# Makefile for PuTTY. Use `FWHACK=/DFWHACK' to cause the firewall hack # to be built in. (requires rebuild of ssh.obj only) # Can also build with `VER=/DSNAPSHOT=1999-01-25' or # `VER=/DRELEASE=0.43' to get version numbering; otherwise you'll # get `Unidentified build'. CFLAGS = /nologo /W3 /YX /O2 /Yd /D_WINDOWS /DDEBUG /ML /Fd .c.obj: cl $(FWHACK) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c PUTTYOBJS = window.obj windlg.obj terminal.obj telnet.obj OBJS1 = misc.obj noise.obj OBJS2 = ssh.obj sshcrc.obj sshdes.obj sshmd5.obj sshrsa.obj sshrand.obj OBJS3 = sshsha.obj version.obj RESRC = win_res.res LIBS1 = advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib LIBS2 = wsock32.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib putty.exe: $(PUTTYOBJS) $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(RESRC) link.rsp link /debug -out:putty.exe @link.rsp puttyd.exe: $(PUTTYOBJS) $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(RESRC) link.rsp link /debug -out:puttyd.exe @link.rsp link.rsp: makefile echo /nologo /subsystem:windows > link.rsp echo $(PUTTYOBJS) >> link.rsp echo $(OBJS1) >> link.rsp echo $(OBJS2) >> link.rsp echo $(OBJS3) >> link.rsp echo $(RESRC) >> link.rsp echo $(LIBS1) >> link.rsp echo $(LIBS2) >> link.rsp window.obj: window.c putty.h win_res.h windlg.obj: windlg.c putty.h ssh.h win_res.h terminal.obj: terminal.c putty.h telnet.obj: telnet.c putty.h misc.obj: misc.c putty.h noise.obj: noise.c putty.h ssh.h ssh.obj: ssh.c ssh.h putty.h sshcrc.obj: sshcrc.c ssh.h sshdes.obj: sshdes.c ssh.h sshmd5.obj: sshmd5.c ssh.h sshrsa.obj: sshrsa.c ssh.h sshsha.obj: sshsha.c ssh.h sshrand.obj: sshrand.c ssh.h version.obj: versionpseudotarget @echo (built version.obj) # Hack to force version.obj to be rebuilt always versionpseudotarget: cl $(FWHACK) $(VER) $(CFLAGS) /c version.c win_res.res: win_res.rc win_res.h putty.ico rc $(FWHACK) -r -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400 win_res.rc clean: del *.obj del *.exe del *.res del *.pch del *.aps del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.rsp