supertype type-number) class-name))) (update-size class)) (defmethod shared-initialize ((class ginstance-class) names &rest initargs) (declare (ignore initargs)) (call-next-method) (when (class-finalized-p class) (update-size class))) (defmethod validate-superclass ((class ginstance-class) (super standard-class)) (subtypep (class-name super) 'ginstance)) ;;;; Superclass for wrapping types in the glib type system (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defclass ginstance (proxy) (;(class :allocation :alien :type pointer :offset 0) ) (:metaclass proxy-class) (:size #.(size-of 'pointer)))) (defun %type-number-of-ginstance (location) (let ((class (sap-ref-sap location 0))) (sap-ref-32 class 0))) (defmethod make-proxy-instance :around ((class ginstance-class) location &rest initargs) (declare (ignore class)) (let ((class (labels ((find-known-class (type-number) (or (find-class (type-from-number type-number) nil) (unless (zerop type-number) (find-known-class (type-parent type-number)))))) (find-known-class (%type-number-of-ginstance location))))) ;; Note that chancing the class argument must not alter "the ;; ordered set of applicable methods" as specified in the ;; Hyperspec (if class (apply #'call-next-method class location initargs) (error "Object at ~A has an unkown type number: ~A" location (%type-number-of-ginstance location))))) (defmethod make-proxy-instance ((class ginstance-class) location &rest initargs) (declare (ignore initargs)) (reference-foreign class location) ;; Since we make an explicit reference to the foreign object, we ;; always have to release it when the proxy is garbage collected ;; and therefor ignore the weak-p argument. (call-next-method class location :weak nil)) (defmethod invalidate-instance ((instance ginstance)) (declare (ignore instance)) ;; A ginstance should never be invalidated since it is ref counted nil) (defmethod callback-from-alien-form (form (type t) &rest args) (apply #'from-alien-form form type args)) (defmethod copy-from-alien-form (location (class ginstance-class) &rest args) (declare (ignore location class args)) (error "Doing copy-from-alien on a ref. counted class is most certainly an error, but if it really is what you want you should use REFERENCE-FOREIGN on the returned instance instead.")) (defmethod copy-from-alien-function ((class ginstance-class) &rest args) (declare (ignore class args)) (error "Doing copy-from-alien on a ref. counted class is most certainly an error, but if it really is what you want you should use REFERENCE-FOREIGN on the returned instance instead.")) (defmethod reader-function ((class ginstance-class) &rest args) (declare (ignore args)) #'(lambda (location &optional (offset 0) weak-p) (declare (ignore weak-p)) (ensure-proxy-instance class (sap-ref-sap location offset)))) ;;;; Registering fundamental types (register-type 'nil "void") (register-type 'pointer "gpointer") (register-type 'char "gchar") (register-type 'unsigned-char "guchar") (register-type 'boolean "gboolean") (register-type 'int "gint") (register-type-alias 'integer 'int) (register-type-alias 'fixnum 'int) (register-type 'unsigned-int "guint") (register-type 'long "glong") (register-type 'unsigned-long "gulong") (register-type 'single-float "gfloat") (register-type 'double-float "gdouble") (register-type 'pathname "gchararray") (register-type 'string "gchararray") ;;;; Introspection of type information (defvar *derivable-type-info* (make-hash-table)) (defun register-derivable-type (type id expander &optional dependencies) (register-type type id) (let ((type-number (register-type type id))) (setf (gethash type-number *derivable-type-info*) (list expander dependencies)))) (defun find-type-info (type) (dolist (super (cdr (type-hierarchy type))) (let ((info (gethash super *derivable-type-info*))) (return-if info)))) (defun expand-type-definition (type forward-p options) (let ((expander (first (find-type-info type)))) (funcall expander (find-type-number type t) forward-p options))) (defbinding type-parent (type) type-number ((find-type-number type t) type-number)) (defun supertype (type) (type-from-number (type-parent type))) (defbinding %type-interfaces (type) pointer ((find-type-number type t) type-number) (n-interfaces unsigned-int :out)) (defun type-interfaces (type) (multiple-value-bind (array length) (%type-interfaces type) (unwind-protect (map-c-vector 'list #'identity array 'type-number length) (deallocate-memory array)))) (defun implements (type) (mapcar #'type-from-number (type-interfaces type))) (defun type-hierarchy (type) (let ((type-number (find-type-number type t))) (unless (= type-number 0) (cons type-number (type-hierarchy (type-parent type-number)))))) (defbinding (type-is-p "g_type_is_a") (type super) boolean ((find-type-number type) type-number) ((find-type-number super) type-number)) (defbinding %type-children () pointer (type-number type-number) (num-children unsigned-int :out)) (defun map-subtypes (function type &optional prefix) (let ((type-number (find-type-number type t))) (multiple-value-bind (array length) (%type-children type-number) (unwind-protect (map-c-vector 'nil #'(lambda (type-number) (when (or (not prefix) (string-prefix-p prefix (find-foreign-type-name type-number))) (funcall function type-number)) (map-subtypes function type-number prefix)) array 'type-number length) (deallocate-memory array))))) (defun find-types (prefix) (let ((type-list nil)) (maphash #'(lambda (type-number expander) (declare (ignore expander)) (map-subtypes #'(lambda (type-number) (pushnew type-number type-list)) type-number prefix)) *derivable-type-info*) type-list)) (defun find-type-dependencies (type) (let ((list-dependencies (second (find-type-info type)))) (when list-dependencies (funcall list-dependencies (find-type-number type t))))) (defun %sort-types-topologicaly (types) (let ((partial-sorted (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (type) (cons type (remove-if #'(lambda (dep) (not (find dep types))) (find-type-dependencies type)))) types) #'(lambda (type1 type2) (type-is-p type2 type1)) :key #'car)) (sorted ())) (loop as tmp = partial-sorted then (or (rest tmp) partial-sorted) while tmp do (destructuring-bind (type . dependencies) (first tmp) (cond ((every #'(lambda (dep) (assoc dep sorted)) dependencies) (push (cons type nil) sorted) ; no forward definition needed (setq partial-sorted (delete type partial-sorted :key #'first))) ((some #'(lambda (dep) (find type (find-type-dependencies dep))) dependencies) (push (cons type t) sorted) ; forward definition needed (setq partial-sorted (delete type partial-sorted :key #'first)))))) (nreverse sorted))) (defun expand-type-definitions (prefix &optional args) (flet ((type-options (type-number) (let ((name (find-foreign-type-name type-number))) (cdr (assoc name args :test #'string=))))) (let ((type-list (delete-if #'(lambda (type-number) (let ((name (find-foreign-type-name type-number))) (or (getf (type-options type-number) :ignore) (find-if #'(lambda (options) (and (string-prefix-p (first options) name) (getf (cdr options) :ignore-prefix) (not (some #'(lambda (exception) (string= name exception)) (getf (cdr options) :except))))) args)))) (find-types prefix)))) (dolist (type-number type-list) (let ((name (find-foreign-type-name type-number))) (register-type (getf (type-options type-number) :type (default-type-name name)) (register-type-as type-number)))) (let ((sorted-type-list (%sort-types-topologicaly type-list))) `(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (pair) (destructuring-bind (type . forward-p) pair (expand-type-definition type forward-p (type-options type)))) sorted-type-list) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (pair) (destructuring-bind (type . forward-p) pair (when forward-p (expand-type-definition type nil (type-options type))))) sorted-type-list)))))) (defmacro define-types-by-introspection (prefix &rest args) (expand-type-definitions prefix args)) ;;;; Initialize all non static types in GObject (init-types-in-library #.(concatenate 'string (pkg-config:pkg-variable "glib-2.0" "libdir") "/libgobject-2.0.so"))