SOCKS proxy support added (next instalment of Justin Bradford's
[u/mdw/putty] / doc / faq.but
... / ...
1\versionid $Id: faq.but,v 1.24 2002/04/01 15:18:29 simon Exp $
3\A{faq} PuTTY FAQ
5This FAQ is published on the PuTTY web site, and also provided as an
6appendix in the manual.
8\H{faq-support} Features supported in PuTTY
10In general, if you want to know if PuTTY supports a particular
11feature, you should look for it on the
12\W{}{PuTTY web site}.
13In particular:
15\b try the
17page}, and see if you can find the feature on there. If a feature is
18listed there, it's been implemented. If it's listed as a change made
19\e{since} the latest version, it should be available in the
20development snapshots, in which case testing will be very welcome.
22\b try the
24page}, and see if you can find the feature there. If it's on there,
25it probably \e{hasn't} been implemented.
27\S{faq-ssh2}{Question} Does PuTTY support SSH v2?
29Yes. SSH v2 support has been available in PuTTY since version 0.50.
30However, currently the \e{default} SSH protocol is v1; to select SSH
31v2 if your server supports both, go to the SSH panel and change the
32\e{Preferred SSH protocol version} option.
34Public key authentication (both RSA and DSA) in SSH v2 is new in
35version 0.52.
37\S{faq-ssh2-keyfmt}{Question} Does PuTTY support reading OpenSSH or
38\cw{} SSHv2 private key files?
40Not at present. OpenSSH and \cw{} have totally different
41formats for private key files, and neither one is particularly
42pleasant, so PuTTY has its own. We do plan to write a converter at
43some stage.
45\S{faq-ssh1}{Question} Does PuTTY support SSH v1?
47Yes. SSH 1 support has always been available in PuTTY.
49\S{faq-localecho}{Question} Does PuTTY support local echo?
51Yes. Version 0.52 has proper support for local echo.
53In version 0.51 and before, local echo could not be separated from
54local line editing (where you type a line of text locally, and it is
55not sent to the server until you press Return, so you have the
56chance to edit it and correct mistakes \e{before} the server sees
57it). New in version 0.52, local echo and local line editing are
58separate options, and by default PuTTY will try to determine
59automatically whether to enable them or not, based on which protocol
60you have selected and also based on hints from the server. If you
61have a problem with PuTTY's default choice, you can force each
62option to be enabled or disabled as you choose. The controls are in
63the Terminal panel, in the section marked \q{Line discipline
66\S{faq-disksettings}{Question} Does PuTTY support storing its
67settings in a disk file?
69Not at present, although \k{config-file} in the documentation gives
70a method of achieving the same effect.
72\S{faq-fullscreen}{Question} Does PuTTY support full-screen mode,
73like a DOS box?
75Yes; this is a new feature in version 0.52.
77\S{faq-password-remember}{Question} Does PuTTY have the ability to
78remember my password so I don't have to type it every time?
80No, it doesn't.
82Remembering your password is a bad plan for obvious security
83reasons: anyone who gains access to your machine while you're away
84from your desk can find out the remembered password, and use it,
85abuse it or change it.
87In addition, it's not even \e{possible} for PuTTY to automatically
88send your password in a Telnet session, because Telnet doesn't give
89the client software any indication of which part of the login
90process is the password prompt. PuTTY would have to guess, by
91looking for words like \q{password} in the session data; and if your
92login program is written in something other than English, this won't
95In SSH, remembering your password would be possible in theory, but
96there doesn't seem to be much point since SSH supports public key
97authentication, which is more flexible and more secure. See
98\k{pubkey} in the documentation for a full discussion of public key
101\S{faq-hostkeys}{Question} Is there an option to turn off the
102annoying host key prompts?
104No, there isn't. And there won't be. Even if you write it yourself
105and send us the patch, we won't accept it.
107Those annoying host key prompts are the \e{whole point} of SSH.
108Without them, all the cryptographic technology SSH uses to secure
109your session is doing nothing more than making an attacker's job
110slightly harder; instead of sitting between you and the server with
111a packet sniffer, the attacker must actually subvert a router and
112start modifying the packets going back and forth. But that's not all
113that much harder than just sniffing; and without host key checking,
114it will go completely undetected by client or server.
116Host key checking is your guarantee that the encryption you put on
117your data at the client end is the \e{same} encryption taken off the
118data at the server end; it's your guarantee that it hasn't been
119removed and replaced somewhere on the way. Host key checking makes
120the attacker's job \e{astronomically} hard, compared to packet
121sniffing, and even compared to subverting a router. Instead of
122applying a little intelligence and keeping an eye on Bugtraq, the
123attacker must now perform a brute-force attack against at least one
124military-strength cipher. That insignificant host key prompt really
125does make \e{that} much difference.
127If you're having a specific problem with host key checking - perhaps
128you want an automated batch job to make use of PSCP or Plink, and
129the interactive host key prompt is hanging the batch process - then
130the right way to fix it is to add the correct host key to the
131Registry in advance. That way, you retain the \e{important} feature
132of host key checking: the right key will be accepted and the wrong
133ones will not. Adding an option to turn host key checking off
134completely is the wrong solution and we will not do it.
136\S{faq-server}{Question} Will you write an SSH server for the PuTTY
137suite, to go with the client?
139No. The only reason we might want to would be if we could easily
140re-use existing code and significantly cut down the effort. We don't
141believe this is the case; there just isn't enough common ground
142between an SSH client and server to make it worthwhile.
144If someone else wants to use bits of PuTTY in the process of writing
145a Windows SSH server, they'd be perfectly welcome to of course, but
146I really can't see it being a lot less effort for us to do that than
147it would be for us to write a server from the ground up. We don't
148have time, and we don't have motivation. The code is available if
149anyone else wants to try it.
151\S{faq-pscp-ascii}{Question} Can PSCP or PSFTP transfer files in
152ASCII mode?
154Unfortunately not. This is a limitation of the file transfer
155protocols: the SCP and SFTP protocols have no notion of transferring
156a file in anything other than binary mode.
158SFTP is designed to be extensible, so it's possible that an
159extension might be proposed at some later date that implements ASCII
160transfer. But the PuTTY team can't do anything about it until that
163\H{faq-ports} Ports to other operating systems
165The eventual goal is for PuTTY to be a multi-platform program, able
166to run on at least Windows, MacOS and Unix. Whether this will
167actually ever happen I have no idea, but it is the plan. A Mac port
168has been started, but is only half-finished and currently not moving
169very fast.
171Porting will become easier once PuTTY has a generalised porting
172layer, drawing a clear line between platform-dependent and
173platform-independent code. The general intention is for this porting
174layer to evolve naturally as part of the process of doing the first
175port. One particularly nasty part of this will be separating the
176many configuration options into platform-dependent and
177platform-independent ones; for example, the options controlling when
178the Windows System menu appears will be pretty much meaningless
179under X11 or perhaps other windowing systems, whereas Telnet Passive
180Mode is universal and shouldn't need to be specified once for each
183\S{faq-ports-general}{Question} What ports of PuTTY exist?
185Currently, PuTTY only runs on full Win32 systems. This includes
186Windows 95, 98, and ME, and it includes Windows NT, Windows 2000 and
187Windows XP.
189It does \e{not} include Windows CE (see \k{faq-wince}), and it does
190not quite include the Win32s environment under Windows 3.1 (see
193We do not have ports for any other systems at the present time. If
194anyone told you we had a Unix port, or an iPaq port, or any other
195port of PuTTY, they were mistaken. We don't.
197\S{faq-wince}{Question} Will there be a port to Windows CE?
199Probably not in the particularly near future. Despite sharing large
200parts of the Windows API, in practice WinCE doesn't appear to be
201significantly easier to port to than a totally different operating
204However, PuTTY on portable devices would clearly be a useful thing,
205so in the long term I hope there will be a WinCE port.
207\S{faq-win31}{Question} Is there a port to Windows 3.1?
209PuTTY is a 32-bit application from the ground up, so it won't run on
210Windows 3.1 as a native 16-bit program; and it would be \e{very}
211hard to port it to do so, because of Windows 3.1's vile memory
212allocation mechanisms.
214However, it is possible in theory to compile the existing PuTTY
215source in such a way that it will run under Win32s (an extension to
216Windows 3.1 to let you run 32-bit programs). In order to do this
217you'll need the right kind of C compiler - modern versions of Visual
218C at least have stopped being backwards compatible to Win32s. Also,
219the last time we tried this it didn't work very well.
221If you're interested in running PuTTY under Windows 3.1, help and
222testing in this area would be very welcome!
224\S{faq-mac-port}{Question} Will there be a port to the Mac?
226A Mac port was started once and is half-finished, but development
227has been static for some time and the main PuTTY code has moved on,
228so it's not clear how quickly development would resume even if
229developer effort were available.
231\S{faq-unix}{Question} Will there be a port to Unix?
233I hope so, if only so that I can have an \cw{xterm}-like program
234that supports exactly the same terminal emulation as PuTTY. If and
235when we do do a Unix port, it will have a local-terminal back end so
236it can be used like an \cw{xterm}, rather than only being usable as
237a network utility.
239\S{faq-epoc}{Question} Will there be a port to EPOC?
241I hope so, but given that ports aren't really progressing very fast
242even on systems the developers \e{do} already know how to program
243for, it might be a long time before any of us get round to learning
244a new system and doing the port for that.
246\H{faq-embedding} Embedding PuTTY in other programs
248\S{faq-dll}{Question} Is the SSH or Telnet code available as a DLL?
250No, it isn't. It would take a reasonable amount of rewriting for
251this to be possible, and since the PuTTY project itself doesn't
252believe in DLLs (they make installation more error-prone) none of us
253has taken the time to do it.
255Most of the code cleanup work would be a good thing to happen in
256general, so if anyone feels like helping, we wouldn't say no.
258\S{faq-vb}{Question} Is the SSH or Telnet code available as a Visual
259Basic component?
261No, it isn't. None of the PuTTY team uses Visual Basic, and none of
262us has any particular need to make SSH connections from a Visual
263Basic application. In addition, all the preliminary work to turn it
264into a DLL would be necessary first; and furthermore, we don't even
265know how to write VB components.
267If someone offers to do some of this work for us, we might consider
268it, but unless that happens I can't see VB integration being
269anywhere other than the very bottom of our priority list.
271\S{faq-ipc}{Question} How can I use PuTTY to make an SSH connection
272from within another program?
274Probably your best bet is to use Plink, the command-line connection
275tool. If you can start Plink as a second Windows process, and
276arrange for your primary process to be able to send data to the
277Plink process, and receive data from it, through pipes, then you
278should be able to make SSH connections from your program.
280This is what CVS for Windows does, for example.
282\H{faq-details} Details of PuTTY's operation
284\S{faq-term}{Question} What terminal type does PuTTY use?
286For most purposes, PuTTY can be considered to be an \cw{xterm}
289PuTTY also supports some terminal control sequences not supported by
290the real \cw{xterm}: notably the Linux console sequences that
291reconfigure the colour palette, and the title bar control sequences
292used by \cw{DECterm} (which are different from the \cw{xterm} ones;
293PuTTY supports both).
295By default, PuTTY announces its terminal type to the server as
296\c{xterm}. If you have a problem with this, you can reconfigure it
297to say something else; \c{vt220} might help if you have trouble.
299\S{faq-settings}{Question} Where does PuTTY store its data?
301PuTTY stores most of its data (saved sessions, SSH host keys) in the
302Registry. The precise location is
304\c HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY
306and within that area, saved sessions are stored under \c{Sessions}
307while host keys are stored under \c{SshHostKeys}.
309PuTTY also requires a random number seed file, to improve the
310unpredictability of randomly chosen data needed as part of the SSH
311cryptography. This is stored by default in your Windows home
312directory (\c{%HOMEDRIVE%\\%HOMEPATH%}), or in the actual Windows
313directory (such as \c{C:\\WINDOWS}) if the home directory doesn't
314exist, for example if you're using Win95. If you want to change the
315location of the random number seed file, you can put your chosen
316pathname in the Registry, at
318\c HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\RandSeedFile
320\H{faq-howto} HOWTO questions
322\S{faq-startmax}{Question} How can I make PuTTY start up maximised?
324Create a Windows shortcut to start PuTTY from, and set it as \q{Run
327\S{faq-startsess}{Question} How can I create a Windows shortcut to
328start a particular saved session directly?
330To run a PuTTY session saved under the name \q{\cw{mysession}},
331create a Windows shortcut that invokes PuTTY with a command line
334\c \path\name\to\putty.exe @mysession
336\S{faq-startssh}{Question} How can I start an SSH session straight
337from the command line?
339Use the command line \c{putty -ssh}. Alternatively, create
340a saved session that specifies the SSH protocol, and start the saved
341session as shown in \k{faq-startsess}.
343\S{faq-cutpaste}{Question} How do I copy and paste between PuTTY and
344other Windows applications?
346Copy and paste works similarly to the X Window System. You use the
347left mouse button to select text in the PuTTY window. The act of
348selection \e{automatically} copies the text to the clipboard: there
349is no need to press Ctrl-Ins or Ctrl-C or anything else. In fact,
350pressing Ctrl-C will send a Ctrl-C character to the other end of
351your connection (just like it does the rest of the time), which may
352have unpleasant effects. The \e{only} thing you need to do, to copy
353text to the clipboard, is to select it.
355To paste the clipboard contents into a PuTTY window, by default you
356click the right mouse button. If you have a three-button mouse and
357are used to X applications, you can configure pasting to be done by
358the middle button instead, but this is not the default because most
359Windows users don't have a middle button at all.
361You can also paste by pressing Shift-Ins.
363\S{faq-tunnels}{Question} How do I use X forwarding and port
364forwarding? I can't find the Tunnels panel.
366This is a new feature in version 0.52. You should upgrade.
368\S{faq-options}{Question} How do I use all PuTTY's features (public
369keys, port forwarding, SSH v2, etc.) in PSCP, PSFTP and Plink?
371The command-line tools are currently rather short of command line
372options to enable this sort of thing. However, you can use most of
373PuTTY's features if you create a PuTTY saved session, and then use
374the name of the saved session on the command line in place of a
375hostname. This works for PSCP, PSFTP and Plink (but don't expect
376port forwarding in the file transfer applications!).
378\S{faq-pscp}{Question} How do I use PSCP.EXE? When I double-click it
379gives me a command prompt window which then closes instantly.
381PSCP is a command-line application, not a GUI application. If you
382run it without arguments, it will simply print a help message and
385To use PSCP properly, run it from a Command Prompt window. See
386\k{pscp} in the documentation for more details.
388\S{faq-pscp-spaces}{Question} How do I use PSCP to copy a file whose
389name has spaces in?
391If PSCP is using the traditional SCP protocol, this is confusing. If
392you're specifying a file at the local end, you just use one set of
393quotes as you would normally do:
395\c pscp "local filename with spaces" user@host:
396\c pscp user@host:myfile "local filename with spaces"
398But if the filename you're specifying is on the \e{remote} side, you
399have to use backslashes and two sets of quotes:
401\c pscp user@host:"\"remote filename with spaces\"" local_filename
402\c pscp local_filename user@host:"\"remote filename with spaces\""
404Worse still, in a remote-to-local copy you have to specify the local
405file name explicitly, otherwise PSCP will complain that they don't
406match (unless you specified the \c{-unsafe} option). The following
407command will give an error message:
409\c c:\>pscp user@host:"\"oo er\"" .
410\c warning: remote host tried to write to a file called 'oo er'
411\c when we requested a file called '"oo er"'.
413Instead, you need to specify the local file name in full:
415\c c:\>pscp user@host:"\"oo er\"" "oo er"
417If PSCP is using the newer SFTP protocol, none of this is a problem,
418and all filenames with spaces in are specified using a single pair
419of quotes in the obvious way:
421\c pscp "local file" user@host:
422\c pscp user@host:"remote file" .
424\H{faq-trouble} Troubleshooting
426\S{faq-incorrect-mac}{Question} Why do I see \q{Incorrect MAC
427received on packet}?
429This is due to a bug in old SSH 2 servers distributed by
430\cw{}. Version 2.3.0 and below of their SSH 2 server
431constructs Message Authentication Codes in the wrong way, and
432expects the client to construct them in the same wrong way. PuTTY
433constructs the MACs correctly by default, and hence these old
434servers will fail to work with it.
436If you are using PuTTY version 0.52 or better, this should work
437automatically: PuTTY should detect the buggy servers from their
438version number announcement, and automatically start to construct
439its MACs in the same incorrect manner as they do, so it will be able
440to work with them.
442If you are using PuTTY version 0.51 or below, you can enable the
443workaround by going to the SSH panel and ticking the box labelled
444\q{Imitate SSH 2 MAC bug}. It's possible that you might have to do
445this with 0.52 as well, if a buggy server exists that PuTTY doesn't
446know about.
448In this context MAC stands for Message Authentication Code. It's a
449cryptographic term, and it has nothing at all to do with Ethernet
450MAC (Media Access Control) addresses.
452\S{faq-pscp-protocol}{Question} Why do I see \q{Fatal: Protocol
453error: Expected control record} in PSCP?
455This happens because PSCP was expecting to see data from the server
456that was part of the PSCP protocol exchange, and instead it saw data
457that it couldn't make any sense of at all.
459This almost always happens because the startup scripts in your
460account on the server machine are generating output. This is
461impossible for PSCP, or any other SCP client, to work around. You
462should never use startup files (\c{.bashrc}, \c{.cshrc} and so on)
463which generate output in non-interactive sessions.
465This is not actually a PuTTY problem. If PSCP fails in this way,
466then all other SCP clients are likely to fail in exactly the same
467way. The problem is at the server end.
469\S{faq-colours}{Question} I clicked on a colour in the Colours
470panel, and the colour didn't change in my terminal.
472That isn't how you're supposed to use the Colours panel.
474During the course of a session, PuTTY potentially uses \e{all} the
475colours listed in the Colours panel. It's not a question of using
476only one of them and you choosing which one; PuTTY will use them
477\e{all}. The purpose of the Colours panel is to let you adjust the
478appearance of all the colours. So to change the colour of the
479cursor, for example, you would select \q{Cursor Colour}, press the
480\q{Modify} button, and select a new colour from the dialog box that
481appeared. Similarly, if you want your session to appear in green,
482you should select \q{Default Foreground} and press \q{Modify}.
483Clicking on \q{ANSI Green} won't turn your session green; it will
484only allow you to adjust the \e{shade} of green used when PuTTY is
485instructed by the server to display green text.
487\S{faq-winsock2}{Question} Plink on Windows 95 says it can't find
490Plink requires the extended Windows network library, WinSock version
4912. This is installed as standard on Windows 98 and above, and on
492Windows NT, and even on later versions of Windows 95; but early
493Win95 installations don't have it.
495In order to use Plink on these systems, you will need to download
497\W{}{WinSock 2 upgrade}:
500\c s_wunetworkingtools/w95sockets2/
502\S{faq-rekey}{Question} My PuTTY sessions close after an hour and
503tell me \q{Server failed host key check}.
505This is a bug in all versions of PuTTY up to and including 0.51. SSH
506v2 servers from \cw{} will require the key exchange to be
507repeated one hour after the start of the connection, and PuTTY will
508get this wrong.
510Upgrade to version 0.52 and the problem should go away.
512\S{faq-outofmem}{Question} After trying to establish an SSH 2
513connection, PuTTY says \q{Out of memory} and dies.
515If this happens just while the connection is starting up, this often
516indicates that for some reason the client and server have failed to
517establish a session encryption key. Somehow, they have performed
518calculations that should have given each of them the same key, but
519have ended up with different keys; so data encrypted by one and
520decrypted by the other looks like random garbage.
522This causes an \q{out of memory} error because the first encrypted
523data PuTTY expects to see is the length of an SSH message. Normally
524this will be something well under 100 bytes. If the decryption has
525failed, PuTTY will see a completely random length in the region of
526two \e{gigabytes}, and will try to allocate enough memory to store
527this non-existent message. This will immediately lead to it thinking
528it doesn't have enough memory, and panicking.
530If this happens to you, it is quite likely to still be a PuTTY bug
531and you should report it (although it might be a bug in your SSH
532server instead); but it doesn't necessarily mean you've actually run
533out of memory.
535\S{faq-outofmem2}{Question} When attempting a file transfer, either
536PSCP or PSFTP says \q{Out of memory} and dies.
538This is almost always caused by your login scripts on the server
539generating output. PSCP or PSFTP will receive that output when they
540were expecting to see the start of a file transfer protocol, and
541they will attempt to interpret the output as file-transfer protocol.
542This will usually lead to an \q{out of memory} error for much the
543same reasons as given in \k{faq-outofmem}.
545This is a setup problem in your account on your server, \e{not} a
546PSCP/PSFTP bug. Your login scripts should \e{never} generate output
547during non-interactive sessions; secure file transfer is not the
548only form of remote access that will break if they do.
550On Unix, a simple fix is to ensure that all the parts of your login
551script that might generate output are in \c{.profile} (if you use a
552Bourne shell derivative) or \c{.login} (if you use a C shell).
553Putting them in more general files such as \c{.bashrc} or \c{.cshrc}
554is liable to lead to problems.
556\S{faq-psftp-slow} PSFTP transfers files much slower than PSCP.
558We believe this is because the SFTP and SSH2 protocols are less
559efficient at bulk data transfer than SCP and SSH1, because every
560block of data transferred requires an acknowledgment from the far
561end. It would in theory be possible to queue several blocks of data
562to get round this speed problem, but as yet we haven't done the
563coding. If you really want this fixed, feel free to offer to help.
565\S{faq-bce}{Question} When I run full-colour applications, I see
566areas of black space where colour ought to be.
568You almost certainly need to enable the \q{Use background colour to
569erase screen} setting in the Terminal panel. Note that if you do
570this in mid-session, it won't take effect until you reset the
571terminal (see \k{faq-resetterm}).
573\S{faq-resetterm}{Question} When I change some terminal settings,
574nothing happens.
576Some of the terminal options (notably Auto Wrap and
577background-colour screen erase) actually represent the \e{default}
578setting, rather than the currently active setting. The server can
579send sequences that modify these options in mid-session, but when
580the terminal is reset (by server action, or by you choosing \q{Reset
581Terminal} from the System menu) the defaults are restored.
583If you want to change one of these options in the middle of a
584session, you will find that the change does not immediately take
585effect. It will only take effect once you reset the terminal.
587\S{faq-altgr}{Question} I can't type characters that require the
588AltGr key.
590In PuTTY version 0.51, the AltGr key was broken. Upgrade to version
593\S{faq-idleout}{Question} My PuTTY sessions unexpectedly close after
594they are idle for a while.
596Some types of firewall, and almost any router doing Network Address
597Translation (NAT, also known as IP masquerading), will forget about
598a connection through them if the connection does nothing for too
599long. This will cause the connection to be rudely cut off when
600contact is resumed.
602You can try to combat this by telling PuTTY to send \e{keepalives}:
603packets of data which have no effect on the actual session, but
604which reassure the router or firewall that the network connection is
605still active and worth remembering about.
607Keepalives don't solve everything, unfortunately; although they
608cause greater robustness against this sort of router, they can also
609cause a \e{loss} of robustness against network dropouts. See
610\k{config-keepalive} in the documentation for more discussion of
613\S{faq-timeout}{Question} PuTTY's network connections time out too
614quickly when network connectivity is temporarily lost.
616This is a Windows problem, not a PuTTY problem. The timeout value
617can't be set on per application or per session basis. To increase
618the TCP timeout globally, you need to tinker with the Registry.
620On Windows 95, 98 or ME, the registry key you need to change is
622\c HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\
623\c MSTCP\MaxDataRetries
625(it must be of type DWORD in Win95, or String in Win98/ME).
627On Windows NT or 2000, the registry key is
629\c HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\
630\c Parameters\TcpMaxDataRetransmissions
632and it must be of type DWORD.
634Set the key's value to something like 10. This will cause Windows to
635try harder to keep connections alive instead of abandoning them.
637\S{faq-puttyputty}{Question} When I \cw{cat} a binary file, I get
638`PuTTYPuTTYPuTTY' on my command line.
640Don't do that, then.
642This is designed behaviour; when PuTTY receives the character
643Control-E from the remote server, it interprets it as a request to
644identify itself, and so it sends back the string \q{\cw{PuTTY}} as
645if that string had been entered at the keyboard. Control-E should
646only be sent by programs that are prepared to deal with the
647response. Writing a binary file to your terminal is likely to output
648many Control-E characters, and cause this behaviour. Don't do it.
649It's a bad plan.
651To mitigate the effects, you could configure the answerback string
652to be empty (see \k{config-answerback}); but writing binary files to
653your terminal is likely to cause various other unpleasant behaviour,
654so this is only a small remedy.
656\S{faq-wintitle}{Question} When I \cw{cat} a binary file, my window
657title changes to a nonsense string.
659Don't do that, then.
661It is designed behaviour that PuTTY should have the ability to
662adjust the window title on instructions from the server. Normally
663the control sequence that does this should only be sent
664deliberately, by programs that know what they are doing and intend
665to put meaningful text in the window title. Writing a binary file to
666your terminal runs the risk of sending the same control sequence by
667accident, and cause unexpected changes in the window title. Don't do
670\S{faq-password-fails}{Question} My keyboard stops working once
671PuTTY displays the password prompt.
673No, it doesn't. PuTTY just doesn't display the password you type, so
674that someone looking at your screen can't see what it is.
676Unlike the Windows login prompts, PuTTY doesn't display the password
677as a row of asterisks either. This is so that someone looking at
678your screen can't even tell how \e{long} your password is, which
679might be valuable information.
681\S{faq-keyboard}{Question} One or more function keys don't do what I
682expected in a server-side application.
684If you've already tried all the relevant options in the PuTTY
685Keyboard panel, you may need to mail the PuTTY maintainers and ask.
687It is \e{not} usually helpful just to tell us which application,
688which server operating system, and which key isn't working; in order
689to replicate the problem we would need to have a copy of every
690operating system, and every application, that anyone has ever
691complained about.
693PuTTY responds to function key presses by sending a sequence of
694control characters to the server. If a function key isn't doing what
695you expect, it's likely that the character sequence your application
696is expecting to receive is not the same as the one PuTTY is sending.
697Therefore what we really need to know is \e{what} sequence the
698application is expecting.
700The simplest way to investigate this is to find some other terminal
701environment, in which that function key \e{does} work; and then
702investigate what sequence the function key is sending in that
703situation. One reasonably easy way to do this on a Unix system is to
704type the command \c{cat}, and then press the function key. This is
705likely to produce output of the form \c{^[[11~}. You can also do
706this in PuTTY, to find out what sequence the function key is
707producing in that. Then you can mail the PuTTY maintainers and tell
708us \q{I wanted the F1 key to send \c{^[[11~}, but instead it's
709sending \c{^[OP}, can this be done?}, or something similar.
711You should still read the
713page} on the PuTTY website (also provided as \k{feedback} in the
714manual), and follow the guidelines contained in that.
716\S{faq-broken-openssh31}{Question} Since my SSH server was upgraded to
717OpenSSH 3.1p1, I can no longer connect with PuTTY.
719There is a known problem when OpenSSH has been built against an
720incorrect version of OpenSSL; the quick workaround is to configure
721PuTTY to use SSH protocol 2 and the Blowfish cipher.
723This is not a PuTTY-specific problem; if you try to connect with
724another client you'll likely have similar problems.
726Configurations known to be broken (and symptoms):
728\b SSH 2 with AES cipher (PuTTY says "Assertion failed! Expression:
729(len & 15) == 0" in sshaes.c, or "Out of memory", or crashes)
731\b SSH 2 with 3DES (PuTTY says "Incorrect MAC received on packet")
733\b SSH 1 with Blowfish (PuTTY says "Incorrect CRC received on
736\b SSH 1 with 3DES
738For more details and OpenSSH patches, see
739\W{}{bug 138} in the
740OpenSSH BTS.
742\H{faq-secure} Security questions
744\S{faq-publicpc}{Question} Is it safe for me to download PuTTY and
745use it on a public PC?
747It depends on whether you trust that PC. If you don't trust the
748public PC, don't use PuTTY on it, and don't use any other software
749you plan to type passwords into either. It might be watching your
750keystrokes, or it might tamper with the PuTTY binary you download.
751There is \e{no} program safe enough that you can run it on an
752actively malicious PC and get away with typing passwords into it.
754If you do trust the PC, then it's probably OK to use PuTTY on it
755(but if you don't trust the network, then the PuTTY download might
756be tampered with, so it would be better to carry PuTTY with you on a
759\S{faq-cleanup}{Question} What does PuTTY leave on a system? How can
760I clean up after it?
762PuTTY will leave some Registry entries, and a random seed file, on
763the PC (see \k{faq-settings}). If you are using PuTTY on a public
764PC, or somebody else's PC, you might want to clean these up when you
765leave. You can do that automatically, by running the command
766\c{putty -cleanup}.
768\S{faq-dsa}{Question} How come PuTTY now supports DSA, when the
769website used to say how insecure it was?
771DSA has a major weakness \e{if badly implemented}: it relies on a
772random number generator to far too great an extent. If the random
773number generator produces a number an attacker can predict, the DSA
774private key is exposed - meaning that the attacker can log in as you
775on all systems that accept that key.
777The PuTTY policy changed because the developers were informed of
778ways to implement DSA which do not suffer nearly as badly from this
779weakness, and indeed which don't need to rely on random numbers at
780all. For this reason we now believe PuTTY's DSA implementation is
781probably OK. However, if you have the choice, we still recommend you
782use RSA instead.
784\H{faq-admin} Administrative questions
786\S{faq-domain}{Question} Would you like me to register you a nicer
787domain name?
789No, thank you. Even if you can find one (most of them seem to have
790been registered already, by people who didn't ask whether we
791actually wanted it before they applied), we're happy with the PuTTY
792web site being exactly where it is. It's not hard to find (just type
793\q{putty} into \W{}{} and we're the
794first link returned), and we don't believe the administrative hassle
795of moving the site would be worth the benefit.
797In addition, if we \e{did} want a custom domain name, we would want
798to run it ourselves, so we knew for certain that it would continue
799to point where we wanted it, and wouldn't suddenly change or do
800strange things. Having it registered for us by a third party who we
801don't even know is not the best way to achieve this.
803\S{faq-webhosting}{Question} Would you like free web hosting for the
804PuTTY web site?
806We already have some, thanks.
808\S{faq-sourceforge}{Question} Why don't you move PuTTY to
811Partly, because we don't want to move the web site location (see
814Also, security reasons. PuTTY is a security product, and as such it
815is particularly important to guard the code and the web site against
816unauthorised modifications which might introduce subtle security
817flaws. Therefore, we prefer that the CVS repository, web site and
818FTP site remain where they are, under the direct control of system
819administrators we know and trust personally, rather than being run
820by a large organisation full of people we've never met and which is
821known to have had breakins in the past.
823No offence to SourceForge; I think they do a wonderful job. But
824they're not ideal for everyone, and in particular they're not ideal
825for us.
827\S{faq-mailinglist1}{Question} Why can't I subscribe to the
828putty-bugs mailing list?
830Because you're not a member of the PuTTY core development team. The
831putty-bugs mailing list is not a general newsgroup-like discussion
832forum; it's a contact address for the core developers, and an
833\e{internal} mailing list for us to discuss things among ourselves.
834If we opened it up for everybody to subscribe to, it would turn into
835something more like a newsgroup and we would be completely
836overwhelmed by the volume of traffic. It's hard enough to keep up
837with the list as it is.
839\S{faq-mailinglist2}{Question} If putty-bugs isn't a
840general-subscription mailing list, what is?
842There isn't one, that we know of.
844If someone else wants to set up a mailing list for PuTTY users to
845help each other with common problems, that would be fine with us;
846but the PuTTY team would almost certainly not have the time to read
847it, so any questions the list couldn't answer would have to be
848forwarded on to us by the questioner. In any case, it's probably
849better to use the established newsgroup \cw{} for
850this purpose.
852\S{faq-donations}{Question} How can I donate to PuTTY development?
854Please, \e{please} don't feel you have to. PuTTY is completely free
855software, and not shareware. We think it's very important that
856\e{everybody} who wants to use PuTTY should be able to, whether they
857have any money or not; so the last thing we would want is for a
858PuTTY user to feel guilty because they haven't paid us any money. If
859you want to keep your money, please do keep it. We wouldn't dream of
860asking for any.
862Having said all that, if you still really \e{want} to give us money,
863we won't argue :-) The easiest way for us to accept donations is if
864you go to \W{}\cw{}, and deposit
865your donation in account number 174769. Then send us e-mail to let
866us know you've done so (otherwise we might not notice for months!).
867Alternatively, if e-gold isn't convenient for you, you can donate to
868\cw{<>} using PayPal
871Small donations (tens of dollars or tens of euros) will probably be
872spent on beer or curry, which helps motivate our volunteer team to
873continue doing this for the world. Larger donations will be spent on
874something that actually helps development, if we can find anything
875(perhaps new hardware, or a copy of Windows XP), but if we can't
876find anything then we'll just distribute the money among the
877developers. If you want to be sure your donation is going towards
878something worthwhile, ask us first. If you don't like these terms,
879feel perfectly free not to donate. We don't mind.
881\S{faq-sillyputty}{Question} Where can I buy silly putty?
883You're looking at the wrong web site; the only PuTTY we know about
884here is the name of a computer program.
886If you want the kind of putty you can buy as an executive toy, the
887PuTTY team can personally recommend Thinking Putty, which you can
888buy from Crazy Aaron's Putty World, at
891\S{faq-pronounce}{Question} How do I pronounce PuTTY?
893Exactly like the normal word \q{putty}. Just like the stuff you put
894on window frames. (One of the reasons it's called PuTTY is because
895it makes Windows usable. :-)