math/pgen.c (pgen_test): Use random witnesses only.
[catacomb] / utils / curve25519.sage
... / ...
1#! /usr/local/bin/sage
2### -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
4import hashlib as H
7### Some general utilities.
9def hash(*m):
10 h = H.sha512()
11 for i in m: h.update(i)
12 return h.digest()
14def ld(v):
15 return 0 + sum(ord(v[i]) << 8*i for i in xrange(len(v)))
17def st(x, n):
18 return ''.join(chr((x >> 8*i)&0xff) for i in xrange(n))
20def piece_widths_offsets(wd, n):
21 o = [ceil(wd*i/n) for i in xrange(n + 1)]
22 w = [o[i + 1] - o[i] for i in xrange(n)]
23 return w, o
25def pieces(x, wd, n, bias = 0):
27 ## Figure out widths and offsets.
28 w, o = piece_widths_offsets(wd, n)
30 ## First, normalize |n| < bias/2.
31 if bias and n >= bias/2: n -= bias
33 ## First, collect the bits.
34 nn = []
35 for i in xrange(n - 1):
36 m = (1 << w[i]) - 1
37 nn.append(x&m)
38 x >>= w[i]
39 nn.append(x)
41 ## Now normalize them to the appropriate interval.
42 c = 0
43 for i in xrange(n - 1):
44 b = 1 << (w[i] - 1)
45 if nn[i] >= b:
46 nn[i] -= 2*b
47 nn[i + 1] += 1
49 ## And we're done.
50 return nn
52def combine(v, wd, n):
53 w, o = piece_widths_offsets(wd, n)
54 return sum(v[i] << o[i] for i in xrange(n))
57### Define the curve.
59p = 2^255 - 19; k = GF(p)
60A = k(486662); A0 = (A - 2)/4
61E = EllipticCurve(k, [0, A, 0, 1, 0]); P = E.lift_x(9)
62l = 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493
64assert is_prime(l)
65assert (l*P).is_zero()
66assert (p + 1 - 8*l)^2 <= 4*p
69### Example points from `Cryptography in NaCl'.
71x = ld(map(chr, [0x70,0x07,0x6d,0x0a,0x73,0x18,0xa5,0x7d
75y = ld(map(chr, [0x58,0xab,0x08,0x7e,0x62,0x4a,0x8a,0x4b
79X = x*P
80Y = y*P
81Z = x*Y
82assert Z == y*X
85### Arithmetic implementation.
87def sqrn(x, n):
88 for i in xrange(n): x = x*x
89 return x
91sqrtm1 = sqrt(k(-1))
93def inv(x):
94 t2 = sqrn(x, 1) # 1 | 2
95 u = sqrn(t2, 2) # 3 | 8
96 t = u*x # 4 | 9
97 t11 = t*t2 # 5 | 11
98 u = sqrn(t11, 1) # 6 | 22
99 t = u*t # 7 | 2^5 - 1 = 31
100 u = sqrn(t, 5) # 12 | 2^10 - 2^5
101 t2p10m1 = u*t # 13 | 2^10 - 1
102 u = sqrn(t2p10m1, 10) # 23 | 2^20 - 2^10
103 t = u*t2p10m1 # 24 | 2^20 - 1
104 u = sqrn(t, 20) # 44 | 2^40 - 2^20
105 t = u*t # 45 | 2^40 - 1
106 u = sqrn(t, 10) # 55 | 2^50 - 2^10
107 t2p50m1 = u*t2p10m1 # 56 | 2^50 - 1
108 u = sqrn(t2p50m1, 50) # 106 | 2^100 - 2^50
109 t = u*t2p50m1 # 107 | 2^100 - 1
110 u = sqrn(t, 100) # 207 | 2^200 - 2^100
111 t = u*t # 208 | 2^200 - 1
112 u = sqrn(t, 50) # 258 | 2^250 - 2^50
113 t = u*t2p50m1 # 259 | 2^250 - 1
114 u = sqrn(t, 5) # 264 | 2^255 - 2^5
115 t = u*t11 # 265 | 2^255 - 21
116 return t
118def quosqrt_djb(x, y):
120 ## First, some preliminary values.
121 y2 = sqrn(y, 1) # 1 | 0, 2
122 y3 = y2*y # 2 | 0, 3
123 xy3 = x*y3 # 3 | 1, 3
124 y4 = sqrn(y2, 1) # 4 | 0, 4
125 w = xy3*y4 # 5 | 1, 7
127 ## Now calculate w^(p - 5)/8. Notice that (p - 5)/8 =
128 ## (2^255 - 24)/8 = 2^252 - 3.
129 u = sqrn(w, 1) # 6 | 2
130 t = u*w # 7 | 3
131 u = sqrn(t, 1) # 8 | 6
132 t = u*w # 9 | 7
133 u = sqrn(t, 3) # 12 | 56
134 t = u*t # 13 | 63 = 2^6 - 1
135 u = sqrn(t, 6) # 19 | 2^12 - 2^6
136 t = u*t # 20 | 2^12 - 1
137 u = sqrn(t, 12) # 32 | 2^24 - 2^12
138 t = u*t # 33 | 2^24 - 1
139 u = sqrn(t, 1) # 34 | 2^25 - 2
140 t = u*w # 35 | 2^25 - 1
141 u = sqrn(t, 25) # 60 | 2^50 - 2^25
142 t2p50m1 = u*t # 61 | 2^50 - 1
143 u = sqrn(t2p50m1, 50) # 111 | 2^100 - 2^50
144 t = u*t2p50m1 # 112 | 2^100 - 1
145 u = sqrn(t, 100) # 212 | 2^200 - 2^100
146 t = u*t # 213 | 2^200 - 1
147 u = sqrn(t, 50) # 263 | 2^250 - 2^50
148 t = u*t2p50m1 # 264 | 2^250 - 1
149 u = sqrn(t, 2) # 266 | 2^252 - 4
150 t = u*w # 267 | 2^252 - 3
151 beta = t*xy3 # 268 |
153 ## Now we have beta = (x y^3) (x y^7)^((p - 5)/8) =
154 ## x^((p + 3)/8) y^((7 p - 11)/8) = (x/y)^((p + 3)/8).
155 ## Suppose alpha^2 = x/y. Then beta^4 = (x/y)^((p + 3)/2) =
156 ## alpha^(p + 3) = alpha^4 = (x/y)^2, so beta^2 = ±x/y. If
157 ## y beta^2 = x then alpha = beta and we're done; if
158 ## y beta^2 = -x, then alpha = beta sqrt(-1); otherwise x/y
159 ## wasn't actually a square after all.
160 t = y*beta^2
161 if t == x: return beta
162 elif t == -x: return beta*sqrtm1
163 else: raise ValueError, 'not a square'
165def quosqrt_mdw(x, y):
166 v = x*y
168 ## Now we calculate w = v^{3*2^252 - 8}. This will be explained later.
169 u = sqrn(v, 1) # 1 | 2
170 t = u*v # 2 | 3
171 u = sqrn(t, 2) # 4 | 12
172 t15 = u*t # 5 | 15
173 u = sqrn(t15, 1) # 6 | 30
174 t = u*v # 7 | 31 = 2^5 - 1
175 u = sqrn(t, 5) # 12 | 2^10 - 2^5
176 t = u*t # 13 | 2^10 - 1
177 u = sqrn(t, 10) # 23 | 2^20 - 2^10
178 u = u*t # 24 | 2^20 - 1
179 u = sqrn(u, 10) # 34 | 2^30 - 2^10
180 t = u*t # 35 | 2^30 - 1
181 u = sqrn(t, 1) # 36 | 2^31 - 2
182 t = u*v # 37 | 2^31 - 1
183 u = sqrn(t, 31) # 68 | 2^62 - 2^31
184 t = u*t # 69 | 2^62 - 1
185 u = sqrn(t, 62) # 131 | 2^124 - 2^62
186 t = u*t # 132 | 2^124 - 1
187 u = sqrn(t, 124) # 256 | 2^248 - 2^124
188 t = u*t # 257 | 2^248 - 1
189 u = sqrn(t, 1) # 258 | 2^249 - 2
190 t = u*v # 259 | 2^249 - 1
191 t = sqrn(t, 3) # 262 | 2^252 - 8
192 u = sqrn(t, 1) # 263 | 2^253 - 16
193 t = u*t # 264 | 3*2^252 - 24
194 t = t*t15 # 265 | 3*2^252 - 9
195 w = t*v # 266 | 3*2^252 - 8
197 ## Awesome. Now let me explain. Let v be a square in GF(p), and let w =
198 ## v^(3*2^252 - 8). In particular, let's consider
199 ##
200 ## v^2 w^4 = v^2 v^{3*2^254 - 32} = (v^{2^254 - 10})^3
201 ##
202 ## But 2^254 - 10 = ((2^255 - 19) - 1)/2 = (p - 1)/2. Since v is a square,
203 ## it has order dividing (p - 1)/2, and therefore v^2 w^4 = 1 and
204 ##
205 ## w^4 = 1/v^2
206 ##
207 ## That in turn implies that w^2 = ±1/v. Now, recall that v = x y, and let
208 ## w' = w x. Then w'^2 = ±x^2/v = ±x/y. If y w'^2 = x then we set
209 ## z = w', since we have z^2 = x/y; otherwise let z = i w', where i^2 = -1,
210 ## so z^2 = -w^2 = x/y, and we're done.
211 t = w*x
212 u = y*t^2
213 if u == x: return t
214 elif u == -x: return t*sqrtm1
215 else: raise ValueError, 'not a square'
217quosqrt = quosqrt_mdw
219assert inv(k(9))*9 == 1
220assert 5*quosqrt(k(4), k(5))^2 == 4
223### The Montgomery ladder.
225def x25519(n, x1):
227 ## Let Q = (x_1 : y_1 : 1) be an input point. We calculate
228 ## n Q = (x_n : y_n : z_n), returning x_n/z_n (unless z_n = 0,
229 ## in which case we return zero).
230 ##
231 ## We're given that n = 2^254 + n'_254, where 0 <= n'_254 < 2^254.
232 bb = n.bits()
233 x, z = 1, 0
234 u, w = x1, 1
236 ## Initially, let i = 255.
237 for i in xrange(len(bb) - 1, -1, -1):
239 ## Split n = n_i 2^i + n'_i, where 0 <= n'_i < 2^i, so n_0 = n.
240 ## We have x, z = x_{n_{i+1}}, z_{n_{i+1}}, and
241 ## u, w = x_{n_{i+1}+1}, z_{n_{i+1}+1}.
242 ## Now either n_i = 2 n_{i+1} or n_i = 2 n_{i+1} + 1, depending
243 ## on bit i of n.
245 ## Swap (x : z) and (u : w) if bit i of n is set.
246 if bb[i]: x, z, u, w = u, w, x, z
248 ## Do the ladder step.
249 xmz, xpz = x - z, x + z
250 umw, upw = u - w, u + w
251 xmz2, xpz2 = xmz^2, xpz^2
252 xpz2mxmz2 = xpz2 - xmz2
253 xmzupw, xpzumw = xmz*upw, xpz*umw
254 x, z = xmz2*xpz2, xpz2mxmz2*(xpz2 + A0*xpz2mxmz2)
255 u, w = (xmzupw + xpzumw)^2, x1*(xmzupw - xpzumw)^2
257 ## Finally, unswap.
258 if bb[i]: x, z, u, w = u, w, x, z
260 ## Almost done.
261 return x*inv(z)
263assert x25519(y, k(9)) == Y[0]
264assert x25519(x, Y[0]) == x25519(y, X[0]) == Z[0]
267### Edwards curve parameters and conversion.
269a = k(-1)
270d = -A0/(A0 + 1)
272def mont_to_ed(u, v):
273 return sqrt(-A - 2)*u/v, (u - 1)/(u + 1)
275def ed_to_mont(x, y):
276 u = (1 + y)/(1 - y)
277 v = sqrt(-A - 2)*u/x
278 return u, v
280Bx, By = mont_to_ed(P[0], P[1])
281if Bx.lift()%2: Bx = -Bx
282B = (Bx, By, 1)
283u, v = ed_to_mont(Bx, By)
285assert By == k(4/5)
286assert -Bx^2 + By^2 == 1 + d*Bx^2*By^2
287assert u == k(9)
288assert v == P[1] or v == -P[1]
291### Edwards point addition and doubling.
293def ed_add((X1, Y1, Z1), (X2, Y2, Z2)):
294 A = Z1*Z2
295 B = A^2
296 C = X1*X2
297 D = Y1*Y2
298 E = d*C*D
299 F = B - E
300 G = B + E
301 X3 = A*F*((X1 + Y1)*(X2 + Y2) - C - D)
302 Y3 = A*G*(D - a*C)
303 Z3 = F*G
304 return X3, Y3, Z3
306def ed_dbl((X1, Y1, Z1)):
307 B = (X1 + Y1)^2
308 C = X1^2
309 D = Y1^2
310 E = a*C
311 F = E + D
312 H = Z1^2
313 J = F - 2*H
314 X3 = (B - C - D)*J
315 Y3 = F*(E - D)
316 Z3 = F*J
317 return X3, Y3, Z3
319Q = E.random_point()
320R = E.random_point()
321n = ZZ(randint(0, 2^255 - 1))
322m = ZZ(randint(0, 2^255 - 1))
323Qx, Qy = mont_to_ed(Q[0], Q[1])
324Rx, Ry = mont_to_ed(R[0], R[1])
326S = Q + R; T = 2*Q
327Sx, Sy, Sz = ed_add((Qx, Qy, 1), (Rx, Ry, 1))
328Tx, Ty, Tz = ed_dbl((Qx, Qy, 1))
329assert (Sx/Sz, Sy/Sz) == mont_to_ed(S[0], S[1])
330assert (Tx/Tz, Ty/Tz) == mont_to_ed(T[0], T[1])
333### Scalar multiplication.
335def ed_mul(n, Q):
336 winwd = 4
337 winlim = 1 << winwd
338 winmask = winlim - 1
339 tabsz = winlim/2 + 1
341 ## Recode the scalar to roughly-balanced form.
342 nn = [(n >> i)&winmask for i in xrange(0, n.nbits() + winwd, winwd)]
343 for i in xrange(len(nn) - 2, -1, -1):
344 if nn[i] >= winlim/2:
345 nn[i] -= winlim
346 nn[i + 1] += 1
348 ## Build the table of small multiples.
349 V = tabsz*[None]
350 V[0] = (0, 1, 1)
351 V[1] = Q
352 V[2] = ed_dbl(V[1])
353 for i in xrange(3, tabsz, 2):
354 V[i] = ed_add(V[i - 1], Q)
355 V[i + 1] = ed_dbl(V[(i + 1)/2])
357 ## Do the multiplication.
358 T = V[0]
359 for i in xrange(len(nn) - 1, -1, -1):
360 w = nn[i]
361 for j in xrange(winwd): T = ed_dbl(T)
362 if w >= 0: T = ed_add(T, V[w])
363 else: x, y, z = V[-w]; T = ed_add(T, (-x, y, z))
365 ## Done.
366 return T
368def ed_simmul(n0, Q0, n1, Q1):
369 winwd = 2
370 winlim = 1 << winwd
371 winmask = winlim - 1
372 tabsz = 1 << 2*winwd
374 ## Extract the scalar pieces.
375 nn = [(n0 >> i)&winmask | (((n1 >> i)&winmask) << winwd)
376 for i in xrange(0, max(n0.nbits(), n1.nbits()), winwd)]
378 ## Build the table of small linear combinations.
379 V = tabsz*[None]
380 V[0] = (0, 1, 1)
381 V[1] = Q0; V[winlim] = Q1
382 i = 2
383 while i < winlim:
384 V[i] = ed_dbl(V[i/2])
385 V[i*winlim] = ed_dbl(V[i*winlim/2])
386 i <<= 1
387 i = 2
388 while i < tabsz:
389 for j in xrange(1, i):
390 V[i + j] = ed_add(V[i], V[j])
391 i <<= 1
393 ## Do the multiplication.
394 T = V[0]
395 for i in xrange(len(nn) - 1, -1, -1):
396 w = nn[i]
397 for j in xrange(winwd): T = ed_dbl(T)
398 T = ed_add(T, V[w])
400 ## Done.
401 return T
403U = n*Q; V = n*Q + m*R
404Ux, Uy, Uz = ed_mul(n, (Qx, Qy, 1))
405Vx, Vy, Vz = ed_simmul(n, (Qx, Qy, 1), m, (Rx, Ry, 1))
406assert (Ux/Uz, Uy/Uz) == mont_to_ed(U[0], U[1])
407assert (Vx/Vz, Vy/Vz) == mont_to_ed(V[0], V[1])
410### Point encoding.
412def ed_encode((X, Y, Z)):
413 x, y = X/Z, Y/Z
414 xx, yy = x.lift(), y.lift()
415 if xx%2: yy += 1 << 255
416 return st(yy, 32)
418def ed_decode(s):
419 n = ld(s)
420 bit = (n >> 255)&1
421 y = n&((1 << 255) - 1)
422 y2 = y^2
423 x = quosqrt(y2 - 1, d*y2 + 1)
424 if x.lift()%2 != bit: x = -x
425 return (x, y, 1)
428### EdDSA implementation.
430def eddsa_splitkey(k):
431 h = hash(k)
432 a = 2^254 + (ld(h[0:32])&((1 << 254) - 8))
433 h1 = h[32:64]
434 return a, h1
436def eddsa_pubkey(k):
437 a, h1 = eddsa_splitkey(k)
438 A = ed_mul(a, B)
439 return ed_encode(A)
441def eddsa_sign(k, m):
442 K = eddsa_pubkey(k)
443 a, h1 = eddsa_splitkey(k)
444 r = ld(hash(h1, m))%l
445 A = ed_decode(K)
446 R = ed_mul(r, B)
447 RR = ed_encode(R)
448 S = (r + a*ld(hash(RR, K, m)))%l
449 return RR + st(S, 32)
451def eddsa_verify(K, m, sig):
452 A = ed_decode(K)
453 R, S = sig[0:32], ld(sig[32:64])
454 h = ld(hash(R, K, m))%l
455 V = ed_simmul(S, B, h, (-A[0], A[1], A[2]))
456 return ed_encode(V) == R
458priv = '1acdbb793b0384934627470d795c3d1dd4d79cea59ef983f295b9b59179cbb28'.decode('hex')
459msg = '7cf34f75c3dac9a804d0fcd09eba9b29c9484e8a018fa9e073042df88e3c56'.decode('hex')
460pub = '3f60c7541afa76c019cf5aa82dcdb088ed9e4ed9780514aefb379dabc844f31a'.decode('hex')
461sig = 'be71ef4806cb041d885effd9e6b0fbb73d65d7cdec47a89c8a994892f4e55a568c4cc78d61f901e80dbb628b86a23ccd594e712b57fa94c2d67ec26634878507'.decode('hex')
462assert pub == eddsa_pubkey(priv)
463assert sig == eddsa_sign(priv, msg)
464assert eddsa_verify(pub, msg, sig)
466###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------