# Visual C++ Makefile for PuTTY. # # Use `nmake' to build. # ##-- help # # Extra options you can set: # # - FWHACK=/DFWHACK # Enables a hack that tunnels through some firewall proxies. # # - VER=/DSNAPSHOT=1999-01-25 # Generates executables whose About box report them as being a # development snapshot. # # - VER=/DRELEASE=0.43 # Generates executables whose About box report them as being a # release version. # # - COMPAT=/DAUTO_WINSOCK # Causes PuTTY to assume that includes its own WinSock # header file, so that it won't try to include . # # - COMPAT=/DWINSOCK_TWO # Causes the PuTTY utilities to include instead of # , except Plink which _needs_ WinSock 2 so it already # does this. # # - RCFL=/DASCIICTLS # Uses ASCII rather than Unicode to specify the tab control in # the resource file. Probably most useful when compiling with # Cygnus/mingw32, whose resource compiler may have less of a # problem with it. # ##-- CFLAGS = /nologo /W3 /YX /O2 /Yd /D_WINDOWS /DDEBUG /ML /Fd # LFLAGS = /debug # Use MSVC DLL # CFLAGS = /nologo /W3 /YX /O2 /Yd /D_WINDOWS /DDEBUG /MD /Fd # Disable debug and incremental linking LFLAGS = /incremental:no .c.obj: cl $(COMPAT) $(FWHACK) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c OBJ=obj RES=res ##-- objects putty puttytel GOBJS1 = window.$(OBJ) windlg.$(OBJ) terminal.$(OBJ) GOBJS2 = xlat.$(OBJ) sizetip.$(OBJ) ##-- objects putty puttytel plink LOBJS1 = telnet.$(OBJ) raw.$(OBJ) ldisc.$(OBJ) ##-- objects putty plink POBJS = be_all.$(OBJ) ##-- objects puttytel TOBJS = be_nossh.$(OBJ) ##-- objects plink PLOBJS = plink.$(OBJ) ##-- objects pscp SOBJS = scp.$(OBJ) be_none.$(OBJ) ##-- objects putty puttytel pscp plink MOBJS = misc.$(OBJ) version.$(OBJ) winstore.$(OBJ) settings.$(OBJ) ##-- objects putty pscp plink OBJS1 = sshcrc.$(OBJ) sshdes.$(OBJ) sshmd5.$(OBJ) sshrsa.$(OBJ) sshrand.$(OBJ) OBJS2 = sshsha.$(OBJ) sshblowf.$(OBJ) noise.$(OBJ) sshdh.$(OBJ) sshdss.$(OBJ) OBJS3 = sshbn.$(OBJ) sshpubk.$(OBJ) ssh.$(OBJ) pageantc.$(OBJ) tree234.$(OBJ) ##-- objects pageant PAGE1 = pageant.$(OBJ) sshrsa.$(OBJ) sshpubk.$(OBJ) sshdes.$(OBJ) sshbn.$(OBJ) PAGE2 = sshmd5.$(OBJ) version.$(OBJ) tree234.$(OBJ) ##-- resources putty puttytel PRESRC = win_res.$(RES) ##-- resources pageant PAGERC = pageant.$(RES) ##-- resources pscp SRESRC = scp.$(RES) ##-- resources plink LRESRC = plink.$(RES) ##-- ##-- gui-apps # putty # puttytel # pageant ##-- console-apps # pscp # plink ws2_32 ##-- LIBS1 = advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib LIBS2 = comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib LIBS3 = shell32.lib SOCK1 = wsock32.lib SOCK2 = ws2_32.lib all: putty.exe puttytel.exe pscp.exe plink.exe pageant.exe putty.exe: $(GOBJS1) $(GOBJS2) $(LOBJS1) $(POBJS) $(MOBJS) $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(PRESRC) putty.rsp link $(LFLAGS) -out:putty.exe @putty.rsp puttytel.exe: $(GOBJS1) $(GOBJS2) $(LOBJS1) $(TOBJS) $(MOBJS) $(PRESRC) puttytel.rsp link $(LFLAGS) -out:puttytel.exe @puttytel.rsp pageant.exe: $(PAGE1) $(PAGE2) $(PAGERC) pageant.rsp link $(LFLAGS) -out:pageant.exe @pageant.rsp pscp.exe: $(SOBJS) $(MOBJS) $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(SRESRC) pscp.rsp link $(LFLAGS) -out:pscp.exe @pscp.rsp plink.exe: $(LOBJS1) $(POBJS) $(PLOBJS) $(MOBJS) $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(LRESRC) plink.rsp link $(LFLAGS) -out:plink.exe @plink.rsp putty.rsp: makefile echo /nologo /subsystem:windows > putty.rsp echo $(GOBJS1) >> putty.rsp echo $(GOBJS2) >> putty.rsp echo $(LOBJS1) >> putty.rsp echo $(POBJS) >> putty.rsp echo $(MOBJS) >> putty.rsp echo $(OBJS1) >> putty.rsp echo $(OBJS2) >> putty.rsp echo $(OBJS3) >> putty.rsp echo $(PRESRC) >> putty.rsp echo $(LIBS1) >> putty.rsp echo $(LIBS2) >> putty.rsp echo $(SOCK1) >> putty.rsp puttytel.rsp: makefile echo /nologo /subsystem:windows > puttytel.rsp echo $(GOBJS1) >> puttytel.rsp echo $(GOBJS2) >> puttytel.rsp echo $(LOBJS1) >> puttytel.rsp echo $(TOBJS) >> puttytel.rsp echo $(MOBJS) >> puttytel.rsp echo $(PRESRC) >> puttytel.rsp echo $(LIBS1) >> puttytel.rsp echo $(LIBS2) >> puttytel.rsp echo $(SOCK1) >> puttytel.rsp pageant.rsp: makefile echo /nologo /subsystem:windows > pageant.rsp echo $(PAGE1) >> pageant.rsp echo $(PAGE2) >> pageant.rsp echo $(PAGERC) >> pageant.rsp echo $(LIBS1) >> pageant.rsp echo $(LIBS2) >> pageant.rsp echo $(LIBS3) >> pageant.rsp pscp.rsp: makefile echo /nologo /subsystem:console > pscp.rsp echo $(SOBJS) >> pscp.rsp echo $(MOBJS) >> pscp.rsp echo $(OBJS1) >> pscp.rsp echo $(OBJS2) >> pscp.rsp echo $(OBJS3) >> pscp.rsp echo $(SRESRC) >> pscp.rsp echo $(LIBS1) >> pscp.rsp echo $(LIBS2) >> pscp.rsp echo $(SOCK1) >> pscp.rsp plink.rsp: makefile echo /nologo /subsystem:console > plink.rsp echo $(LOBJS1) >> plink.rsp echo $(POBJS) >> plink.rsp echo $(PLOBJS) >> plink.rsp echo $(MOBJS) >> plink.rsp echo $(OBJS1) >> plink.rsp echo $(OBJS2) >> plink.rsp echo $(OBJS3) >> plink.rsp echo $(LRESRC) >> plink.rsp echo $(LIBS1) >> plink.rsp echo $(LIBS2) >> plink.rsp echo $(SOCK2) >> plink.rsp ##-- dependencies window.$(OBJ): window.c putty.h win_res.h storage.h windlg.$(OBJ): windlg.c putty.h ssh.h win_res.h settings.$(OBJ): settings.c putty.h storage.h winstore.$(OBJ): winstore.c putty.h storage.h terminal.$(OBJ): terminal.c putty.h sizetip.$(OBJ): sizetip.c putty.h telnet.$(OBJ): telnet.c putty.h raw.$(OBJ): raw.c putty.h xlat.$(OBJ): xlat.c putty.h ldisc.$(OBJ): ldisc.c putty.h misc.$(OBJ): misc.c putty.h noise.$(OBJ): noise.c putty.h ssh.h storage.h ssh.$(OBJ): ssh.c ssh.h putty.h tree234.h sshcrc.$(OBJ): sshcrc.c ssh.h sshdes.$(OBJ): sshdes.c ssh.h sshmd5.$(OBJ): sshmd5.c ssh.h sshrsa.$(OBJ): sshrsa.c ssh.h sshsha.$(OBJ): sshsha.c ssh.h sshrand.$(OBJ): sshrand.c ssh.h sshblowf.$(OBJ): sshblowf.c ssh.h sshdh.$(OBJ): sshdh.c ssh.h sshdss.$(OBJ): sshdss.c ssh.h sshbn.$(OBJ): sshbn.c ssh.h sshpubk.$(OBJ): sshpubk.c ssh.h scp.$(OBJ): scp.c putty.h version.$(OBJ): version.c be_all.$(OBJ): be_all.c be_nossh.$(OBJ): be_nossh.c be_none.$(OBJ): be_none.c plink.$(OBJ): plink.c putty.h pageant.$(OBJ): pageant.c ssh.h tree234.h tree234.$(OBJ): tree234.c tree234.h ##-- # Hack to force version.obj to be rebuilt always version.obj: versionpseudotarget @echo (built version.obj) versionpseudotarget: cl $(FWHACK) $(VER) $(CFLAGS) /c version.c ##-- dependencies win_res.$(RES): win_res.rc win_res.h putty.ico ##-- win_res.$(RES): rc $(FWHACK) $(RCFL) -r -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400 win_res.rc ##-- dependencies scp.$(RES): scp.rc scp.ico ##-- scp.$(RES): rc $(FWHACK) $(RCFL) -r -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400 scp.rc ##-- dependencies pageant.$(RES): pageant.rc pageant.ico pageants.ico ##-- pageant.$(RES): rc $(FWHACK) $(RCFL) -r -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400 pageant.rc clean: del *.obj del *.exe del *.res del *.pch del *.aps del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.rsp del *.dsp del *.dsw del *.ncb del *.opt del *.plg