#! /usr/bin/wish # --- Configuration --- if {[info exists env(HOME)]} { set home $env(HOME) } else { set bin [info nameofexecutable] if {[string compare $bin ""] == 0} { set home "." } else { set home [file dirname $bin] } } set conffile [list "/etc/anagrc" \ [file join $home "anagrc"]] if {[string compare "unix" $tcl_platform(platform)] == 0} { lappend conffile [file join $home ".anagrc"] } set C_tags {anag wordlist} set C(anag) "@ANAG@" set C(wordlist) "@DICTIONARY@" foreach i $C_tags { if {![info exists C($i)]} { error "internal error: unset configuration option `$i'" } } foreach f $conffile { if {[catch { set fh [open $f] } err]} { continue } while {[gets $fh line] >= 0} { if {[regexp {^[[:space:]]*(\#|$)} $line]} continue regexp {^\s*([[:alnum:]]\w*)\s*=?\s*(|.*\S)\s*$} $line - n v set C($n) $v } close $fh break } # --- Other setting up --- if {[string compare "windows" $tcl_platform(platform)] == 0} { set exetypes { {Executables {.exe} {}} {All files {*} {}} } } else { set exetypes {} } # --- Handy subroutines --- proc wordlist {args} { set l {} foreach s $args { while {![regexp {^\s*$} $s]} { regexp {^\s*(\S+)(.*)$} $s - w s lappend l $w } } return $l } proc report {msg} { tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error \ -title "Error from [wm title .]" -message $msg } # --- Options --- proc conf-copyout {} { global C C_tags foreach i $C_tags { upvar \#0 C:$i c set c $C($i) } } proc conf-copyin {} { global C C_tags foreach i $C_tags { upvar \#0 C:$i c set C($i) $c } } proc options {} { global C C_tags tcl_platform home conffile if {[winfo exists .opt]} { raise .opt return } toplevel .opt wm title .opt "[wm title .] options" conf-copyout frame .opt.anag label .opt.anag.l -text "Anagram solver binary: " entry .opt.anag.e -textvariable C:anag button .opt.anag.b -text "..." -command { set C:anag [tk_getOpenFile -parent .opt \ -title "Anagram solver binary" -filetypes $exetypes \ -initialdir [file dirname ${C:anag}]] } pack .opt.anag.l -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 pack .opt.anag.e -side left -expand yes -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 pack .opt.anag.b -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 frame .opt.wordlist label .opt.wordlist.l -text "Wordlist file: " entry .opt.wordlist.e -textvariable C:wordlist button .opt.wordlist.b -text "..." -command { set C:wordlist [tk_getOpenFile -parent .opt \ -title "Wordlist file" \ -initialdir [file dirname ${C:wordlist}]] } pack .opt.wordlist.l -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 pack .opt.wordlist.e -side left -expand yes -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 pack .opt.wordlist.b -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 frame .opt.b button .opt.b.cancel -text "Cancel" -command { destroy .opt } button .opt.b.ok -text "OK" -command { conf-copyin; destroy .opt } button .opt.b.save -default active -text "Save" -command { set tf [lindex $conffile end] if {[catch { set date [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%s %H:%M:%S"] set fh [open "$tf.new" w] puts $fh "# Anagram settings, written $date" puts $fh "" foreach n $C_tags { upvar \#0 C:$n c puts $fh "$n = $c" } close $fh file copy -force -- $tf "$tf.old" file rename -force -- "$tf.new" $tf } msg]} { catch { close $fh; file delete -- "$tf.new" } report $msg break } conf-copyin destroy .opt } pack .opt.b.cancel .opt.b.ok .opt.b.save -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 bind .opt { tkButtonInvoke .opt.b.save } bind .opt { tkButtonInvoke .opt.b.cancel } pack .opt.anag .opt.wordlist -expand yes -fill x pack .opt.b -anchor e } # --- Run the command --- proc run-search {args} { run-search-v $args } proc run-search-v {v} { global C set v [linsert $v 0 | $C(anag) "--file" $C(wordlist)] if {[catch {set fh [open $v]} err]} { report $err; return } set l {} while {[gets $fh line] >= 0} { lappend l $line } if {[catch {close $fh} err]} { report $err; return } .list delete 0 end foreach i $l { .list insert end $i } } # --- Construct the main window --- wm title . "Anagram solver" frame .f-entry frame .f-list frame .f-buttons foreach {opt text mnem} { anagram Anagram a subgram Subgram s wildcard Crossword w trackword Trackword t mono Monoalphabetic m regexp "Regular expression" r } { button .b-$opt -text $text \ -underline [string first $mnem [string tolower $text]] \ -command [concat [list run-search -$opt] \$word] bind . [list tkButtonInvoke .b-$opt] pack .b-$opt -in .f-buttons -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 } button .b-custom -text "Custom" -underline 0 \ -command { run-search-v [wordlist $word] } bind . { tkButtonInvoke .b-custom } pack .b-custom -in .f-buttons -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 listbox .list \ -xscrollcommand { .f-list.xscroll set } \ -yscrollcommand { .f-list.yscroll set } scrollbar .f-list.xscroll -orient horizontal -command { .list xview } scrollbar .f-list.yscroll -orient vertical -command { .list yview } entry .e-word -textvariable word grid .list -in .f-list -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid .f-list.xscroll -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew grid .f-list.yscroll -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid rowconfigure .f-list 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure .f-list 0 -weight 1 pack .e-word -in .f-entry -expand yes -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 pack .f-entry -fill x pack .f-list -side left -expand yes -fill both pack .f-buttons -side left -anchor s menu .menu .menu add cascade -label "File" -underline 0 -menu .menu.file menu .menu.file .menu.file add command -label "Options..." -underline 0 -command { options } .menu.file add command -label "Quit" -underline 0 -command { destroy . } . configure -menu .menu focus .e-word bind .e-word { tkButtonInvoke .b-anagram }