%## -*-makefile-*- %# ### -*-makefile-*- GENERATED from modes.am.in ### ### Lots of lists of crypto primitives in various modes of operation. ## Test programs for symmetric primitives. SYMM_TESTS = ## Source and header files for primitives under modes of operation. GENMODES_C = GENMODES_H = ## Block cipher modes. %repeat GENMODES_C += modes/@blkc-@blkcmode.c GENMODES_H += modes/@blkc-@blkcmode.h SYMM_TESTS += @blkc-@blkcmode.$t %end ## Hash function modes. %repeat GENMODES_C += modes/@hash-@hashmode.c GENMODES_H += modes/@hash-@hashmode.h SYMM_TESTS += @hash-@hashmode.$t %end ## Interface and implementation headers for the various modes. MODE_H = %repeat MODE_H += @blkcmode.h @blkcmode-def.h %end %repeat MODE_H += @hashmode.h @hashmode-def.h %end ## Block cipher interfaces and implementations. BLKC_C = BLKC_H = %repeat BLKC_C += @blkc.c BLKC_H += @blkc.h SYMM_TESTS += @blkc.$t %end ## Hash function interfaces and implementations. HASH_C = HASH_H = %repeat HASH_C += @hash.c HASH_H += @hash.h SYMM_TESTS += @hash.$t %end ## Modes for symmetric encryption. CIPHER_MODES = %repeat CIPHER_MODES += @blkc-@blkcciphermode %end %repeat CIPHER_MODES += @hash-@hashciphermode %end ## Modes for message authentication. MAC_MODES = %repeat MAC_MODES += @hash-@hashmacmode %end ## Test input files. SYMM_TEST_FILES = %repeat SYMM_TEST_FILES += t/@blkc %end %repeat SYMM_TEST_FILES += t/@hash %end