Catacomb's random number generators Catacomb contains a large number of pseudorandom number generators. Some are dedicated to generating pseudorandom numbers; others are ciphers in output-feedback mode. Some are cryptographically strong, others are fast or simple. All have been statistically tested and come out OK. The `rand' generator Cryptographic applications need a source of true random data. The `rand' generator is Catacomb's true-random-data source. The design is my own. I wasn't happy with any existing designs, and I'm still not -- even Counterpane's Yarrow gives me an uneasy feeling[1]. I'm not aware of any cryptanalytic attack against my generator, and I'd very much like to hear if anyone else knows differently. The generator's state is held in an object of type `rand_pool'. Data can be added into the pool using the `rand_add' function. Random numbers can be extracted by calling `rand_get'. It's possible to attach a `noise acquisition' function to a rand_pool. The function `rand_getgood' extracts a number of bytes from the generator, calling the noise acquisition function if it thinks it's low on randomness. This shouldn't actually be necessary once the generator has been topped up once. It makes the generator very slow. It's also possible to key the generator. The output transformation then depends on the key, making it even harder for an adversary to work out anything useful about the generator. The underlying transformation used by the generator is x' = E_{H(x)}(x) i.e., hash, use the hash as a key, and encrypt. [1] The Yarrow paper states that it offers 160 bits-worth of security, and that an adversary can't distinguish its output from real random bits. I have an attack which takes about 2^64 64-bit outputs and tells the difference between Yarrow-160 and real random data, by analysing the frequency of adjacent 64-bit blocks being equal. Noncryptographic generators Two pseudorandom-number generators are supplied which have no cryptographic strength whatever. They are, respectively, a traditional linear-congruential generator (lcrand) and a Fibonacci generator (fibrand). The linear-congruential generator has three (fixed) parameters, a, c and p, and calculates x[i] = (a x[i - 1] + c) mod p The prime p is fairly large (2^32 - 5, in fact), and a and c are carefully chosen. The generator has a period of p - 1. There is one fixed point (i.e., it transforms to itself rather than being in the cycle) which must be avoided. The Fibonacci generator works by adding together old results: x[i] = (x[i - 24] + x[i - 55]) mod 2^32 It has a very long period, and is the fastest pseudorandom number generator in Catacomb. These two generators are very useful when the cryptographic strength of the output isn't important, for example when choosing random numbers for primality testing. The Blum-Blum-Shub generator This is by far the strongest and by even further the slowest pseudorandom-number generator in Catacomb. Its output has been proven to be indistinguishable from random data by *any* polynomial-time test, assuming that factoring large numbers is difficult. Use the BBS generator when you're feeling really paranoid, and you've got a few hours with nothing to do. Output-feedback ciphers Ciphers in output-feedback mode simply emit a pseudorandom stream. To construct a cipher, you XOR the stream with the plaintext. It's even easier just to use the output as random numbers. Generic interface There's a fairly comprehensive generic interface for Catacomb's various generators. Each generator provides a function which returns a pointer to a `generic pseudorandom-number generator', of type `grand'. A `grand' is a structured type containing one member, `ops', which is a pointer to various useful things. Let `r' be a pointer to a generic pseudorandom-number generator; then, r->ops->name The name of the generator. r->ops->max One greater than the maximum output of the `raw' function, or zero if it just emits words. r->ops->misc(r, op, ...) Performs a miscellaneous operation. The various standard `op' values are described below. r->ops->destroy(r) Destroy the generic generator. r->ops->raw(r) Return a raw output from the generator. For `lcrand', this is an integer in the range [0, p); for other generators, it's the same as `word'. r->ops->byte(r) Return an octet. The result is uniformly distributed over the integers in the interval [0, 256). r->ops->word(r) Returns a word. The result is uniformly distributed over the integers in the interval [0, 2^32). r->ops->range(r, l) Returns an integer unformly distributed in the interval [0, l), l < 2^32. r->ops->fill(r, p, sz) Fill the sz bytes at address p with uniformly distributed bytes (i.e., integers in the interval [0, 256). All of these operations are supported by all generators. Some may be inefficient, however, since they're synthesized using operations more suited to the particular generator. For example, `word' is not efficient on the linear-congruential generator, but is for the Fibonacci generator. The misc-ops are as follows: misc(r, GRAND_CHECK, op) Return nonzero if `op' is a recognized misc-op for this generator. misc(r, GRAND_SEEDINT, s) Seed the generator using the integer s. misc(r, GRAND_SEEDUINT32, s) Seed the generator using the 32-bit word s. misc(r, GRAND_SEEDBLOCK, p, sz) Seed the generator using the block of sz bytes starting at address p. misc(r, GRAND_SEEDMP, m) Seed the generator using the multiprecision integer m. misc(r, GRAND_SEEDRAND, r') Seed the generator using some output from the generic pseudo- random number generator r'. Statistical testing I generated 10M of data with each of Catacomb's random number generators, and tested them with George Marsaglia's DIEHARD suite. While the random data is not included here, the following trivial Bourne shell script will generate the exact output streams I used, assuming that the supplied `rspit' program is in the current PATH: for i in des 3des idea blowfish rc5 rc4; do rspit $i -kseed -z10m -o$i.rand done for i in lcrand fibrand; do rspit $i -p -s0 -z10m -o$i.rand done rspit rand -p -z10m -orand.rand nice rspit bbs -p -s2 -z10m -obbs.rand (Note that generating the BBS output data can take over an hour. Make sure you have a good book to read.) Looking at the results, I think that they all passed the tests relatively convincingly. I've not actually included the DIEHARD output files in the distribution, because they're quite large, and anyone can reproduce my results exactly using the publically available DIEHARD distribution and the code supplied. If you do actually want them, send me some mail and I'll send you a 60K tar.gz file by (approximate) return. -- [mdw] Local variables: mode: text End: