Changes necessary to allow saving of core images with clg.
[clg] / STATUS
ebf86942 1about-dialog
2accel-group -- complete (except some functions which are probably not very useful)
4accel-map -- complete (except some functions which are probably not very useful)
5accessible -- complete
6adjustment -- done throught introspection
7alignment -- complete
8arrow -- done throught introspection
9aspect-frame -- done throught introspection
10bin -- complete
11box -- complete
12button -- complete
13button-box -- done throught introspection
14calendar -- complete
15cell-layout -- complete
16check-button -- done throught introspection
17check-menu-item -- complete
18color-button -- done throught introspection
19color-selection -- complete minus palette
20color-selection-dialog -- complete
21combo-box -- complete (up to gtk version 2.4)
22combo-box-entry -- complete
24dialog -- complete
25drawing-area -- done throught introspection
26editable -- complete
27entry -- complete
28entry-completion -- complete
29event-box -- done throught introspection
30expander -- done throught introspection
31file-chooser -- complete
32file-chooser-button -- done throught introspection (but the dialog property should be readable)
33file-chooser-dialog -- done throught introspection
34file-chooser-widget -- done throught introspection
35file-filter -- complete
36fixed -- complete
37frame -- complete
38font-button -- done throught introspection
39font-selection -- complete
40frame -- complete
41handle-box -- complete
42h-box -- done throught introspection
43h-button-box -- done throught introspection
44h-paned -- done throught introspection
45h-ruler -- done throught introspection
46h-scale -- done throught introspection
47h-scrollbar -- done throught introspection
48h-separator -- done throught introspection
49image -- complete
50image-menu-item -- complete
54item -- complete
55label -- complete
56layout -- complete
57list-store -- complete
58menu -- complete
59menu-bar -- done throught introspection
60menu-item -- complete
61menu-shell -- complete
62menu-tool-button -- complete
63message-dialog -- done (up to gtk version 2.4)
64notebook -- complete
65paned -- complete
67progess-bar -- complete
68radio-button -- complete
69radio-menu-item -- complete
70radio-tool-button -- complete
71range -- complete
72ruler -- complete
73scale -- complete
74scrollbar -- done throught introspection
75scrolled-window -- complete
76separator -- done throught introspection
77separator-menu-item -- done throught introspection
78separator-tool-item -- done throught introspection
79size-group -- complete
81spin-button -- complete
82statusbar -- complete
83stock-item -- complete
84table -- complete
85tearoff-menu-item -- done throught introspection
86text-buffer -- complete but the API may change
87text-iter -- complete
88text-mark -- complete
89text-tag -- complete minus text-attributes
90text-tag-table -- complete
91text-view -- complete
92toggle-button -- done throught introspection
93toggle-tool-button -- complete
94toolbar -- complete
95tool-button -- done
96tool-item -- complete (except initialize-instance)
97tooltips -- complete
98tree-store -- complete
99viewport -- done throught introspection
100v-box -- done throught introspection
101v-button-box -- done throught introspection
102v-paned -- done throught introspection
103v-ruler -- done throught introspection
104v-scale -- done throught introspection
105v-scrollbar -- done throught introspection
106v-separator -- done throught introspection
107widget -- complete (more or less)
108window -- complete
109window-group -- complete